I GOT IT!... He is sending it "Personal Delivery"! and He asked me to deliver it to you!!!
I have opened the door for you to be one with me. Like when two people say "I do" and, upon completion, all that one person has (assets and liabilities) becomes part of the other... that is what I want with you.
I know you have very little assets as compared to me, but I'm not in it for the money, I just want relationship. I have forgiveness for your faults; I have health for your sickness; I have peace for your worries; I have supply for your needs... I will NEVER leave you nor forsake you.!
Would you accept my proposal? All you have to do is just trust me in every decision... by making me the leader of our relationship! Just know, the very purpose of my life is to give it to you and everything you need, so don't worry, I will not abuse the relationship. On the contrary, I have and always will sacrifice my life for yours!
Would you accept me as your Lord and Savior so we can be one?
Forum leaders: This is not proselytizing, TagliageMonster asked me to send him the message.