What is square one? In the Bible there is only one literal begotten Son, Jesus the Christ.
I don't believe God ever felt He "had" to beget, as Jesus is Eternal. As long as there was the Father, there was Jesus. Triunity is God's nature... He exists and has always existed thus.
How can you deem Jesus to be the literal son of God, but then discard the title of the Son of God when the bible gives the same name to other prophets (i.e Soloman, all of Israel, etc.). This is the crux of the matter. You can either take the whole bible as literal, ascribe sonship to Jesus along with Soloman, the land of Israel and others, or you take the language as figurative (as would seem in the case of exodus 4, verse 22 "and thou shalt say unto pharaoh, thus saith the Lord, Israel is my son, even my first born") and accept that Jesus is not the son of God, just a dearly beloved prophet of his, and righteous enough to be referred to as his son, as God himself has done to other righteous personas as well.