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Jesus Son Of God Was Not Jewish !


New Member
hello ,,,​

i can't believe that jesus our god is come from jewish pepoles to all the world !!! and how can we trust that ( yahwa) [the god killer !!] is a father of jesus the lover [son of love] [ the christ ] !!​

jesus say to jewish on john (8:44) :​

Why do ye not understand my speech? [Even] because ye cannot hear my word.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father it is your will to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and standeth not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.But because I say the truth, ye believe me not.Which of you convicteth me of sin? If I say truth, why do ye not believe me? He that is of God heareth the words of God: for this cause ye hear [them] not, because ye are not of God.

- now i will ask why we should belive in ( yahawa ) and the old books ? and why we should read it and we have the new teastmant !

and other place in mathew (23-15) jesus say :

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte; and when he is become so, ye make him twofold more a son of hell than yourselves.

i wait your answers about my tread ...
thanks ... and may jesus blessed you my friends

:) :) :)


Active Member
Georgioss said:
hello ,,,​

i can't believe that jesus our god is come from jewish pepoles to all the world !!! and how can we trust that ( yahwa) [the god killer !!] is a father of jesus the lover [son of love] [ the christ ] !!​

jesus say to jewish on john (8:44) :​

Why do ye not understand my speech? [Even] because ye cannot hear my word.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father it is your will to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and standeth not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.But because I say the truth, ye believe me not.Which of you convicteth me of sin? If I say truth, why do ye not believe me? He that is of God heareth the words of God: for this cause ye hear [them] not, because ye are not of God.

- now i will ask why we should belive in ( yahawa ) and the old books ? and why we should read it and we have the new teastmant !

and other place in mathew (23-15) jesus say :

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte; and when he is become so, ye make him twofold more a son of hell than yourselves.

i wait your answers about my tread ...
thanks ... and may jesus blessed you my friends

:) :) :)

Hi there and welcome. to be honest, i'm not quite sure what your point is. i'd like to know first of all who you mean by yahwa and yahawa.

could you please explain this question a bit more too?
'now i will ask why we should belive in ( yahawa ) and the old books ? and why we should read it and we have the new teastmant !'

I'm not quite sure what you are getting at. thanks.

Ps. why don't you think Jesus was jewish? you need to give reasons...


Angel slayer
Welcome and Namaste.

Jesus was born of a Jewish family, he observed and took part in the traditions and celebrations of the Jewish community.
As for calling God a killer, I think you need to go back and read the Old Testament, God gave many people the chance to repent, but they didn't.
And don't forget that Jesus called the temple his fathers house.


Following Christ
ThisShouldMakeSense said:
...Ps. why don't you think Jesus was jewish? you need to give reasons...
orichalcum said:
Welcome and Namaste.

Jesus was born of a Jewish family, he observed and took part in the traditions and celebrations of the Jewish community...
These quotes sum up what I was going to say, and I'll wait until the thread starter returns to support his point before saying anything else.:)


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Hello Georgioss,

Nice to meet you!

As I notice that this is your first post on the forum, I thought that I would take the opportunity of welcoming you.

You might like to have a look at :- Articles for New Members ; from there, there is a link to the forum rules, which you ought to see.

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Now remmeber, any questions, if you can't work something out, just ask, there will be someone around who can help!

Hope you like it here.:D

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
I'm not sure what your problem with Jews is, but if you believe the Bible story of where and to whom Jesus was born, he was most certainly a Jew.


New Member
hello everyone and sorry beacuse i am new user here and i put this tread without any wlcome in the room of welcome !!

plz forgive me .. jesus blessed you


my problem my friends is not with jews pepoles ! my problems is with the islam pepoles cause like you know i am lebanese christians and i live in a holly islam place ..!!
i try to talk with them more than 100 times that the old tastement is old and god talk with pepoles on there language before 2000 years !! and they says : your god is a killer on how is look on the old tastment ..

trust me friends i leave my arabian forum cause that's problem !
and i want to know how can be jesus the lover and the christ son of a bad god in old tastment ! and why we should read the old book we christians !

thank you and do not understnad my way wrong plz ..


Religious Zionist
Are you then suggesting that Jesus was a pagan?:sarcastic
because during that time period there weren't many other choices in faiths...i think maybe zoroastrianism (but don't quote me on that)

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Georgioss said:
and i want to know how can be jesus the lover and the christ son of a bad god in old tastment ! and why we should read the old book we christians !

I see. Well, that is not a question I can answer, I'm afraid. I'm sure someone here can however.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Georgioss said:
hello everyone and sorry beacuse i am new user here and i put this tread without any wlcome in the room of welcome !!

plz forgive me .. jesus blessed you


my problem my friends is not with jews pepoles ! my problems is with the islam pepoles cause like you know i am lebanese christians and i live in a holly islam place ..!!
i try to talk with them more than 100 times that the old tastement is old and god talk with pepoles on there language before 2000 years !! and they says : your god is a killer on how is look on the old tastment ..

trust me friends i leave my arabian forum cause that's problem !
and i want to know how can be jesus the lover and the christ son of a bad god in old tastment ! and why we should read the old book we christians !

thank you and do not understnad my way wrong plz ..
Why do you see the Christian God as 'Bad '?:confused:

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
michel said:
Why do you see the Christian God as 'Bad '?:confused:
No, I think people have been telling him that the God of the Old Testament is bad, and he cannot reconcile that with that the loving Jesus he believes to be God. That's what I understood anyway.


Active Member
Maize said:
No, I think people have been telling him that the God of the Old Testament is bad, and he cannot reconcile that with that the loving Jesus he believes to be God. That's what I understood anyway.

yes, i'm still a bit confused as to wha he means...


New Member
Maize said:
No, I think people have been telling him that the God of the Old Testament is bad, and he cannot reconcile that with that the loving Jesus he believes to be God. That's what I understood anyway.
yes that what i am asking


Religious Zionist
...doesn't the christian gospel claim that jesus is a desendant of Abraham whose G-d was the G-d of the Torah? And islam claims a similar connection through Abraham's son Ishmael.

just a thought


Oldest Heretic
There is only one God.
The Jews of the old testament Had a view of God that was very severe and vengeful.
Jesus Corrected that view. as his teachings show in the new testament.
The God is the same, only The views about him Changed.

Blessed are the pure of heart, they shall behold their God.

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin

Are you saying that Muslims have been telling you the Old Testament God is bad? If so, it seems very strange as from my perspective the Muslim and Old Testament ideas of God are pretty similar. I don't know what type of a Christian you are (I'm Romanian Orthodox) so I don't know if this will be of much help to you, but we don't believe that Scripture fell to earth from heaven or was dictated by God. It was written by inspired men and, therefore, can contain errors, exaggerations and the like.

I'm sure that some of what people find looks evil in the Old Testament are examples of this and some others are anthropomorphisms (which means describing God or his actions by projecting human attributes, thoughts or emotion on Him) - which can never be accurate. In my opinion, God has always been like the God described in the Gospels. Where he appears as the angry God of the Old Testament I feel that this is a misinterpretation of the fallible human who wrote Scripture. The problem is with the authors and not with God. As I said, though, I find Allah equally as angry as the Old Testament God and can't understand why a Muslim would criticise the Old Testament in this vein.



One-Eyed in Blindsville
I suppose you could make the argument that Jesus was sortof half God (from his dad's side) and half Jewish (a la Mary). So in the least, he was half-Jewish.... Like Bill Mahar... Yet another similarity between those two... Have you ever noticed how they're never in the same room at the same time? :sarcastic

Seriously: The NT paints a different view of God than the OT did. But the tradition is certainly there. Jesus was the messiah (according to some) and this was a Jewish concept. In fact, part of the requirements to be messiah was that you must be a decendant of David.

Your Islam friends(?) are also fairly accurate in their assessment of the OT God. In my opinion, the book describes many brutal acts done in his name and by his hand. My moral system does not sanction many of those acts, regardless of the reasons usually offered (Usually, "The ____s were mean to the Jews, so God had a right to utterly destroy them.") So, you can disown the OT God if you want, but it (the OT) is an essential part of understanding the history and context of the NT.

Oh, and welcolm to the board. :D


Nita Okhata
KirbyFan101 said:
This thread is a







Thankyou Come Again!
Actually, I don't get that impression at all. It seems the original poster does not use english as a primary language. A few responders have picked up on that and, it seems, have figured out what he's asking....

Anyhow, I think the Old Testament is valid to Christians because it give a history of the people of God in ancient times. It also has scripture that is fulfilled in the New Testament.

My (simplified) impression of the New Testament is that one of the biggest things Jesus did during His ministry was introduce God as the loving Heavenly Father rather than the judge to all who accepted Jesus as the Savior.