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Jesus walks the earth at this very moment...


Yes.... i am saying that Maitreya of www.maitreya.org claims to be Jesus renincarnated. don`t believe me

`ye shall know them by their fruits` find out for you is it true

does Jesus walk the earth?


Well-Known Member
zzzzzzzzzz.....huh?! wha?!...zzzzzzzzzz......(thats a no, sorry bro... wow im a poet and i didnt know it!)

EDIT----- This is my 100th post!!! w00t!! *dances*:disco:

Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade

Could you at least, you know, stay in one topic? A cursory glance gives at least half a dozen threads started by you on this very subject. It's annoyingly akin to spam.

Here be the relevant bits of my reply from an earlier topic on Maitreya:

I remember a discussion on this subject a while back. I must admit to not putting great stock in biblical prophecies or supposed genealogies as 'proof' of a divine messenger, though I'd certainly welcome further clarification on this Maitreya person.

Incidentally, I note that while he has stolen a Taoist symbol, we're not worth a mention on his front page. The cheek of it! ;)


Flaming Queer
erm, sorry, had a bit of Deja vu....

i believe that the Deity Jesus Christ resides in the Heavens/summer lands, and though he may watch us and care for us, and send us his comfort, he does not reside with us as i believe he once did

but hey, that's just my belief :shrug:


Flaming Queer
MaddLlama said:
He'd probably want to meet this guy I know - he's the reincarnation of Merlin dontchaknow.

merlin, merlin *ponders this* ..... i think i was a druid in a past life, does that come close?


Veteran Member
The title of this thread should read, "Satan walks the earth at this very moment".

There will bemany antichrist's, before Christ returns to set up his kingdom.


Harvey Wallbanger
COME ON PEOPLE!!!! Everybody knows Jesus is here, I just saw him last week at the laundry-mat. He was washing his socks and undies with Elvis and Jimmy Hoffa! Now check out this web-site and convert!!!!!!


Oh wait...... guess that site is for different opinions on the matter.......:)


Deviled Hen
drew22 said:
Yes.... i am saying that Maitreya of www.maitreya.org claims to be Jesus renincarnated. don`t believe me

`ye shall know them by their fruits` find out for you is it true

does Jesus walk the earth?
I already asked you a bunch of questions in this thread that you started (but could not be bothered to attend further):


How about you start by addressing some of the points I raised?

Or are you too afraid and/or unknowledable to defend how maitreya's website misquotes, abuses, and even invents texts of my religion?

btw, every time you post here and do not answer these questions, you can look forward to the same response from me.



Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Call me naive, but I trust the wisdom of the Body of Christ to know when Christ has returned.


Well-Known Member
joeboonda said:
Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father, He will be back, and everyone will know it.

How can a man who never existed come back, all I know is that an energy that made up Jesus is already amongst us, and its not me?


Lord of the Badgers
Why would Christ take the name of a Bodhisattva? Thats just being confusing for the sake of it!


Deviled Hen
sojourner said:
Call me naive, but I trust the wisdom of the Body of Christ to know when Christ has returned.

Given how Jesus was received the first time around, I'm curious as to why you would make such an assumption?

(There are other NT passages that may apply to whether the recognition will be so universal in the body of Christ, but that would turn this into a wholly different thread If you want we can start one elsewhere I suppose, but I'm more interested in an exploration of the possibile meanings of those passages than an argument.)


Deviled Hen
Halcyon said:
Why would Christ take the name of a Bodhisattva? Thats just being confusing for the sake of it!

From a Baha'i pov, it's not confusing at all.

All the "major" religions have ideas about a figure who will return and usher in a Golden Era of peace and prosperity for humanity. In Buddhism it's Maitreya or the 5th Buddha. In Hinduism, it's Krishna Yahyah, in Zoroastrianism, Shah Bahram, in Judaism, Moshiach, in Christianity, the Return of Christ, in Islam it's the Mahdi (there are some other names as well).

When I was reading various religious texts as an atheist, they all looked to be expressing the same basic idea about some future figure, and I considered the possibility they might all be pointing to the same thing anyway.

Um, which is what eventually made it easier to accept the notion that God might exist, since I can't think of any workable explanation for how so many religions across time and the Earth can have so much in common. But I digress...

Anyway, if it's true that all of these names are referring to one person, then it's sensible for Christ Returned to call Himself by any of the other names I listed above as well.


Veteran Member
All will know when Christ returns to earth to set up His kingdom.

Joseph Smith Inspired version
Matthew 24: 27

For as the light of the morning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west, and covereth the whole earth; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.


King James version
Matthew 24: 27

For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.