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Jesus was a Buddhist


Veteran Member
jonmarkgo said:
joeboonda is obviously too closed minded for this thread and he cant understand what i am trying to say.
Isn't this being a bit rude. You seem to say anyone who believes in 'religion' is close-minded.


There are actually non-canonical gopsels,which do proport to account for the childhood and adolecnse of christ,I have not read them,but I don't believe any mention India.(Google the Nag Hammadi library.)
It is physchically feasable Christ went to India,however why the son of a Gallilean carpenter would go and why is not clear.The biggest evidence against it is the lack of solid definite Buddhist doctrines and beliefs in the gospels.
There where Jewish communties in India at the time I believe perhaps Christ's teachings spread through these.


Well-Known Member
Hi, well, I actually was being 'closed-minded' in the way I posted, and I meant it to be that way. It was just the approach I used, a quick reply to show my thoughts, I would like to have written a detailed answer as to why I don't accept that 'Jesus was a Buddhist'. I won't, but would like to say that there are differences and similarities in all religions, all men having been given, as Romans says, the creation, to show a creator, and the laws of God written in our heart, a conscience. We have a brain, and a spirit, so, many religions have moral values, etc. that are similar. There are differences, too, and then one must examine them to see which is truth and which is error, something we can all do on our own. Let me say, from a Christian view, Jesus came into the world to die. To die for our sins, afterwhich he rose again from the grave. He said He is the only way to Heaven, as He is the only one who could pay for our sins, and did. The Bible says that at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. This would include Buddha. Now Buddha, Mohammad, Hare Krishna, Reverend Moon, and many others are still in their graves, but Jesus is risen again. His teachings were, I think, on an even higher plane than all these, (love your enemy comes to mind), yet this was not the important thing. The main thing, is He came to die. And He defeated death, rising from the grave. This puts Him higher than Buddha, so I would not call Him a Buddhist. Its interesting to speculate, I suppose, but the Bible is silent on most of His life before His 3 year ministry begun at age 30. Other books that contain His exploits before this were rejected because of other fanciful stories and errors that did not meet canon criterion. I won't go into it, just wanted to post.


Holding All and None
I'll say this. It's very possible that Jesus could've done that in the 18 years he wasn't talked about in the Bible. Gauatma may have had nice talks with Jesus about things and they both went on their merry ways to teach the world about stuff from two perspectives. And jonmarkgo, joeboonda, from my experience, is someone who is a bit too comfortable in their one religion, but that's how the world works sometimes, as much as I hate it myself.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I am comfortable not in a religion, but with Christ, who said HE is the truth. If I have the truth, I have the truth, I will still study the others, but, hey, if I found that one plus one is two, why listen to someone who still doesn't know the answer? It is not wrong to know that you know the truth, and want to tell others, it is wrong if you do not tell them. Call me narrow-minded all you want, I have been studying this stuff since I was a child and I am 40 now, and still studying. I have simply found answers that I feel are valid truths. Do you not think one can know the truth and the truth can set them free? Truth is truth, error is error, false is false. One can figure out the real truth if they look for it.

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
joeboonda said:
Yes, I am comfortable not in a religion, but with Christ, who said HE is the truth. If I have the truth, I have the truth, I will still study the others, but, hey, if I found that one plus one is two, why listen to someone who still doesn't know the answer? It is not wrong to know that you know the truth, and want to tell others, it is wrong if you do not tell them. Call me narrow-minded all you want, I have been studying this stuff since I was a child and I am 40 now, and still studying. I have simply found answers that I feel are valid truths. Do you not think one can know the truth and the truth can set them free? Truth is truth, error is error, false is false. One can figure out the real truth if they look for it.
But I know the truth. So who's truth is "true"? Well that's all a matter of opinion isn't it? So even though you may believe you know the truth, it is still your opinion. Just as it is everyone elses opinion as well. Do not equate opinion with fact. It isn't good for one's humility.


Done here.
Master Vigil said:
But I know the truth. So who's truth is "true"? Well that's all a matter of opinion isn't it? So even though you may believe you know the truth, it is still your opinion. Just as it is everyone elses opinion as well. Do not equate opinion with fact. It isn't good for one's humility.
"No man hath certainly known, nor shall certainly know, that which he saith about the gods and about all things; for, be that which he saith ever so perfect, yet does he not know it; all things are matters of opinion."

- Xenophanes of Kolophon


Glass half Panda'd
NuGnostic said:
(Google the Nag Hammadi library.)

Are you sure it's from the Nag Hammadi Library? I thought Yeshua's early childhood was recorded in Jubalies... I was prolly mistaken though...

and this has nothing to do with the original topic! go me!


Well-Known Member
Master Vigil said:
But I know the truth. So who's truth is "true"? Well that's all a matter of opinion isn't it? So even though you may believe you know the truth, it is still your opinion. Just as it is everyone elses opinion as well. Do not equate opinion with fact. It isn't good for one's humility.
I understand what you are saying. I am interested in knowing exactly what you believe to be the truth in spriritual matters. We all have opinions, i know, but those opinions come from somewhere. Mine came from actually trying different religions and ideas, and questioning Christianity, and the more I learned through study and real life experiences, I came back to Christianity. Not Christianity the religion, actually Christ the person. He said He is the way, the truth, and the light, no man comes to the Father but by Him. Now, that is a profound statement. Something I can analyze and study about. Was he lying or delusional, or was he telling the truth? He said He must die for our sins, is that true or not? The more I studied about the man, his words, the prophecies about him, the more I came to understand and (for me), to know that He is the Truth, and the only name given to men by which we may be saved. I admire other people's spiritual pursuits and journeys, many do not even acknowledge the spriritual aspect of their being, so that is great. I just feel we can know the truth if we search for it with all our hearts. Yes, its my opinion, but based on many things, facts being just one. I am humble enough to learn from others, but strong enough to proclaim what I believe to be the truth. "They call me the seeker.....been searchin' low and high!"


Active Member
So if Jesus was a Jew , was it possible that he was a part of Buddhism ? That he could have studied learned and grew from the teachings of Buddha?