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Jesus wrote what on the ground?


Chapter 21 of John is spurious, added in AFTER it "officially" ended with chapter 20.
Study textual and/or higher criticism, to find the truth about the gospel of John.
There is not one word in that gospel possible of having been original from Jesus' mouth.
All was fabricated in the second century, more than 100 years after Pentecost.
Chapter 17 is THE proof for the "production".
"John" heard Jesus praying verbatim, while he and the other apostles were at a distance tired and SLEEPING.
John is a joke.


Active Member
In textual criticism you compare early manuscripts of the bible. Scholars that have dedicated their lives studying about 5000 of these early manuscripts have found proof the bible has been changed along the way. ALOT. That's what he's trying to say.


djewleu, sorry, but I can hardly even understand your ramblings.
What's so hard to understand?
John's gospel is a production of the second century, some 50 years after some apostle John died!
There is nothing in that gospel that we can say with absolute certainty to be genuine words of Jesus.
Chapter 17 is THE proof of John's gospel's fraudulent origin.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
What's so hard to understand is your flamboyant, incindiary, and fragmented writing style.


Let's go racing boys !
"This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not." John 8:6.

Nothing inspired by the holy ghost, for sure; otherwise it would have been inserted in the tale.
And then the church was told about this incident only 60 years after Pentecost, through a theological John!
It smells a rat!
We know the so-called “pericope of the adulterous woman” is a forgery, don’t we know?
Therefore: Did Jesus write on the sand or not?
If so, was it inspired scripture?
The "Sacred College of Twelve" was present at the writing!
Did any consider it inspired?
Does this incident DISCREDIT the gospel?

OMG will you please give it a rest......This incident discredits nothing
Sacred College of Twelve? :rolleyes:


New Member
Reading this I see people looking for understanding but quarrel over something so little. If the bible can mislead us then we are doomed. Whether he wrote in the sand or not is trivial to the over all big picture. We are call into relationship with the Father so we can gain wisdom and understanding.

Often I see debates and people arguing this and that to make their point and often that is what it is, their point. Many different “preachers” have said that God showed them what Yahshua had written in the sand. Funny thing is there are several different things that have been spoken so is man a liar or Yahweh? Too often men have tried to come across as great men of Yahweh but have only been men of god. There is a difference.

Many beliefs have a god or gods, but Yahweh is a name given and applies to only the Father and is not generic. Is this important? To me it is but I would not argue with others about it for it is okay for it not to be important to them.

For believers to discuss this is good but to argue or quarrel is fruitless. To do the same with non-believers is often pointless and does no justice for what Yahshua came to do. If a non-believer wishes to discuss things then it should be just that, a discussion and it is easy to tell one from the other.

If this was not just a story added later on as suggested, then I think Christ was just was just passing time while he waited for the last stone to drop. Instead of standing there arms folded looking them over he simple bent down and did not look at anyone. Much like a parent might do with their children if they were fighting, talk to them then tell them that they will be back in a few minutes to give them time to think things over. Was this Yahweh inspired? No not at all, it is just what I think. My faith does not stand on one thing or what was written or not written in the sand. I think it more interesting what people think that might have been going on and not putting too much weight on it.


The choreography puts it that Jesus wrote something.
It does not say he pretended he was writing.
What he wrote was not inspired scripture.
What a pity!
The very first [and only] time Jesus writes something, and what a bad luck that it wasn't inspired text!
What bad luck, indeed!

In Biblical context by the way.....inspired means God Breathed....


We are called into relationship with the Father so we can gain wisdom and understanding.

Terrible hogwash.
Who calls, here?
The Father?!...
Why would such an almighty Father LOSE it when the problem was small, in the beginning?
That is, if the Father is now busy calling us to have a relationship with him, he is a failure; was a failure when he called the first time and lost us!
Hogwash established in superstition.
I find these religious concepts utterly absurd and stupid.
Imagine an Almighty Father losing in some battle for our attention!!


Active Member
Whether he wrote in the sand or not is trivial to the over all big picture. We are call into relationship with the Father so we can gain wisdom and understanding.

Let's step back and really look at the big picture. Does it make sense that God would write a book so hard to understand that everyone argues about its meaning? There are over 30 000 different denominations of Christianity. And that's the people that actually believe the bible is authentic. That sounds more like a book humans would write.


Let's go racing boys !
Let's step back and really look at the big picture. Does it make sense that God would write a book so hard to understand that everyone argues about its meaning? There are over 30 000 different denominations of Christianity. And that's the people that actually believe the bible is authentic. That sounds more like a book humans would write.
:faint:....Humans did write it.....None of those different denominations say God wrote it but that the Bible is the inspired word of God.....
No it's not hard to understand it's so easy even a child can understand....;)


Active Member
Exactly, I agree 100%. The stars could inspire me to write something but it doesn't mean it's not fiction. Many people think God actually wrote the bible.


Exactly, I agree 100%. The stars could inspire me to write something but it doesn't mean it's not fiction. Many people think God actually wrote the bible.

Bible is Fiction.
And yet, MILLIONS of human beings suffered at the hands of those blessing the Bible!!
The Bible will be burned in heaven!


(inspired) interpretation matters far more than the actual texts (whatever they may be).

what you yourSelf TAKE from a thing
is far more important that what that thing
actually is, or isn't.


re The writing on the ground?

I like mystery.

For me it's the most engaging part of the story.

The "don't cast stones at people" for being imperfect
is a no brainer for me.
The idea that we are all imperfect is a no brainer to me.
The idea of judge not lest you be judged accordingly
is also a no brainer to me.

But the mysterious writing in the sand.....

it gives pause.


It doesn't MATTER what he wrote on the ground.

What matters more are your personal reflections
on what he may or mayn't have written (in the sand?) on the ground.
Or on what meaning that action might symbolically hold.

(weather you believe the story actually happened or not.
weather you believe jesus really existed or not.
it's an exercise. it doesn't matter.)
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"This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not." John 8:6.

Nothing inspired by the holy ghost, for sure; otherwise it would have been inserted in the tale.
And then the church was told about this incident only 60 years after Pentecost, through a theological John!
It smells a rat!
We know the so-called “pericope of the adulterous woman” is a forgery, don’t we know?
Therefore: Did Jesus write on the sand or not?
If so, was it inspired scripture?
The "Sacred College of Twelve" was present at the writing!
Did any consider it inspired?
Does this incident DISCREDIT the gospel?

The 12 verses of John 7:53-8:11 have obviously been added to the original text of John’s Gospel. They are not found in the Sinaitic Manuscript or the Vatican Manuscript No. 1209, though they do appear in the sixth-century Codex Bezae and later Greek manuscripts. They are omitted, however, by most of the early versions. It is evident that they are not part of John’s Gospel. One group of Greek manuscripts places this passage at the end of John’s Gospel; another group puts it after Luke 21:38, supporting the conclusion that it is a spurious and uninspired text.