In case you're not paying attention, this thread is not in a debate forum. I'm looking for answers from Jewish RFers, please.
As a Christian, I know who I believe Jesus Christ to be. I also know that Muslims consider Him to be a great prophet and teacher but not the Son of God. They don't believe He ever claimed to be divine or that He was resurrected from the dead. What do Jews think about the man, Jesus? I know they don't see Him in the same way Christians do, as the Son of God, the Messiah, the Redeemer of the world, etc. and I suspect they don't see Him as the Muslims do either. I'm almost guessing that they believe that He never really existed or (more likely) that they hold a very negative view of Him, considering Him to be a blasphemer and a fraud. Am I right, or do they think of Him more like the Muslims do?