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Joseph Smith - Prophet of God


Well-Known Member
For example, I know you felt "reprimanded" when you were told about certain forum rules (i.e. the DIR forum rule). This is something that has happened to everyone and it seems most people move on with a better understanding of the rule.

Today I have received an actual infraction for breaking the DIR rule. I will never again reply to anyone who is a LDS, even newbies. I will never reply to any LDS-related post or read messages in any LDS-related forum. Even in the Real World, when the missionaries call me again asking for a sit-down, the answer will be no.


Well-Known Member
Today I have received an actual infraction for breaking the DIR rule. I will never again reply to anyone who is a LDS, even newbies. I will never reply to any LDS-related post or read messages in any LDS-related forum. Even in the Real World, when the missionaries call me again asking for a sit-down, the answer will be no.

And that just furthers my argument that you're too senstive. Do you know how many times I've been banned? :D


Veteran Member
Neither does it support the very remote possiblity they did. As I've pointed out much long ago in ancient threads, there is no way peoples of that age, ie 600 bce could build ocean going vessels, let alone navigate across the Atlantic. The Egyptians were noted for sailing only in sight of the coastline. As for the Jews, hardly a noted sea faring race now.

Melissa G

You've pointed that out with cold, hard evidence?

Really? :areyoucra

Point again. :sarcastic


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Melissa G
Neither does it support the very remote possiblity they did. As I've pointed out much long ago in ancient threads, there is no way peoples of that age, ie 600 bce could build ocean going vessels, let alone navigate across the Atlantic. The Egyptians were noted for sailing only in sight of the coastline. As for the Jews, hardly a noted sea faring race now.

Melissa G"

Finding North America in small wooden vessels is not that difficult. One either follows the southerly route and finds the "Westerlies" and arrives in the Carribean, or one finds the currents which lead one across the north Atlantic to New foundland and Labrador.

The Vikings appear to have done it in ships that were not that technologically advanced over the ships of the Mediterranean in 600 BCE.


Melissa G

Non Veritas Verba Amanda
Originally Posted by Melissa G
Neither does it support the very remote possiblity they did. As I've pointed out much long ago in ancient threads, there is no way peoples of that age, ie 600 bce could build ocean going vessels, let alone navigate across the Atlantic. The Egyptians were noted for sailing only in sight of the coastline. As for the Jews, hardly a noted sea faring race now.

Melissa G"

Finding North America in small wooden vessels is not that difficult. One either follows the southerly route and finds the "Westerlies" and arrives in the Carribean, or one finds the currents which lead one across the north Atlantic to New foundland and Labrador.

The Vikings appear to have done it in ships that were not that technologically advanced over the ships of the Mediterranean in 600 BCE.


The Vikings did indeed cross the Atlantic via Greenland. That's a whole different scenario. The Vikings as I'm sure you know, were noted mariners, and could at least navigate. Anything regarding middle eastern peoples of the 600bce era doing the same is pure supposition.

Melissa G


Well-Known Member
The Vikings did indeed cross the Atlantic via Greenland. That's a whole different scenario. The Vikings as I'm sure you know, were noted mariners, and could at least navigate. Anything regarding middle eastern peoples of the 600bce era doing the same is pure supposition.

Melissa G

There's every reason to consider that the Welsh crossed the Atlantic in smaller craft than the Vikings some three hundred years earlier. There is evidence to suggest that stone age man crossed the Atlantic in canoes going from ice floe to ice floe.

Even Columbus made a stop in the Canaries, you know.

Lindberg's Spirit of St. Louis was NOT the first aircraft to fly the Atlantic.

The Phoenicians were prodigious mariners in the fourth century BCE, there is some evidence that the Phoenicians made some voyages through Gates of Hercules and along the coast of Africa quite early. Centuries before Julius Caesar conquered Britain, the British Isles were known as the "Tin Isles" because of trade with the civilizations of the Mediterranean.





New Member
The Old Testament prophet Amos taught that "the Lord God will do nothing but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7). During the difficult infant days of Christianity Paul taught the same principle: that prophets and apostles would always serve as the foundation of Christ's true church. He declared that prophets and apostles would be needed for the work of the ministry until all come in the unity of the faith in Jesus Christ (see Ephesians 4:11-13).

These scriptures make it clear that wherever the true gospel of Christ is ministered, it will be directed through a prophet of God. The Savior also knew that false prophets would rise up and decieve many, and so gave this piece of counsel concerning true prophets: "ye shall know them by their fruits... a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit" (Matthew 7:16-18).

Undoubtedly many false prophets have come forth since the time of Christ. We have even seen some in our own day such as David Koresh, and Warren Jeffs, who each have been exposed by the evil fruits of their works.

In harmony with the teachings of Amos, Paul, and Christ himself, true prophets have also come forth in the due time of the Lord, and heeded the divine call to reveal truth and minister the true gospel of Christ. After a long season in which a famine of prophetic leadership prevailed, God chose once again to call a prophet.

In the spring of 1820 God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ appeared in person to a mere boy and commissioned him to a divine work. Joseph Smith was called to be the mouthpiece of God to man, just as all the holy ancient prophets had been. Through this prophet, God restored truths that had been corrupted, priesthood authority that had been lost, and a church organization that had been dormant since the days of the early Apostles.

The fruits that have proceeded from the ministry of Joseph Smith are many and are far from evil. The good fruits produced by this tree include a worldwide church that is active and dilligent in the preaching of salvation through Christ, the establishment of additional scripture that further clarifies the doctrines of the gospel, the providing of relief to the poor and the needy, and the rearing of families with strong moral values just to name a few.

Joseph Smith was not a perfect man, but he was a good man who was called of God to be a prophet to the world. And though he was persecuted for his testimony of Christ, he was dilligent and faithful in his call as a true prophet of God.

All honest seekers of truth must at least consider with sincerity the mission and fruits of the prophet Joseph Smith. Either Joseph was indeed a true prophet or he was a deceiptful fraud.

If he was a true prophet then the doctrines and authority that he restored are pure and true.

If he was not a true prophet...
- either the major fruits of his labor must be evil
- or somehow good fruit came from a corrupt tree despite what Christ taught

So where do you stand?

Joseph Smith is a true Prophet of God.