So at secondary school, when I was taught religious education, why was it only Christianity?2) Christanity did not force people to become Christian, they willingly converted.
When I have a beard as I follow Nazarite laws, why is that not accepted as globally holy?
When our festivals are all Christian orientated, who has a chance of escaping these, when they are wrong .
Why do people invade my privacy by knocking on my door and force feeding my family Christianity, which I know and can show where is wrong .
Why do our politicians, presume to use Christianity as a weapon of mass destruction.
Why do people shout at me and give me Christian leaflets in the street .
Plus loads more and havent even started on murdering our arch-bishop (head of UK Church 666AD), so all Pagan UK traditions could easily be accumulated as being Christianity .plus then rescaling our musical notation, so all music is depressing and incorrect ..
The weird bit is like with the Nazarite (Zan-A-rites) laws, i follow and know Yeshua personally....
i was raised in a large Christian its not being bias, just willing to look for the truth and not settle for things that are wrong
Yeshua was the Christ and is to be.....
Christianity follows the Pharisees and is against him...
So personally feel, maybe we need another religion to at least give people a chance to follow Christ, without having to be force fed Christianity.