So it is the first of the month again, so that means rent is due.
And now the rate of infection has skyrocketed up, 30, 40 thousand new infections every day. The number of deaths has not increased according, so that is good, but the death toll is still increasing by hundreds every day. 129 000 dead as of this post.
I wonder what it will be like next month. Will the numbers be down, up, or the same? Will the trumpster fire start recommending people wear masks and social distance? We will see.
Today is May the first. In the U.S. as of this day there have been 64 742 deaths from Covid 19. There are thousands dying from this every day, and tens of thousands of new infections every day.
And these numbers are expected to increase as businesses open and social distancing eases off.
I am just putting this here as a marker, a signpost in time.
It is one month later. There are still tens of thousands of new cases of Covid 19 every day in the US. Approximately one thousand people are still dying from this disease each and every day. 106 000 people dead at this point in time.
And now you have major protests and riots throughout the US. Cities are burning. And the White House is focused on s petty feud with Twitter.
Tell me, is America Great Again yet?
And now the rate of infection has skyrocketed up, 30, 40 thousand new infections every day. The number of deaths has not increased according, so that is good, but the death toll is still increasing by hundreds every day. 129 000 dead as of this post.
I wonder what it will be like next month. Will the numbers be down, up, or the same? Will the trumpster fire start recommending people wear masks and social distance? We will see.