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Just Accidental?

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Freedom Of Mind
My point being you are not interested enough in the truth to bring your knowledge of the topic to the bare minimum level required to understand the answer.

Where's the answer? just quote it so we can discuss it.
This sources is much closer to the answer, but my question is how the mutations occurred
that led to the complexity of the human brain.


Only God knows why he created any particular lifeform....why don't you ask him? :)

All I know for sure is that when the Creator's will is "done on earth as it is in heaven", no organism will do harm to any creature.

Isaiah 11:6-9:
"And the wolf will actually reside for a while with the male lamb, and with the kid the leopard itself will lie down, and the calf and the maned young lion and the well-fed animal all together; and a mere little boy will be leader over them. 7 And the cow and the bear themselves will feed; together their young ones will lie down. And even the lion will eat straw just like the bull. 8 And the sucking child will certainly play upon the hole of the cobra; and upon the light aperture of a poisonous snake will a weaned child actually put his own hand. 9 They will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my holy mountain; because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea."

Sounds about right to me. ;)
Only God knows why he created any particular lifeform....why don't you ask him? :)
I'm a tad disappointed, especially when you have been slamming 'scientists' and 'evolution' for not providing the answers to your questions.

For the other creatures affected by the continuing impact of corrupt humanity, their altered environment is leading to all manner of organisms invading bodies where they ought not to be. Nothing in this world is how it was meant to be.

Can you provide any examples of how the 'altered environment' is responsible for the existence of harmful parasites?

All I know for sure is that when the Creator's will is "done on earth as it is in heaven", no organism will do harm to any creature.
And you know this from your interpretation of the Bible, which in this case is literal. So how did all these 'kinds' fit into Noah's ark, or do you interpret that differently?


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
How are you ever going to get laid unless someone thinks you're beautiful? You can't make babies without getting laid, can you?
That's the survival advantage to being beautiful. You're more likely to pass on those beautiful traits to the next generation, thus ensuring that they get laid and make pretty babies too...
That's really all there is to it, in a simplified form.

What is the evolutionary definition of "beautiful" in its simplified form? Why do we humans think these ducks, and many other creatures, are beautiful? I have no desire to mate with a duck.
or anything else that I find attractive. It doesn't stop me from admiring them. Do ducks think that geese are attractive? Do swans think that herons are beautiful?

Where did the 'program' for admiring beauty come from? If we couldn't see it because we had no eyes, would we still think things were beautiful? Where did eyes come from? Chicken or egg question...which came first? Eyes to see the beauty.....a brain to interpret what is seen....or the beauty itself? What happened before eyes were 'evolved'?
How does a creature who has never seen, know that sight would be beneficial? How did it then give itself the ability to interpret the images projected by the eye to the brain? All just curious accidents of nature?...you can just throw the old "natural selection" blanket over it and pretend the question doesn't matter?

Why do you have the physical traits that you have? Is it because you just willed them into existence one day? Or is it because of hundreds of thousands of factors outside of your control that preceded your "creation"? How many times did your parents have sex before you were conceived? How many possible versions of you could there have been before there was you? What role did you play in any of it?

Hmmmm.....the physical traits I have were a combination of the genetic information given to me at conception. I am the product of many gene pools down through history and I had no say in any of it. But I don't believe that the multitude of interdependent systems that keep my body working were a fluke of nature, millions of years in the making. I see design in every system and the interworkings of them are nothing short of genius. It took a genius to design and manufacture them....not blind chance mutations.

Anyone with knowledge of computers, knows that there are many components working together to make the 'machine' that we use every day. If those components are not assembled in a certain way by intelligent minds and hands, would we expect the computer to work?
What if we had a fully functional computer, but no power source? How useful would that computer be?

If I was to roll the individual components around in a cement mixer for a couple of million years, what are the odds that a fully functioning computer would pop out at the other end? Would chance play a part in the production of even the simplest component? Can even the basic components of a mousetrap be wrongly assembled so as to render it useless? Yet you want me to believe that the human brain, vastly superior to any computer produced by man, just designed itself by natural selection and a few billion favorable mutations over millions of years?.....And you think my beliefs are fantasy?

The social structure of the duck species that you've imaged here have them predisposed to selecting mates based on their current concepts of beauty.

Where did their concept of beauty come from? Why do we share their concept of beauty, yet have no desire to mate with them? Why do the majority of humans find the same things attractive? Why do we love to create? Why do we create art or theatre or poetry? Are we just advanced apes...and will all the other apes eventually catch up to us?

Wild variations from the norm will make it more difficult for an abnormal duck to find a mate and produce offspring. Different ducks will be outcasts, getting the last scraps of food and mating with other abnormal ducks. If there is a wild variation that manages to produce some type of environmental advantage to the duck population, that characteristic will eventually be adapted into the culture and accepted as desirable over time. You can see these same behaviors in all living species - including humans - yet you're somehow offended by the assertion that we are animals... Why?

We are creatures like all the rest, made of the same stuff....no one disputes that, but we humans have characteristics and traits that make us unique among all of earth's inhabitants.
We alone dominate all other creatures. But has our superior intellect advanced us in the important ways? I see the world at present telling me that humans are basically stupid and selfish. We are so clever that we have brought this earth and everything on it to the brink of extinction...yet still we continue on our merry way unconcerned. You really think science is worthy of praise? For every good thing science has produced, there are many more that are death dealing.

Even if there is "wild variation" in anything, the ducks will remain ducks no matter how much time elapses. Adaptation within a species has never been in question. It is the ridiculous lengths that evolutionists go to incorporate the proven with the unprovable. Since no one was there to document the process, all science can do is guess what "might have" or "could have" taken place because this or that fragment "may suggest" that something happened...but that is not proof.....and that is my point.

Call it a theory if you like......but to call it a "fact" is a lie and a complete deception.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
With all these scriptures, God must have said something about it somewhere. You have read them, any indication of why he did it?

With theist Hindus, it is clear - 8,400,000 life forms (substantiated by science). Souls are required to pass through all these before one gets the human form. People should make the best use of the opportunity by doing good deeds and get out of the cycle, otherwise another cycle of birth and death.

"Punarapi jananam, punarapi maranam, punarapi garbhashayanam".
(Again the birth, again the death, again remaining in the womb)

"Humans share the planet with as many as 8.7 million different forms of life, according to what is being billed as the most accurate estimate yet of life on Earth.Aug 23, 2011."
(Google Search - Number of life forms on Earth)

"This cycle is also known as “Lakh Chaurasi” meaning the cycle of 8,400,000 lineages of life forms." http://www.justforkidsonly.com/truth/?tag=lakh-chaurasi
"Chaurasi Lakh means 8,400,000. This is the number of different joons (lifeforms) that constitute the circle of transmigration." http://www.info-sikh.com/DDPage2.html

I am not a believer in disembodied spirits or souls of humans floating off to inhabit other bodies, so the idea of reincarnation is a little silly to me...just as my beliefs will be a little silly to you. To each his own.

I killed a cockroach yesterday...was I doing someone a favor?
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Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Except for the fact that any honest answer will not convince you....

Mestemia, I have never seen you post anything but negative comments.
You are just a sniper with no ammunition.....what is your purpose here?


Admiral Obvious
Mestemia, I have never seen you post anything but negative comments.
You are just a sniper with no ammunition.....what is your purpose here?
Cannot expect someone who thinks strawmen and lies are valid to understand, now can we?


Be your own guru
I killed a cockroach yesterday...was I doing someone a favor?
Not a good thing to do. Did it give you any pleasure to kill another living being? It must have hurt it. Yeah, the soul of the cockroach will transfer to another life-form, but you certainly did not do good for your own future. Who knows, probably this act of yours and others such will make you go through another cycle of birth and death. I am not happy about that. Saint Kabir said:

"Durlabh mānus janam hai, deh na bārambār;
taruvar jyon patti jhade, bahuri na lāge dār."

It is difficult to get the human form, you don't get it again and again
Like a leaf fallen from a tree, it does not attach itself again to the branch.

"Rāt gavāi soy ke, divas gavāyā khāy;
hīra janam amol thā, kodi badle jāy."

You have spent your nights in sleeping, and the day in eating;
The human form was precious, and you exchanged it for a cowri shell.

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Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Not a good thing to do. Did it give you any pleasure to kill another living being? It must have hurt it. Yeah, the soul of the cockroach will transfer to another life-form, but you certainly did not do good for your own future. Who knows, probably this act of yours and others such will make you go through another cycle of birth and death. I am not happy about that. Saint Kabir said:

"Durlabh mānus janam hai, deh na bārambār;
taruvar jyon patti jhade, bahuri na lāge dār."

It is difficult to get the human form, you don't get it again and again
Like a leaf fallen from a tree, it does not attach itself again to the branch.

"Rāt gavāi soy ke, divas gavāyā khāy;
hīra janam amol thā, kodi badle jāy."

You have spent your nights in sleeping, and the day in eating;
The human form was precious, and you exchanged it for a cowri shell.

I am sure that is deep and meaningful to you....but totally incomprehensible to me. I find it cartoonish...even childish.
I am surprised at someone with your intellect can subscribe to it.

This concept of rebirth and earning a better existence in the next life sounds a bit like emotional blackmail to me.

My God requires that we love him from the heart, not because of the fear of what he might do to us in the next life....though Christendom has basically introduced that fear by inventing "hell". There is no such place in the Bible.

Out of curiosity, in your belief system, who chooses your next body? Is there a particular god who does the judging or is there a panel?
I don't get to speak to Hindus where I live.....lots of Indians at call centers though.....


BTW, sorry if I offended with the cockroach comment....we don't allow them in our houses because they spread disease.
I don't feel bad for killing a cockroach in my house, but would not kill one outside. Outside is their territory.


Maybe you should submit a design for your own brand of living duck, that would be something!!
It is done all the time, read the Poultry Fanciers' magazines. Darwin knew this due to his study of, not ducks, but pigeons.



BTW, sorry if I offended with the cockroach comment....we don't allow them in our houses because they spread disease.
I don't feel bad for killing a cockroach in my house, but would not kill one outside. Outside is their territory.
I do not believe that roaches are considered even as dangerous as other people when it comes to disease transmission.


Feral is much less dangerous than civilized, the exposure base and propensity for travel is rarely there.


Be your own guru
This concept of rebirth and earning a better existence in the next life sounds a bit like emotional blackmail to me.
My God requires that we love him from the heart, not because of the fear of what he might do to us in the next life ..
Out of curiosity, in your belief system, who chooses your next body? Is there a particular god who does the judging or is there a panel?
BTW, sorry if I offended with the cockroach comment....we don't allow them in our houses because they spread disease.
I don't feel bad for killing a cockroach in my house, but would not kill one outside. Outside is their territory.
The concept is to inducepeople to act kindly towards all life including vegetation (I am an atheist and do not subscribe to this, but it does put of piety in the idea in peoples' mind).

And that is what our Gods and Goddesses require, not their worship but humane action. Do you see the difference. Their own worship is immaterial to them.

In our belief system, it is the God of creation and fate, Brahma, who will choose our next form. The judging part is done by a subsidiary God, the Lord of Death, Yama. The accountant of our deeds is Chitragupta. The work is well distributed and the action is immediate, no waiting. Just bring out the sheet and so much time in heaven and so much time in hell, before one is dispatched for a rebirth. The good and the bad deeds are not compounded and the reward and punishment, both, are to be gone through.

Your post is in no way offending to me. As an atheist I do not believe in heaven or hell. I am a non-vegetarian and ready to face the punishment in case it is held against me. I am sure I will have the company of many of my atheist friends in hell.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
The concept is to inducepeople to act kindly towards all life including vegetation (I am an atheist and do not subscribe to this, but it does put of piety in the idea in peoples' mind).

And that is what our Gods and Goddesses require, not their worship but humane action. Do you see the difference. Their own worship is immaterial to them.

In our belief system, it is the God of creation and fate, Brahma, who will choose our next form. The judging part is done by a subsidiary God, the Lord of Death, Yama. The accountant of our deeds is Chitragupta. The work is well distributed and the action is immediate, no waiting. Just bring out the sheet and so much time in heaven and so much time in hell, before one is dispatched for a rebirth. The good and the bad deeds are not compounded and the reward and punishment, both, are to be gone through.

Your post is in no way offending to me. As an atheist I do not believe in heaven or hell. I am a non-vegetarian and ready to face the punishment in case it is held against me. I am sure I will have the company of many of my atheist friends in hell.

May I ask what your concept of hell is? Does it strike you as odd that several unrelated belief systems have a place of fiery torment for the wicked...even Christendom?
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