Yep, the ducks designed themselves just to impress their women.
Take a close look at them and tell me that again.....
They do not assume that something is true unless they have actual proof, not just unverifiable assumption. There is no hard evidence for macro-evolution. There is evidence for adaptation but scientists who support macro-evolution want to take that beyond observable boundaries.That is fantasy, not is based on belief and faith in your teachers, not evidence-based science. You criticize us for that.
This con is eagerly believed by those who who have a problem with brainless religionists (as do I) who insist on the literal 7 day creation and who want religion to 'go take a hike and get real'.....the problem is, the scientists went past "real" themselves and on into a world of their own fantasy. They threw the baby out with the bathwater and went right down the path that eliminated any supernatural cause of life because they can't prove he exists. Just because religion got it wrong and misrepresented what the Bible says, doesn't make the Creator go away. It doesn't make all life on this planet "just accidental". And you guys appear to demand less "proof" than we do.
In case you haven't noticed, peer acceptance is extremely important in the world of academia. When anyone questions the validity of the theory of evolution, what is the first thing they experience? Ridicule and character assassination. Egos can only survive when a widely promoted belief is upheld by all of the sciences. The evidence for macro-evolution is flimsy to say the least, but tell people its true long enough and present concocted explanations and diagrams and 'voila' must be true. Such is the power of suggestion and who is suggesting it.
Gladly. One of my favorite evolutionary fairly tales is whale evolution......
Now look carefully at the creatures that science has chosen to imply that each of these is a step in the evolution of a whale.
According to them, about 48 million years ago we see an extinct whale cousin......who said?
Then we have the whale ancestor who is apparently older than his cousin by a few million years. Now it gets interesting....ambulocetus is also supposed to be about 48 million years old. But when you google images of these creatures, you begin to realize how much of them is fact and how much is produced by an artist's imagination. Some evolutionists have even distanced themselves from ambulocetus because of the placement of the eyes, more like an alligator than the placement of a whale's eyes.
Now rodhocetus was originally depicted with a fluke tail and flippers like a whale....but they never did find a fossil with a fluked tail and they now admit that the fluke and flippers were an assumption. The structure of its arms were not consistent with them ever being flippers.
One of my favorite evolution sites is
The evolution of whales
Let me quote the opening sentence on the evolution of whales.....along with this graphic.....
"The first thing to notice on this evogram is that hippos are the closest living relatives of whales, but they are not the ancestors of whales. In fact, none of the individual animals on the evogram is the direct ancestor of any other, as far as we know."
The article goes on to point out one of the main reasons why Pakicetus is thought to be the ancestor of a whale.....
"These first whales, such as Pakicetus, were typical land animals. They had long skulls and large carnivorous teeth. From the outside, they don't look much like whales at all. However, their skulls — particularly in the ear region, which is surrounded by a bony wall — strongly resemble those of living whales and are unlike those of any other mammal. Often, seemingly minor features provide critical evidence to link animals that are highly specialized for their lifestyles (such as whales) with their less extreme-looking relatives."
So what is it that links pakicetus to a whale? ear bone that "strongly resembles those of living whales". That is supposed to be "critical evidence" for their claim?
I think that sets the tone for the entire evolutionary argument.
The truth be told.....evolutionary science is a con of mammoth proportions. It is not based on real evidence but on what scientists assume "might have" happened in the dim dark past when there was not a soul around to verify any of it. They have woven their own fairytale around the fossil evidence and led themselves down a path that makes them look very foolish to those of us who are believers in an Intelligent Designer.
You're welcome.......I hope it will expose this fraud for what it really is. You can be a genius and still be deluded. Its not about your intellect...its about what is in your heart and how much real evidence you need to convince you that something is true. It is nothing more than the power of suggestion. If you market anything the right way, the world will beat a path to your door.