If there's an estimated 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in our observable Universe where chemical reactions take place what are the chances that chemical and biological evolution managed NOT to take place on ANY of them? I think it would take a god to prevent it from happening. Probably the best evidence for the existence of God would be if NO planets was like Earth and had life because somebody would have to have deliberately prevented life from arising.
How Many Planets Are In The Universe?
You raise a good point and one where it is reasonable at this time in history to say that no life has been found on any planet or moon in our vicinity of the universe or anywhere outside of it. Scientists have tried by all the means at their disposal to encounter life "out there"....but to no avail. There is just silence.
I believe that the Bible provides the reason, just as you suggested...."Probably the best evidence for the existence of God would be if NO planets were like Earth and had life because somebody would have to have deliberately prevented life from arising."
Yet, with such a huge universe, why would he do that? Why would he not prepare other planets for habitation?
All things in this material universe had to have a beginning. The Bible gives us a reasonable explanation for creation if it is interpreted correctly. There is no "magic" involved. There are powers that are presently unknown to science, just as there are realms unknown to them, but that does not mean that they cannot exist. Nor does it mean that humans are the only intelligent life forms either.
If the earth had a beginning and it was unihabitable at first, then prepared specifically for life to not only exist, but to thrive, what possible reason could there be for the rest of the universe to be empty and devoid of such life?
One good reason is "free will". In gifting intelligent creatures with free will, there was always a risk of them misusing it. You cannot force a free willed being to do anything against their will. All you can do is punish them for not exercising it in the correct way. It takes education and experience to allow a free willed being to see the benefits of exercising their gift unselfishly....and the consequences of not doing so. If used to rob others of their right to free will, then how do you demonstrate that without letting them learn the hard way? He allowed humans to choose....and we have lived the outcome of their decision.
At first, the Creator implemented just one law. The "knowledge of good and evil" was placed in his exclusive jurisdiction....meaning that God was the one who had the right to decide what was good and what was bad. That right was never given to humans. The penalty for taking what belonged to God was death.
The first rebel influenced humans to break that law because he wanted them to serve his interests and the only way he could do that was by taking them away from their Creator. Under his influence, they have been confusing right from wrong ever since.
So telling his children to obey him and even implementing a penalty for disobeying him, wasn't enough. They chose to learn the hard way, through the bitter experience that would follow. And here we are.....what have we learned? Apparently, very little as a race, though individually, for some of us, the penny has dropped. We understand what it means to exercise free will in an unselfish way, deferring to God's direction in all things. Independence and self rule have been a disaster. Obeying the Creator would have saved us so much suffering.
But until all humanity reach that conclusion, God's purpose to populate the universe will wait. All the "bugs" needed to be ironed out of the arrangement first, before God would spread free willed life anywhere else. Those who cannot, or will not use their free will to the benefit of others first, will never fit into God's plans for his vast universe. He sets before us obedience and life....or disobedience and death. There are no other alternatives. What has been demonstrated here, in all the years of human existence, will have established precedents for all time to come, meaning that there will never again be a challenge to the rightfulness of God's rulership over his material creation. Having vindicated his sovereignty and eliminated all rebels. He will then be able to finish his project......eternity is enough time to do whatever he pleases....with us or without us.