But the fact that I can circumnavigate the earth either by air or by sea is "proof" that the earth is not flat.....totally provable isn't it?
Sorry, I'm not really up on my alcohol molecules, but I assume that when you say "They are making alcohol molecules look like this" that this is something scientists are doing?
LOL I think its called frustration
and I think you should chill out a bit. If what I am saying is rubbish, then why are you so defensive? I am confident of my position and I don't have to lose my cool over it. This is a discussion, not an inquisition. Resorting to childish petulance yourself is a bit telling really.
If I have proof, I can believe, but I have never seen actual proof of one species evolving into another.....I have see changes within a species that perhaps altered features like color or the shape of a body part to facilitate a different food source, but I have seen no evidence that one species evolved into something completely different.
have interacted with you posts on science to show you how vague and suggestive the rhetoric is, but you just get angry.
Since the DNA of primates and humans is so close, and humans of the earliest kind are fully erect and identifiable as human, anything that looks like an ape, probably is.
Not to mention common sense and reasoning ability unhindered by bias. Gut instinct is what we use when we have little time to use our rationale and investigative reasoning.
The Creator actually put paid to this thousands of years ago through one of his prophets....he said simply...
"He is stretching out the north over the empty place, Hanging the earth upon nothing" (Job 26:7) And in Isaiah 40:22 he says
"There is One who dwells above the circle of the earth, And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers." How did earth bound humans know this thousands of years ago?
How did the writer of Genesis know that life began in the oceans? (Genesis 1:20-21)
You are confusing ignorance with knowledge. Once it is demonstrated that atoms exist and make up all matter, enlightenment replaces ignorance...does it not?
Doesn't lightning demonstrate the power of electricity? All humans did was learn to make it and harness it.
Good 'ol Ben Franklin eh?
Didn't the hygiene laws in Israel protect them from bacterial infections way before anyone knew what bacteria was?
As humans grew in knowledge of ship building from experience they knew about displacement and the capacity to remain seaworthy based on height to width to depth ratios? Those ratios were the very same ones used for Noah's ark.
No gut instincts required really, just a capacity to use accumulated knowledge. Its a human trait.
yes I know.....
So why argue so vehemently about something that could all change tomorrow? Just admit that the theory is actually a theory and be done with it.
Don't claim as a fact something that has nothing but supposition to back it up. Is that too much to ask?
The Creator tells us that he will reclaim his rulership of this earth once some issues are settled, and all those who wanted him to go away will actually be the ones to disappear...."go extinct" as it were. So if you are right we have nothing to look forward to, and if I am right those who had faith in the Creator despite all attempts to cancel his existence will be around to tell the story to their grandchildren.
What does this prove?...except that these creatures perhaps existed in the distant past when humans were not around to observe them or to study them? Where is the proof for evolution? How do you know that Ambulocetus is even related to Basilosaurus? Who determined that Rhodesaurus is an intermediary? You think that throwing in a few million years makes the story any more credible?
I know what's looking flimsy.