This is the same method of communication you referenced above.
I will say it other creature on this planet communicates like we do. We have a capacity to learn that is far superior to any other creature in existence. Unlike the animals, we have the ability to permanently adapt our surroundings to suit ourselves, and the last time I looked, no other creatures build cities 'to plan' the way we do. We have many skilled people who have had to be educated to acquire the various skills used in architecture, engineering and construction, whereas animals and insects form colonies or troops who all function by instinct, not by education.They adapt to their surroundings, whilst we do the opposite.
Who taught termites or ants or honey bees to build their nests or hives? Who taught them to function as a colony where each individual knows their job and keeps their place? Where are their centers for education? Who are their teachers?
That’s a claim you’re going to need to back up.
You think instinct needs back up? All sentient species operate by instinct.....programmed wisdom. What program do you use on your computer that wasn't designed by someone with intelligence?
Do squirrels know why they gather acorns for the winter....or who tells bears its time to hibernate? Who taught the birds how to migrate thousands of miles or how to build a nest specific to their species when the babies were not around to observe their parents' building skills...and they weren't around for any previous generations either?
All these creatures instinctively know what to do to preserve their own species. OTOH humans have to learn everything.
It's the notion of having a spiritual side of our nature that must be nurtured. Its the understanding that there is a power higher than ourselves who is responsible for our being, and to whom gratitude should naturally be expressed. It gives purpose and meaning to life as well as a hope for a better future. This is a uniquely human need. No other living creatures worship or have an inherent need to do so.
Where do animals go when they die, in your opinion?
The same place as we do.....back to the dust. They breathe the same air and die the same death. (Ecclesiastes 3:19, 20)
We though, have an opportunity to have our life restored. The one who created life can restore it if he chooses to do so.
The earth and everything on it seems to have held up just fine for the first 3.5 billion or so years without human caretakers. Why bring them in so late in the game? Especially if it’s so important to trim those weeds right away before they get out of control!
The mandate given to humankind was not given to animals. Man was told to "fill the earth" with his kind and to "subdue it".
Humans were assigned the task of turning the entire planet into something resembling the garden of Eden. 'Subduing' the earth meant not just taming the wilderness places outside the garden, but also having the animals in subjection. A caretaker is not an animal trainer but someone who keeps an eye on things so that animals and humans can share a common environment peacefully....even joyfully.
Our concept of beauty has changed a lot over time. How does that work into this plan you are describing?
I disagree....we have always admired beautiful things in nature. When would humans not have admired a colorful sunrise or sunset? The vast array of color and design in birdlife and flowers? Ocean or lake views? Waterfalls? Snow capped mountains? Rain forests? We are designed to appreciate beauty for its own sake, whereas animals and other creatures have interest only in self preservation and perpetuation of their species.
Our evaluation of human appearance can change with the fads of fashion, but beauty has its standard in all cultures. We all know when something doesn't look right at any given time period.
There are many human beings that I don’t find attractive, but other people do. I’m sure you can say the same. I’m sure there are people who think the mate I have chosen is not attractive, but he is to me. In other words, beauty appears to be in the eye of the beholder.
There is so much more than appearance that attracts people to one another. We are chemically matched as well as physically attracted. Animals and humans pair up for different reasons. Moral concepts separate us from the animals.....yet when evolution convinced people that they are nothing more than animals, morality has been the casualty, and we are not the better for it.
. Evolution theory is scientific. It uses the very same scientific tools and methods of investigation as all the other fields of science do (ya know, like the ones you accept). You know this, because it’s been pointed out to you several times in this thread.
Evolution is not "scientific" if it relies on conjecture and prediction, forcing evidence to fit a false premise......that describes fantasy, not fact.
Many things have been pointed out to you on this thread, yet you still insist that there is proof for organic evolution....when there is NO PROOF. What you accept as proof is suggestion backed up by nothing more than educated guesswork.
We each have a belief system based on whom and what we have chosen to believe.
As I have thoroughly demonstrated to you, the theory of evolution was accepted by the vast majority of scientists because the evidence pointing to it became overwhelming, and still is to this day. That’s when scientific theories become accepted, and not a moment sooner.
If the commercial world can use the power of suggestion to motivate the masses to buy a certain product, promoted by persons who are recognized by them, what makes you say that science cannot achieve the same outcome using the same tactics? Accepting something doesn't mean it is is only acceptable because people want to believe it and accept the authority of the person promoting it.
The fact that no creationist (or anyone else for that matter) has ever been able to falsify the theory of evolution speaks VOLUMES about the veracity of the evidence in its favour. Why is it that I never seen you address this point? If it’s so obvious that evolution is false, this should be an extremely easy thing to do. And yet, still nothing.
How easy is it to "falsify" something that the majority of people have been duped into believing? When scientists are put on pedestals and "evidence" is produced along with vast "scientific" explanations about why you must believe it....and how moronic you must be to deny the "overwhelming evidence" they have.....sorry, but I do not accept that science tells the truth about our origins.
This is why science was designed the way it was. So that we don’t have to just take someone’s word for it.
Now, that is really funny, because that is exactly what you are doing.
I miss my dead relatives and friends because I love them and miss their presence in my life.
If we have supposedly been evolving for so many millions of years and death is all we have ever known....why have we not evolved the ability to deal with death the way most animals do? There is a reason why humans fight death....we were not created to die, but the animals were designed to have a finite circle of life. They accept death, by and large as a natural part of life.
Animals have no concept of their own death even though they have certain survival instincts. We are the only sentient creatures who can contemplate our own death or the death of a loved one. It weighs heavily on us.
Because the idea that we will one day cease to exist is a very difficult concept to wrap our minds around. Just like the concept of billions of years is pretty tough to wrap out minds around.
Christopher Hitchens explained it pretty well. He said that it’s not the fact that someone is tapping you on your shoulder and telling you that you have to leave because the party is over. Rather, death is someone tapping you on the shoulder and telling you that you have to leave, but the party is going to go on without you. It’s a hard concept to accept.
We have no 'program' for death. We find it hard because we are created to form lifelong bonds with those who are close to us. Those bonds are not supposed to be broken and life is not supposed to end. The Creator formed us to enjoy unending life with no aging, sickness, suffering or death, but the first humans thought life would be better if they did what they wanted instead of what the Creator wanted......death was the penalty and humans began to degenerate and descend into aging and eventual death, genetically sentencing their children to the same fate....but just until free will was tested among them and decisions were made about obedience to the Creator.
Maybe the fear of death is what drives us to survive.
Fear of death doesn't drive any other species.....they have no concept of their own death. Why are we different?
I’m not sure how you think you can make such sweeping claims. Especially when your analysis of other animals doesn’t seem to amount to much more than making cursory judgments based on their physical appearance.
I think in-depth study of the animal kingdom has begun to help us realize that the opposite is probably true.
Please provide evidence of any animal in existence who is equivalent to humans in their abilities, intellect and skills. We are unique as far as I am aware.
I don’t see why your future has to be so hopeless just because evolution is a fact of reality. And I don’t see why accepting it would mean that you can’t also believe in a god.
Humans want happiness, I would imagine. That’s a need that cannot always be met.
Yes, all humans basically want the same, happiness and an enjoyable family life with the people they love. It is a collective desire no matter what nation or environment we are raised in. How many people ever get to live that life? I have a reason for you? I have God's solution to that problem.....what solution does evolution give you? I have a wonderful hope for the future. What hope do you have for the future?
I don’t know what life is meant to be. I don’t expect that it must have some grand meaning. Maybe it just is.
I don’t need to believe that I get to live forever somewhere after I die to appreciate this life to its fullest. And maybe it makes this life all that much more important, if it’s the only one I’ve got.
What if you were born with a mental or physical disability that robbed you of the basic abilities that most of us take for granted? Or had them taken from you in an accident.....Would you still be satisfied that this life is all there is? If you wanted to live life to the fullest but had no opportunity to do so because all your nation had ever known was war and could this life be enough?
If this life is not the one we are meant to live...and I think deep down we all know it isn't, wouldn't you want to know how to live in a better world, with no one making life miserable for any reason? If this life is the one where we either pass the test or fail it, wouldn't you want to know how to pass the test?