I like that you distinguish between 'big religion' and more genuine religion. I'd say the majority of any society is basically non-spiritual, whether they are religious or not.
That is very perceptive of you. I too believe that religious performance outstrips genuine spirituality in many people. A close and personal connection with God is not enjoyed by the majority who attend church, but I don't feel that this is entirely their fault. The church's leaders have led them into a performance based tradition that only requires them to turn up at church and go through the motions once a week. It is a pity that they seem to pick up their "Christianity" at the door and leave it there on the way out.
Personally, I came to accept evolution a while before reaching the age when it was taught in schools, but I was always interested in these things. I've never found it to in any way interfere with my faith in God, any more than heliocentrism. As I've grown up, I've been given the chance to study it more and have studied ut at a tertiary level now, although most of my understanding comes from my own research still.
Personal research is good. I research a lot too but mostly to confirm that what I hold to be true actually is. I have not been disappointed. Evolution is something I studied years ago in the hope of finding answers to the big questions of life.....it only led to more questions and no real answers. The Bible filled in all the blanks for me.
Your point about the USA's infantilisation of its populace is also interesting. I think that's the case here too, but not to the same extreme.
I know that we Australians are a pretty direct bunch. We call a spade a spade and do not really subscribe to the 'tiptoe around your feelings' kind of communication required by a lot of discussion sites. We are straight talkers who don't like to beat around the bush.....some Americans find me rude...I assure you, It isn't intentional.
I didn't know you were Australian! That's cool
You are from the Mother country !
What a shame that so many of her chickens all came "home" to roost!
My roots are in England...I still have rellies (relatives) over there.