What is true is that God did NOT "create every single individual perfectly out of his own image for a grand plan and scheme so great and so loving that you can't even imagine it."
He created material creatures to inhabit a material earth in a material universe. He did not design them individually at all.....He created them with the ability to reproduce their kind, like everything else. He made humans in his own image, meaning that they were more intelligent than the animals and were appointed as their caretakers. He allows us to exercise our free will in everything. He has not created us to fail, but to acknowledge his existence and look for answers to life's most perplexing questions. Scripture tells us that when we search for him, (with the right attitude) he will allow us to find him.....if we don't, he will remain hidden until the judgment. He will not force a single person to do anything against their will. Those who have no need of him, will find that he has no need of them. They will get back from him, what they have given him....nothing.
Having been placed in a spacious garden with every fruit tree imaginable as their food supply, God intended that these humans should extend the boundaries of their garden home so that the whole earth would eventually become like the Garden of Eden. Hard, satisfying work is what they were designed for. This is what God meant when he said..."be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it". Only half of that mandate was carried out.....mankind has "filled the earth" but because of the disobedience of the first humans, this situation has not brought about the second part of the mandate.....to subdue the earth and bring about the paradise conditions that we all desire......its what we were all meant to have, and it was taken away from us by one act of disobedience. Sorting out this situation has taken many earth years, but the final part will come, when God has finished his object lesson, and in the process, testing humans out as to qualifications for citizenship in his kingdom. Paradise conditions will be restored to the earth and death and suffering will be no more. (Revelation 21:2-4) All will return to what God purposed in the beginning. (Isaiah 55:11)