You mean a one sided bias like that seen below?
Debater Slayer Said:
Hello and welcome to the forum.
This forum has several admins, not just one. Also, the owner hasn't logged on in a long time. The day-to-day staff is almost entirely comprised of volunteers.
With that clarified, I'm not aware of any active admins who oppose any of the three things you mentioned, myself included. To be more specific--and speaking for myself, since I can't speak for anyone else--this is what I believe:
1) Homosexuality: I don't oppose or accept it any more than I oppose or accept ice cream or carrot cake. It is a strictly personal preference that people are born with, and since it is not harmful, I see no reason to oppose it. I'm not homosexual myself, however.
2) Same-sex marriage: I'm absolutely for marriage equality. Again, since homosexuality is not harmful, I see no reason at all to oppose equal rights for homosexuals.
3) Abortion: I believe women should have the freedom to have abortions and that, before the fetus is capable of surviving outside the womb, we are talking about a group of cells, not a living, breathing person with full rights.
I have to note that your questions are very limited and monochromatic in how they distinguish a liberal from a conservative, and vice versa. Aside from the fact that not all liberals or conservatives hold the same opinions about these three specific subjects, there is far more to being on either end of the political and social spectrum than just these three issues. I lean right on a lot of issues, myself, to the point where I definitely don't classify myself as a liberal, but I'm guessing my answers to your questions could lead you to assume that I'm one.
I hope you enjoy the forum.