Hi everyone, as one who enjoys well-thought, considerate discussion I have decided to enter this forum. I am especially interested in topics on religion and philosophy. I like to consider myself an honest seeker of truth and if I can gain some enlightenment through these discussions or impart something of worth to one of you then this will have been worthwhile.
By way of introduction I'll describe some of my basic beliefs. I believe in the existence of a supreme creator who is concerned for us -- evolution has never sat well with me as it goes against both reason and conscience. I find it very difficult to accept that we came into existence by chance (especially given the complexity of our situation)
and that we're here without purpose. I openly admit that part of my belief is based on a hope that I have deep down that there is more to life than that, that God has more to offer us after this life. So my principle question is how can we know that God exists and further how can we know the path that leads to Him? I believe that truth is absolute and that God is its source. I also believe that he wants us to find the truth and embrace it, but how do we identify His truth?
I'm of the opinion that He uses chosen individuals to present His truths. So, are the prophets of the Bible among those, or is it the prophet-like figures of Buddism, Hinduism, or the hundreds of other religious founders? If truth is indeed absolute only one of these religions represents the truth or none of them do. How do we come to
know which is right? My tendencies are towards Christianity partly because it is the one I'm most familiar with and because for the most part it makes sense to me. However, just as there are many different religious trunks, Christianity has almost as may denominational branches. Again I believe that either only one is correct or none are. So how can one possibly determine which is right? There's probably no real formula for this or else there would be a lot less confusion, but I'd be interested to hear your insights on the topic.
By way of introduction I'll describe some of my basic beliefs. I believe in the existence of a supreme creator who is concerned for us -- evolution has never sat well with me as it goes against both reason and conscience. I find it very difficult to accept that we came into existence by chance (especially given the complexity of our situation)
and that we're here without purpose. I openly admit that part of my belief is based on a hope that I have deep down that there is more to life than that, that God has more to offer us after this life. So my principle question is how can we know that God exists and further how can we know the path that leads to Him? I believe that truth is absolute and that God is its source. I also believe that he wants us to find the truth and embrace it, but how do we identify His truth?
I'm of the opinion that He uses chosen individuals to present His truths. So, are the prophets of the Bible among those, or is it the prophet-like figures of Buddism, Hinduism, or the hundreds of other religious founders? If truth is indeed absolute only one of these religions represents the truth or none of them do. How do we come to
know which is right? My tendencies are towards Christianity partly because it is the one I'm most familiar with and because for the most part it makes sense to me. However, just as there are many different religious trunks, Christianity has almost as may denominational branches. Again I believe that either only one is correct or none are. So how can one possibly determine which is right? There's probably no real formula for this or else there would be a lot less confusion, but I'd be interested to hear your insights on the topic.