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Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I don't think so. Like warm water that feels hot if your hands are ice cold, it only seems hard right because it had turned so hard left but it is really center.
My Lord. Please, in the name of God, do not let me visit your church if you consider the recent appointees the middle! Yikes! Do you insist women not cut their hair, or wear any jewelry because they'd look like Jezebel? Lord, have mercy! What whack right wing stuff you peddling?

Left Coast

This Is Water
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  • Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Friday that he will hold a vote on President Donald Trump's nominee to fill the vacancy left by the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I guarantee that no one will be confirmed during Trump's final months.

Actually, historically it has succeeded 9/10 times. :D

The only one that didn't get in is Merrick Garland. So, I expect the Republicans to play full court press and get their nomination. They have no idea what will happen in Nov., so waiting only hurts them.

Personally, I expect Trump to pick someone that's like RBG but more pro-2A. I'm sure the names are already 'in the hat' as Ginsberg's health situation had been rapidly deteriorating for awhile. Whomever it is they will almost 100% be likely to be a woman.


LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
And they should. But the Reps have a majority in the Senate and, if they can maintain cohesion, they will be able to push this through. The Dems can't do anything from the House.
How many of them will have Covid?


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
My Lord. Please, in the name of God, do not let me visit your church if you consider the recent appointees the middle! Yikes! Do you insist women not cut their hair, or wear any jewelry because they'd look like Jezebel? Lord, have mercy! What whack right wing stuff you peddling?
This is what I mean about so far left.

How do you go from what i said to not cutting hair or wearing jewelry? (I wear skinny jeans, people wear jeans that have holes in it, and women wear makeup - including my wife that has short hair and wears jeans and jewelry to church).

I said the court was going to be center. Neil Gorsuch - has been very center to the point that some conservatives wondered if he has defected.

But if you consider him "far right" - then you have gone "far left". :D


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Unbelievable. The poor woman has only just passed. There will be time later to discuss any political implications. Let’s just set those things aside and reflect the life of this woman for a day at least. Please.
And yet, here we are all talking about its political implications.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Ginsburg was at times quite the non-liberal.
She, Thomas, & Gorsuch were the lone justices who voted in
Gamble v USA to enforce the 5th Amendment's prohibition
against being tried for the same crime twice, ie, the Double
Jeopardy Clause. This clause is "incorporated" per Benton v
Maryland, so it applies not just to the fed, but also the states.
The other justices believed that either stare decisis ruled, or
that it's useful to prosecute someone twice when one attempt

Too many people are worried about liberal vs conservative.
What do you say when a liberal votes with the conservatives?
Should she have gone with the dual sovereignty loophole
in the double jeopardy prohibition exception?
Advancing & preserving civil liberties is an agenda with
friends & foes on both sides of the aisle.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
In Lewis v USA, Ginsburg & Stevens were the dissenting justices
who argued that we have a right to a jury trial in all prosecutions,
& would've gutted the court's Petty Offense Doctrine (which allows
government by fiat to waive the defendant's right to a jury trial
if looking at less than a year in prison) Which is a direct violation
of the text ot the 6th Amendment....
"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the
right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury......"


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
I didn't hate RBG. Quite the opposite. But I think she made a mistake pushing it this long, and we wouldn't be in this position if she had resigned when we still had majority.
I hear you, but I think its admirable for someone to die working; and (reportedly) working extends your lifespan. Also she couldn't know which cases would or wouldn't come during her tenure and afterwards or whether the supreme court would be required to act on some national emergency.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It's clear to me that they will ram this through. They effectively stole the Garland nomination.
There was no "stole". No party has a right to have the
Senate confirm their President's choice. There are trends
& traditions, but these aren't in the Constitution. When the
Prez & the Senate are of different parties, & very hostile to
each other, it spells trouble.

The Pubs had the Senate, & used the power granted them
by the Constitution to keep Garland out. The Dems will use
their power to try to keep Trump's nominee out (just a prediction),
but they don't have the Senate. It will be difficult for them.
Presidents vs. opposing Senates in Supreme Court nominations - National Constitution Center