Out-takes....... at randon....
I did not answer the door even though they saw me sitting in the living room.
she couldn't read the 'No soliciting' sign.
I get a kick out of seeing them rushing down the driveway
Try answering the door naked.
If they would leave 50 bucks in the door
'Please, allow me to tell you about Lucifer, the Lord of Light'.
At Halloween I give them sweets and enjoy their confused expression.
couldn't leave fast enough once he found out I was Jewish.
say.........."Oh Lord Satan, guide those who have strayed
JWs and LDS can get violent.
my listening fee was $50 an hour
At least 2 missionary groups in one month......................... its incredibly annoying.
How do you guys cope with adverts on telly?
It's been great fun reading the above....... I see a good opportunity here for any qualified counsellors who need more work. They could (not only) advertise their services for incredibly annoyed, frustrated and hysterical people who have been exposed to (
) evangelists on their doorsteps, but (also) for those badly affected by telly adverts, computer pop-ups,...... OMG! Pop-ups!!!...... there's the future, there it is...... !!! Evangelical Pop-ups
I love it!
You'll be on the old computer, buying underwear on ebay (or whatever) and the next thing......... all the pics and words will fall off the screen and there, right in front of your eyes, will be ...... a Missionary from 'whoever', come to save your misguided, sinful and lost souls...... you wicked lot... and you won't be able to get rid of him/her. You'll go into 'Restart' and there she'll be..... (I like the idea of a she trying to save my demented and wanton spirit (yes....:bow
And (if I've got a computer that hasn't been zapped) I can't wait to click on the thread.. 'What the frigging XXX is XXXX going XXX on!!!! Who are threse XXXXing agents from (wherever!!!????
I can't wait..