I just watched this YouTube video of cell biologist Kenneth Miller's lecture at Yale. It is the most stimulating lecture I have ever heard online. It has the potential to elevate the level of dialogue created by the God and evolution thread. Among other things, it has prompted me to rethink (not reject) Behe's argument for irreducible complexity/ Against Behe, Miller cites on 20 published studies on the possible evolution of the flagellum :"machine." I say "rethink" because I'd need to know more about the detailed arguments of theses studies (which Behe rejects) before finalizing my conclusion.
As I mentioned on the God and evolution thread, Miller is considered by many the poster boy for evolution theory on the lecture circuit, the key witness against Intelligent Design in courts cases about the place of evolution theory in public education, and an author of a standard high school and college text book on biology and evolution. I'd be very interested to ponder reader reactions to the way Miller's (for me, surprising) Catholicism is reconciled with this secular role. I'd also be interested in what readers think of his characterization of the agenda of Intelligent Design proponents like the Discovery Institute. When You watch this, please be sure also to watch the Q & A session afterwards. This is Yale and the questioners are very perceptive and knowledgeable. Here then is the video:
As I mentioned on the God and evolution thread, Miller is considered by many the poster boy for evolution theory on the lecture circuit, the key witness against Intelligent Design in courts cases about the place of evolution theory in public education, and an author of a standard high school and college text book on biology and evolution. I'd be very interested to ponder reader reactions to the way Miller's (for me, surprising) Catholicism is reconciled with this secular role. I'd also be interested in what readers think of his characterization of the agenda of Intelligent Design proponents like the Discovery Institute. When You watch this, please be sure also to watch the Q & A session afterwards. This is Yale and the questioners are very perceptive and knowledgeable. Here then is the video: