"I'm a Hindu' is sufficient to halt any preaching. It says 'I'm not intersted,' in a direct way.
As saying, no one gets your points unless they're a Hindu; many Muslims start thinking cow worshipers, and Christians also think polytheistic idolators...
It might suffice for brushing people off with a very limited answer; that the lazy can't be bothered to investigate, due to many seeing it as a none definitive.
There is too much to do to be concerned about how you look to everyone else.
Our ego is an inner/outer reflection with the outside world; so we put a label on that we're a waste of time theologically to debate, as our religion isn't bother by Laws in the eyes of some, as they have no clue what that word Hindu means in its religious contexts....
Eventually our character changes towards anyone coming from a different religious perspective, as internally our ego has noticed every time they've been rude because of our label, and eventually we actually become what they've projected onto our character.
Like i didn't trim my beard or hair for years in the UK the same as a Sadhu, the amount of people moving away, treating me as less than a normal human being, taking photos as they think you're a freak, eventually starts to affect us, regardless of how spiritually grounded we are.
Thus found we need to present something that people can understand, to not be incorrectly assigned; people make quick first impressions, and many are not wise enough to reassess.