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Knowledge, evidence, truth, proof, assumption, axiom, belief, faith and so on


The Lost One
Knowledge, evidence, truth, proof, assumption, axiom, belief, faith and so on

Let me start off with “belief” and “faith”.

They are actually different words, but connected.

Belief is subjective believing in an assumption or a claim from some things or some ones, or from a person’s own imagination or experience, regardless if the claim/assumption is real or not real, true or not true.

Faith is about acceptance or trust in that belief is true, without the needs for evidence. Another word for faith is “trust” and “conviction”.

The problems with faith-based belief, it is that, not only it highly subjective, such trust in a belief is also no different from having personal preference (eg like or dislike, taste) or personal opinion. Just as everyone's tastes in beauty, in food, in art & music, may differ from one and other, so does what people believe in, like their beliefs in different religions, different spiritualities, different philosophies.

To me, what people believe in, especially in their religions, are entirely personal (and subjective) to each individual persons, are no different from having different opinions. Whether they believe in, eg belief in any deity or any scripture or any teaching, etc, to be true, are based on ones’ preferences…in another word, this “preferred” belief is just confirmation bias.

Faith in a belief, eg belief in a Christian god, belief in Jesus or belief in the gospels, is where one person accept what they believe to be true, that person is making a judgement call to accept it as true.

People who believe that God exist, require their faith, not physical evidence for that deity to exist.

In science, particularly in Natural Sciences, evidence, like experiments, are observations of something “physical” or “natural”, but it not necessarily be what people “see” with their eyes, when talk about observing in science, but what can be detected and measured by some sorts of instruments or devices.

For sciences, the more (independent) evidence you, the better the determination of whether a model (or theory or hypothesis) is scientific or unscientific.

Faith-based beliefs do not constitute as evidence. What such beliefs constitute as, nothing more than claims or assertions, based on their preferences or biases. That’s why both belief & faith, are considered subjective & personal.

There nothing wrong about subjective. Subjective are great for imagination, like art, music or literature, something that can move you with their creativity. But creativity alone, do not explain the natural world.