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Koran v. Bible


Well-Known Member
This is getting silly. Again this is a case of the two gospels focusing on two different chronological portions of the same lengthy sequential event. Early on, when the crowd was at its antagonistic worst the women stood off from the cross. Later, after the crowd calmed down and began to thin, the women moved closer to Jesus and actually talked to Him.

I think you have to re-read my post where i clearly said Contradictions and not fully mentioning the stories so you do accept that the stories aren't the same because one telescoping and the other not..

Mark in his gospel uses the Jewish hour designation, sunrise at approximately 6:00 a.m. being the "first" hour of the "day" (daylight hours). Note: the Jewish "day" or twenty four hour period ran from sundown to sundown. John’s gospel uses the roman hour designation, midnight being the "first "hour, with the twenty four hour "day" running from midnight to midnight. (See Pliny the Elder Natural History 2:77). It is clear that John uses Roman time designation throughout his gospel.
This is kindergarten stuff.

If this was kindergarten stuff why had you to look for the answer instead of knowing it? And see reply above.

No, what we see is you don't know much about textual criticism.
You are very definitely confusing gnostic and synoptic. John is not considered synoptic many times because his purpose and information was different than the others not because it is wrong. He had a different purpose. Synoptic incorporates (synonym) as a root which means similar, not right or wrong. The only reason I brought up John was to show your Mark claim was wrong. I could disprove your position without him.

I am not confusing them i made a spelling mistake since i was on a telephone and English is my forth language i am not sure about what we were talking right now which one is older or verses?

I couldn't figure out what you were talking about with the English you used, still can't. I guessed but said I wasn't sure. If you will make it clear I will show you why you are wrong.
All the other apostles excepted his commission and writings. You don’t even come close to being able to dismiss what they accepted. Your position is meaningless.

I am pretty sure both our opinions are meaningless but how can you keep repeating the same thing over and over that they all accepted it since we know they didn't write the gospels and all date back to many years after the Apostles so why keep on insisting something that isn't there?

Nope, Paul as every amateur biblical scholar knows was primarily concerned with the structure and foundation of the early church. Were you there? We already had 4 gospels giving more than enough info about Christ’s earthly ministry. That was not Paul's role. Are you familiar with biblical exegesis at all. Paul is the only apostle that had a formal education in Jewish Law. He was taught by Gameliel himself. The greatest Jewish scholar of the time. Paul was more qualified than anyone to integrate Christianity with Judaism. That is exactly what he did.

I am pretty sure that Paul knew the stories that were spreading after he himself killed many Christians and executed them but that isn't a argument your trying to run away from the notation that Paul anointed himself as a apostle and never met Jesus(p) in real-life and wasn't a eye-witness to the crucifixion.

Good lord. It was a universally accepted requirement where witness testimony was concerned. Jesus knew about and did this.
English Standard Version(©2001)
I am the one who bears witness about myself, and the Father who sent me bears witness about me." http://bible.cc/john/8-18.htm
He was stating the fact that he knew even his testimony alone wasn't legal, and so he stated his father as the second witness which made it legal.

Again quoting John.. like i said i am familiar with the testimony of two witnesses so what is your point?

It most certainly is. F0uad this was very disappointing. I enjoy a good challenge, this isn’t one. Your contradictions are easily disproven and the other points I can even understand were wrong in a very simple way. Up until recently you have made some impressive arguments. What happened? From now on please limit your "supposed contradictions" to your two best. They only take a second to clear up but it takes forever to type it out.

I am sorry but your taking credit of something that you didn't write or researched so don't say they are easy i see you agreed with the notion that the stories aren't fully mentioned in all of the gospels.

Now you yourself stated that the stories do not always match, that the bible hasnt be fully preserved or correctly and that you do not belief that the Bible is perfect.. So what are we talking about?


I would reconsider the period...

Because the bible isn't doesn't mean the Quran isn't, yes its actually the same that Abu Bakr and Uthman had didn't you look into the link i gave or read anything i said before or at-least searched up or asked what muslims belief?
Without any doubt whatsover the quran has been changed. I thought you were a reasonable person who could start on obvious common ground but you appear to be just another biased Islamic defender and they make for very pointless debates. I am not saying you are disrespectful or not a very nice guy. I actually sympathise. It took years before I was willing to admit honestly that the bible isn't perfect. I could demonstrate it is still remarkably reliable however. Islam is the same, the difference is I admit it. One day I hope to meet a really humble muslim who can admit the obvious and have a meaningful discussion. Of course a religion that can kill you if you decide to leave it and is known for inaccurate biased sholarship probably won't allow admission of honest problems found in it.

I know that the idea of the bible being the dictated word has changed in time like many others things but this isn't the case for the Quran its fully preserved as i can show from the Hadiths and the dating of the Quran.
The official position is contained in the "Chicago Statement of Faith" and can be easily found. The bible is about 95% accurate, and the original revelations were 100% accurate.

What do you mean.. i didn't quote a Muslim source i was quoting what most scholars believed first of all i don´t dismiss John specific i dismiss everything inside bible that contradicts the Quran or the lies about previous prophets/messengers having acted in a way they would never do i can only accept the parts that agree what sounds logical when you belief that the Quran is from God right?
Yes it was a spelling error my bad and like i said there are many disagreements between Historians and Scholars themselves.
You said that muslims don't accept John. I said that was an arbitrary biased stance and doesn't matter. Most new testament scholars do accept John. To dismiss scriptures of eyewitnesses and written hundreds of years closer to the fact is bogus scholarship and meaningless. If I said, Christians reject Muhammad, have I proven anything, no I took a cowardly bogus way out. If the Quran is from God it wouldn't be so innacurate and could be shown to be from God. You just reject anything by assuming the Quran is from God, that is an illogical tactic in debates and proffesional muslim debaters like Shabir Ali know that and don't do it.

I don´t see your point... We were talking about eye-witnesses not if Mark believed in a certain teaching... Since mark didn't even write it how can you be so sure of your case that Mark really though that Jesus(p) was crucified?
The point was even without John, just taking Mark alone I can show the ressurection and devinity of Christ. But that doesn't matter. If you are going to debate the bible you can't rule out the parts you don't like. I can show all kinds of issues about authorship with the Quran. I don't need to I can use the quran as is and show it is false.

Islamic scholars? Have you ever searched up the definition of scholar-ship since a debater is not always a scholar nor does generalizing benefits you.
This is misdirection. Was the point I made true or false. I don't do semantics.

I already know the tele-scoping argument but it doesn't works on some of the verses i quoted because if Person A says A and Person B says B its not telescoping but a direct contradiction, you also forgot that i said stories aren't fully mentioned in some testimonies you agreed above as i can see but rather call it (telescoping).
I didn't use it for all the quotes just the ones where it applies. If the truth is A includes x and y, then all three of the statements that A contains x, and A contains y, and A contains x and y are all true. If I said A does not contain x or y that is a contradiction.

Its funny how you quote something just to argue, my point wasn't that they weren't crucified i said that thieves generally weren't crucified but yes outside of Rome it did happen
Ok, why did you mention it if it has no effect on the topic.

while many English translations of the Bible does use the word 'thief', the original Greek had "lestai" - which has a broader connotation than the English word (the Greek word for a common petty thief is "kleptai") and could also mean 'insurrectionist', 'revolutionary', or 'bandit'; the sense would be somewhere close to our modern-day "terrorist" or "guerilla fighters".
Now that is more like the F0uad I am used to.

So i would agree that it could have happen and certainly because it was outside of Rome (in Jerusalem).
I am still unclear why you mentioned it though.

Its not out of silence you have yourself stated that John destroys Islam :eek:.
You like them emoticons don't you. I said John claims things that Islam claims never happened. You posted that John didn't mention something the others did as evidence of contradiction . Silence can never be used as evidence.

I would say Classical Arabic, Classical Hebrew or even Chinese is more Descriptive but you forget the point that even now people look into the Greek scriptures and tell us that verses have been incorporated so there goes your reliable Greek scripture
The greek language is well known as the most precise.
Koine Greek became the language of the Mediterranean world, including the Jews, after Alexander the Great conquered the World. Koine Greek means "common" Greek. The Koine Greek was the most common language throughout the Mediterranean world. This form of Greek is among the most descriptive and precise language ever spoken. God used Koine Greek as the original language of the New Testament. It is very difficult to not understand the meaning of Koine Greek Grammar because of the many exact rules of this great language.
History of Our English Bible

However even if it wasn't so precise then my point still would be true. Two textual traditions can translate a word into two different words with generally the same meaning. That is not a contradiction.

Well, Your post ended much better than the stuff before it, so bring it on but keep it direct and clear. And actually allow the bible to speak for its self. When I begin showing how the Quran is wrong after I defend the integrity of the bible I will do so with it.


Admiral Obvious
Because it is the primary reference for the devineity of Christ and his resurection. That is why F0uad can't allow it to be accepted, even though it was excepted by Christ, and all the apostles. The others speak on the devinity and the ressurection but John and Paul are the prime sources. That is also why F0uad can't stand Paul either. Islam besically requires 60% of the new testament be removed on no authority whatsoever except they don't like it, and it makes Muhammad look like a lunatic.
Would you please be so kind as to explain exactly how a scripture that was not even written until after the death of Jesus was "accepted" by Jesus?


I think you have to re-read my post where i clearly said Contradictions and not fully mentioning the stories so you do accept that the stories aren't the same because one telescoping and the other not..
I have no idea what you mean here. A contradiction is a contradiction and would be meaningful. A short story and a longer story that does not contradict the short story isn't evidence of anything, except differeing liguistic requirements.

If this was kindergarten stuff why had you to look for the answer instead of knowing it? And see reply above.
Because I almost always verify what I am thinking is true. Plus if I can find where it is already said, I can copy it and I am lazy.

I am not confusing them i made a spelling mistake since i was on a telephone and English is my forth language i am not sure about what we were talking right now which one is older or verses?
You speak 4 languages. I can't even speak one right. Spelling gnostic as gnostik is a spelling mistake. Spelling gnostic as synoptic is something else entirely.

I am pretty sure both our opinions are meaningless but how can you keep repeating the same thing over and over that they all accepted it since we know they didn't write the gospels and all date back to many years after the Apostles so why keep on insisting something that isn't there?
I have a NIV bible at home. It was worked on by over 100 biblical scholars. It says while it isn't 100% virtually all of the Gospel writers are who they are named for even if actually written by a scribe who was recieving dictation from the apostle. I will admit I don't know for sure but it is a reasonable fact. I will take my 100 scholars over wikipedia and you.

I am pretty sure that Paul knew the stories that were spreading after he himself killed many Christians and executed them but that isn't a argument your trying to run away from the notation that Paul anointed himself as a apostle and never met Jesus(p) in real-life and wasn't a eye-witness to the crucifixion.
This is completely wrong. The only one who knows is Paul. He said you are wrong it was Jesus. The other apostles excepted his apostleship and his writings. They are far more credable than you or me. Since you made a claim to knowledge (that paul was not commisioned by a risen Christ) you have the burden of proof. Good luck

Again quoting John.. like i said i am familiar with the testimony of two witnesses so what is your point?
Is there some actual reason I can't use the bible to defend the bible. That it was vitually unanimously known that in the case of witness testimony two witnesses were required. You said that is not the case in the reserrection witnesses. That doesn't even make sence.

I am sorry but your taking credit of something that you didn't write or researched so don't say they are easy i see you agreed with the notion that the stories aren't fully mentioned in all of the gospels.
You are desperate to wiggle out of stuff no matter what you have to appeal to aren't you. Find the source other than me where I didn't footnote the source. You seem to suggesting I shouldn't be able to use sources outside my head. So I can't use John, Paul, Or any verse that the Quran thinks isn't right, or any scholarship outside my head. Trying to stack the deck are you? This is really desperate. You are actually going to try to use the argument that a complete story and a shorter version from another person somehow lessens it's accuracy. This is the kinds of things that experts in jurice prudence say makes testimony more reliable. Especially in that Islam only has one questionable guys testimony in the quran. Simply amazing.

Now you yourself stated that the stories do not always match, that the bible hasnt be fully preserved or correctly and that you do not belief that the Bible is perfect.. So what are we talking about?
Of course the stories are not identical. If they were you would be yelling plagurism. Multiple independant testimony is never word for word unless falsified.That is how you know the gospels are authentic. They use different words and telescopeing to tell the same narratives. If two reporters watched a jets and titans game and one said the jets won and the other one said the titans lost by your reasoning they are both wrong and there was not even a game at all. They are in no way contradictory, I showed your contradictions were a result of your contradiction with quality scholarship. They were easily cleared up. The bible is 95% accurate and is believed to contain every word given in revelation within it's textual tradition. It contains different facts and claims than Islam. It has multiple consistent witness testimony by many people, it was written hundreds of years closer to the events than the Quran. Since Islam's Quran is written hundreds of years later, by one questionable man, and contains gross innacuracies with the bible then it is false. Virtually every secular expert in jurice prudence acknowledges this. The quran perhaps might could be argued as a better source for some event in 7th century Arabia but not in any way concerning 1st century Israel.


Would you please be so kind as to explain exactly how a scripture that was not even written until after the death of Jesus was "accepted" by Jesus?
How did you get in here Mestamia? Just kidding. It is a well established biblical principal that God is outside of time and knows everything that has and will happen. Since Jesus chose Paul knowing already what he would write then there is no issue. Unless you want to discuss religion where the supernatural is ruled out before hand (and that is a popular idea) then case closed.


Well-Known Member
Without any doubt whatsover the quran has been changed. I thought you were a reasonable person who could start on obvious common ground but you appear to be just another biased Islamic defender and they make for very pointless debates. I am not saying you are disrespectful or not a very nice guy. I actually sympathise. It took years before I was willing to admit honestly that the bible isn't perfect. I could demonstrate it is still remarkably reliable however. Islam is the same, the difference is I admit it. One day I hope to meet a really humble muslim who can admit the obvious and have a meaningful discussion. Of course a religion that can kill you if you decide to leave it and is known for inaccurate biased sholarship probably won't allow admission of honest problems found in it.
With all respect i don´t see what your opinion or personal feelings have anything to do regarding the subject like i said before show me it isn't, the difference between the Christian and Muslim position on the fully preservation is that we have historical hadiths that explain in detail how the preservation happened wherein the bible has only guess works so being ´´humble´´ has nothing to do with it. I am pretty sure you never met a Muslim scholar/debater who was humble agreeing that the Quran isn't fully preserved history shows it is..

The official position is contained in the "Chicago Statement of Faith" and can be easily found. The bible is about 95% accurate, and the original revelations were 100% accurate.
So your saying that the bible is not original.. assuming that only 5% is wrong in the period of 200years is a big assumption.

You said that muslims don't accept John. I said that was an arbitrary biased stance and doesn't matter. Most new testament scholars do accept John. To dismiss scriptures of eyewitnesses and written hundreds of years closer to the fact is bogus scholarship and meaningless. If I said, Christians reject Muhammad, have I proven anything, no I took a cowardly bogus way out. If the Quran is from God it wouldn't be so innacurate and could be shown to be from God. You just reject anything by assuming the Quran is from God, that is an illogical tactic in debates and proffesional muslim debaters like Shabir Ali know that and don't do it.
Yes Christians do accept John is that a big shock?

First of all the scriptures were not written by the Eye-Witnesses can you not accept this fact just for once and print it in your mind...
Secondly i said the scriptures themselves do not testify the exact same thing on many subjects therefore not being reliable.
Thirdly you reject anything from the quran on the premises that the bible tells you to do so nobody can be not be fully not biased its impossible and even Shabir Ali mentioned this.. Its human nature.

The point was even without John, just taking Mark alone I can show the ressurection and devinity of Christ. But that doesn't matter. If you are going to debate the bible you can't rule out the parts you don't like. I can show all kinds of issues about authorship with the Quran. I don't need to I can use the quran as is and show it is false.
Sorry but i don't understand what your saying did i ever use a argument and then dismissing the other verses? I was simplying pointing out that Mark stated that everyone fled during the arrest.. I didn't say he was right or wrong

You know you just made a huge claim.. please provide some clarification.

I didn't use it for all the quotes just the ones where it applies. If the truth is A includes x and y, then all three of the statements that A contains x, and A contains y, and A contains x and y are all true. If I said A does not contain x or y that is a contradiction.

I know but the telescope argument doesn't work for them all if you want me to specific name them tell me.
You like them emoticons don't you. I said John claims things that Islam claims never happened. You posted that John didn't mention something the others did as evidence of contradiction . Silence can never be used as evidence.

No i didn't specific named John i said in general nor did i say they fully contradict i said if things or not mentioned how can you testify it being true since you uphold the idea that all four where eye-witnesses and you liked to mention the two eye-witness obligation of the Jewish/Muslim law. Yet not even one was a eye-witness who wrote the gospels.

The greek language is well known as the most precise.
Koine Greek became the language of the Mediterranean world, including the Jews, after Alexander the Great conquered the World. Koine Greek means "common" Greek. The Koine Greek was the most common language throughout the Mediterranean world. This form of Greek is among the most descriptive and precise language ever spoken. God used Koine Greek as the original language of the New Testament. It is very difficult to not understand the meaning of Koine Greek Grammar because of the many exact rules of this great language.
History of Our English Bible

Quoting a Christian site helps you how? the article says Among..

Wikipedia: The Greek of the New Testament is less distinctively Semitic than that of the Septuagint, partly because it appeared 300 years later and partly because it is largely a de novo composition in Greek, not primarily a translation from biblical Hebrew and biblical Aramaic.[8]

There are many people who disagree with you that Greek is the most descriptive the only ones that agree that i found on the internet are some Christians

However even if it wasn't so precise then my point still would be true. Two textual traditions can translate a word into two different words with generally the same meaning. That is not a contradiction.

Not if the words are directly different and each translation(interpretation) of the word are also different a contradiction doesn't mean that Person A had to say A and Person B had to say B it can also be said if Person B and Person A had said different kind of things in the same time or if Person B said it slightly different then Person A it depends on how sceptical you are.

Well, Your post ended much better than the stuff before it, so bring it on but keep it direct and clear. And actually allow the bible to speak for its self. When I begin showing how the Quran is wrong after I defend the integrity of the bible I will do so with it.

To be honest i never tried to tackle the bible as you can clearly see i was defending the Quran in my first posts but i did it because of false statements people made i just had to reply, i would appreciate it if you can acknowledge that the gospels aren't written by the apostles simply because they came much later after them...


Well-Known Member
Sorry for not quoting all your text i find most of them not interesting and more over a repeating of what you already said lets keep it on one subject and maybe you can clarify the claim you were making against the Quran.

As for the 1st/2nd century scripture being more realisable yes in date but not in the internal since the testimonies don't always agree and have slight or big different kind of versions. While on the other hand the scripture of the 7th century has no disagreement on the subject and is directly preserved from the authors time.

I am pretty sure there was a crucifixion but according to my understanding it wasn't Jesus(p) or that he was killed its harder to proof these things then the crucifixion since you have to proof it was Jesus(p) and that he actually died.. Off-course this is a absurd thing to (PROOF) and i wont ask you to do so.


With all respect i don´t see what your opinion or personal feelings have anything to do regarding the subject like i said before show me it isn't, the difference between the Christian and Muslim position on the fully preservation is that we have historical hadiths that explain in detail how the preservation happened wherein the bible has only guess works so being ´´humble´´ has nothing to do with it. I am pretty sure you never met a Muslim scholar/debater who was humble agreeing that the Quran isn't fully preserved history shows it is..
Seeing how you guys can get killed for getting away from Islam, I should have said I hope to meet a brave one. Let's drop this for now once I have defeated all your attacks against the bible I will attack the Quran and you will have a chance to prove your point. Deal?

So your saying that the bible is not original.. assuming that only 5% is wrong in the period of 200years is a big assumption.
F0uad I can't read your mind. What 200 yrs. The bible was perfect in it's first draft. In the 1800 or so years since then it has 5% that is not known to be unreliable. That is better than any other work of antiquity by many many times over. Try and prove me wrong.

Yes Christians do accept John is that a big shock?
I didn't say it mattered if Christians in general believe it. I said that the people in the world most qualified to judge it's authenticity (The apostles) accepted it. There is no way out of this. Some Hadith doesn't trump the apostles.

First of all the scriptures were not written by the Eye-Witnesses can you not accept this fact just for once and print it in your mind...
This is my actual statement "It has multiple consistent witness testimony by many people" I never claimed all the writers were witnesses to the ressurection, but many of the apostles were, the apostles were however all witnesses to the appearences.

Secondly I said the scriptures themselves do not testify the exact same thing on many subjects therefore not being reliable.
This is getting nuts. If a friend said I went to the store. And I said I went to the store in a car. They are both true and reliable. Thats the way the gospels are.

Thirdly you reject anything from the quran on the premises that the bible tells you to do so nobody can be not be fully not biased its impossible and even Shabir Ali mentioned this.. Its human nature.
No I didn't. Here is why I think the quran is wrong. This was my actual statement "The bible is 95% accurate and is believed to contain every word given in revelation within it's textual tradition. It contains different facts and claims than Islam. It has multiple consistent witness testimony by many people, it was written hundreds of years closer to the events than the Quran. Since Islam's Quran is written hundreds of years later, by one questionable man, and contains gross innacuracies with the bible then it is false. Virtually every secular expert in jurice prudence acknowledges this." This is valid jurice prudence that has been used through thousands of years. If you make up things I said or think, that are not true your counter points are meaningless.

Sorry but i don't understand what your saying did i ever use a argument and then dismissing the other verses? I was simplying pointing out that Mark stated that everyone fled during the arrest.. I didn't say he was right or wrong
This is the first time I can remeber arrest mentioned. If you aren't saying he is right or wrong, what are you saying?

You know you just made a huge claim.. please provide some clarification.
If you are reffering to authorship of the quran, see my first post. It's coming as soon as you are through with the bible.

I know but the telescope argument doesn't work for them all if you want me to specific name them tell me.
I didn't use it for all. I have said this twice now and actually done it once. Yes name them.

No i didn't specific named John i said in general nor did i say they fully contradict i said if things or not mentioned how can you testify it being true since you uphold the idea that all four where eye-witnesses and you liked to mention the two eye-witness obligation of the Jewish/Muslim law. Yet not even one was a eye-witness who wrote the gospels.
If you will review the original statement that I posted or the one I reposted you will see I did not say all four for the ressurection but all the apostles and over 450 more for the appearences. You say here that not one was:

A. The author of 1 Peter says in 1 Pet 5:1 that he was a witness of Christ's sufferings. Peter, along with all the other disciples, except John, the son of Zebedee, fled when Jesus was arrested [Mark 14:50 = Matt 26:56].

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The author of 1 Peter was "Peter, the apostle of the Lord." This can be none other than Simon Peter. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Peter's given name was Simeon / Simon, the name of the patriarch. Jesus gave Peter the "nickname" of "Rock" (Aramaic: kyp'; Greek: Kêphas = Petros) (see Matt 16:18; John 1:42). Peter's "nickname" comes into English as Peter. In his letters, Paul refers to Peter not only as Petros (Gal 2:7, 8) but more frequently as Kêphas (1 Cor 1:12; 3:22; 9:5; 15:5; Gal 1:18; 2:9, 11, 14), indicating that Peter was known as Kêphas even among Greek speaking believers. Peter apparently prefers to use the Greek Petros, as does the rest of the New Testament. THE FIRST LETTER OF PETER[/FONT]
That took a total of thirty seconds to prove wrong. You are also not understanding that several apostles came back and the bible mentions it includeing Peter.

Quoting a Christian site helps you how? the article says Among..

Wikipedia: The Greek of the New Testament is less distinctively Semitic than that of the Septuagint, partly because it appeared 300 years later and partly because it is largely a de novo composition in Greek, not primarily a translation from biblical Hebrew and biblical Aramaic.[8]
What the holy heck is this? This seems to prove my point.

There are many people who disagree with you that Greek is the most descriptive the only ones that agree that i found on the internet are some Christians
I had a history class in college that taught this as the scholarly concensus. However I said specifically that it didn't matter anyway, that the principle I mentioned applies to any language.

Not if the words are directly different and each translation(interpretation) of the word are also different a contradiction doesn't mean that Person A had to say A and Person B had to say B it can also be said if Person B and Person A had said different kind of things in the same time or if Person B said it slightly different then Person A it depends on how sceptical you are.
No F0uad, a contadiction is derived from the root contradictory. Meaning person A did X and person A did not do X is a contradiction. I think this english fourth language thing is getting you here.

To be honest i never tried to tackle the bible as you can clearly see i was defending the Quran in my first posts but i did it because of false statements people made i just had to reply, i would appreciate it if you can acknowledge that the gospels aren't written by the apostles simply because they came much later after them...
I appreciate the honesty. However what you are saying is incorrect. Some of our first extant references to a text is after their lifetimes. Their originals were in their times. If you research the writings of the early church fathers you will find that 95% of the new testament was in circulation within a few years maybe 5-30 of Christs death. It obviously existed then. We just don't have their original copy from this early period for some of them. I will drop the whole subject of the biblical realiability altogether as far as this part of the discussion is concerned if you want to begin defending the Quran now. It will have to wait until tomorrow though I have to leave. Have a blessed day.


Sorry for not quoting all your text i find most of them not interesting and more over a repeating of what you already said lets keep it on one subject and maybe you can clarify the claim you were making against the Quran.
That is fine but my claims remain if they aren't successfully refuted even if they are boring.

As for the 1st/2nd century scripture being more realisable yes in date but not in the internal since the testimonies don't always agree and have slight or big different kind of versions. While on the other hand the scripture of the 7th century has no disagreement on the subject and is directly preserved from the authors time.
You have yet to prove any contradictions or actual different stories in the bible. Of course the testimony of one man would have a singular viewpoint. However the fact that it is only one person is an obvious dissadvantage that every lawyer will backup. The more witnesses the better. Muhammad could have made up most of that stuff and there are no other witness writing to compare with. That's bad for Islam, and reveals that the Islamic God is not as smart as the Christian one. Thats mostly a joke by the way but still true.

I am pretty sure there was a crucifixion but according to my understanding it wasn't Jesus(p) or that he was killed its harder to proof these things then the crucifixion since you have to proof it was Jesus(p) and that he actually died.. Off-course this is a absurd thing to (PROOF) and i wont ask you to do so.
I will give you some advice Islam has many differnt versions of the Crucifixion used to try and weasel out of the fact of it. Because if it happened Muhammad is a liar, so they must do so. The best one of them and it isn't good by any stretch is the one that Shabir believes. That Jesus was almost dead but God restored him. It's stupid but the best one you have available. The best alternate version outside Islam is actually pretty good. That Joseph and Nicodemus stole the body the night after the crucifixion, and the apostles made up the rest. That one is hard to argue against but not impossible by a long shot. Unfortunately it doesn't help Muhammad or I might have my hands full. Talk to you tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Seeing how you guys can get killed for getting away from Islam, I should have said I hope to meet a brave one. Let's drop this for now once I have defeated all your attacks against the bible I will attack the Quran and you will have a chance to prove your point. Deal?
O great what a stupid thing to say its like me saying that people can get burned by practising witchcraft or are heretics if they follow Christianity your just trying to be rude here.
You have (Defeated) all of my attacks.. since when did i attack.. If you want to see a real attack just ask me for it and i will put more effort and time to actually have a debate but sure go ahead ill wait since you will be the first in 1434years to disprove the preservation its even a well known fact accepted by the majority of the historians who have done study into it.

F0uad I can't read your mind. What 200 yrs. The bible was perfect in it's first draft. In the 1800 or so years since then it has 5% that is not known to be unreliable. That is better than any other work of antiquity by many many times over. Try and prove me wrong.
How do you come up with this nonsense except of biased sources, read my post again and you know what i meant.

I didn't say it mattered if Christians in general believe it. I said that the people in the world most qualified to judge it's authenticity (The apostles) accepted it. There is no way out of this. Some Hadith doesn't trump the apostles.
:facepalm: Ok and tell me how the apostles John, Mark, Matthew and Luke have ever could written down the gospels and be eye-witnesses on the same time when the Gospels were written down 60 years and later after Jesus(p).
This is my actual statement "It has multiple consistent witness testimony by many people" I never claimed all the writers were witnesses to the ressurection, but many of the apostles were, the apostles were however all witnesses to the appearences.
So you deny that the writers are the Apostles John, Mark, Matthew or Luke or are you saying Mark, Matthew, Luke and John were but other people wrote the gospels? please some clarification.

This is getting nuts. If a friend said I went to the store. And I said I went to the store in a car. They are both true and reliable. Thats the way the gospels are.
I was addressing the two witnesses that you liked to quote and use as a argument so according to the two witness testimony that car in your story is not reliable.
No I didn't. Here is why I think the quran is wrong. This was my actual statement "The bible is 95% accurate and is believed to contain every word given in revelation within it's textual tradition. It contains different facts and claims than Islam. It has multiple consistent witness testimony by many people, it was written hundreds of years closer to the events than the Quran. Since Islam's Quran is written hundreds of years later, by one questionable man, and contains gross innacuracies with the bible then it is false. Virtually every secular expert in jurice prudence acknowledges this." This is valid jurice prudence that has been used through thousands of years. If you make up things I said or think, that are not true your counter points are meaningless.
Ok you meant to say that's why i think the quran is wrong on the subject. Can you clarify what you mean by the 95% accurate on what? It has multiple consistent witness testimony but also disagreements i know you don't like the be sceptical about it but try it for a minute. Your argument can be countered by this example: Person A who lived 3000 years ago says the earth is flat, Person B who lived 2000 years ago says earth is round and lets say there is no evidence for both. Since i never denied a Crucifixion but the death of Jesus(p) i don't see you having a real argument here but maybe i am to tired its late...

This is the first time I can remeber arrest mentioned. If you aren't saying he is right or wrong, what are you saying?
That there was no-one there according to that verse and other verses contradict that?

If you are reffering to authorship of the quran, see my first post. It's coming as soon as you are through with the bible.
I didn't use it for all. I have said this twice now and actually done it once. Yes name them.
Instead of calling them contradictions i rather ask behind it because there can be logical answers or explanations to them

According to Matthew (27:34) Jesus(p) drank Wine mixed with Gall
According to Mark (15:23) Jesus(p) didn't drank and was only offered wine with myrrh.
According to Luke(23:36) and John 19:29-30 it says he did drink Vinegar

I am not so sure about this one though

Neither one of the thieves believed in Jesus. Matthew(27:44)
Neither one of the thieves believed in Jesus. (15:32)
In Luke’s story, only one thief does not believe, but ONE DOES! (23:39-41)
And John doesn't mention it.

Telescoping cannot be used here... (i think)

“Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” That is, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Matthew (27:46) Mark is almost the same but when when we read John: “It is finished” or Luke: “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.”

i don´t see how telescoping can be used on this or are you saying that Jesus(p) said allot of things and John and Luke just wrote different things down what they found important?

When reading Mark we see Mary prepared the spices after the Sabbath was over. (16:1) while both in John and Luke they stated it was before and in Matthew it isn't mentioned i think..

Matthew (28:16) and Mark’s (16:7) post-resurrection story has the apostles immediately depart Jerusalem, and go to the Galilee, which is about an 80-90 mile journey. Luke’s narrative, on the other hand, insists that the apostles were never told to go to the Galilee and never did depart Jerusalem! Because the anonymous person who wrote the Book of Luke authored the Book of Acts as well, his story was written in a manner that would keep the disciples gathered in Jerusalem after the crucifixion in order to form the new Jerusalem church (Luke 24:5-7, 49; Acts 1:4).

After seeing the angels, whom does Mary meet first, Jesus or the disciples?
Matthew says Jesus(p), Mark says Jesus(p) Luke says DISCIPLES and John says Jesus(p)

Luke asserts (24:34) that when the two followers who met Jesus on the road to Emmaus returned to Jerusalem and told the eleven about their encounter, the disciples declared “It is true!,” whereas Mark insists that when the two reported their encounter, the disciples did not believe! —Mark 16:13

So if your argument is telescoping again i would say there is a huge gap here..

I think this will do for now.

If you will review the original statement that I posted or the one I reposted you will see I did not say all four for the ressurection but all the apostles and over 450 more for the appearences. You say here that not one was:
I said that none of the writes were witnesses.

I had a history class in college that taught this as the scholarly concensus. However I said specifically that it didn't matter anyway, that the principle I mentioned applies to any language.

I appreciate the honesty. However what you are saying is incorrect. Some of our first extant references to a text is after their lifetimes. Their originals were in their times. If you research the writings of the early church fathers you will find that 95% of the new testament was in circulation within a few years maybe 5-30 of Christs death. It obviously existed then. We just don't have their original copy from this early period for some of them. I will drop the whole subject of the biblical realiability altogether as far as this part of the discussion is concerned if you want to begin defending the Quran now. It will have to wait until tomorrow though I have to leave. Have a blessed day.
So you sincerely belief that we have to trust some church fathers giving us the real deal? or at-least 95% of it? You know the Church Fathers are considered Catholics? I mean since you are a protestant.. it seems a bit weird..
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Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Hello dirty penguin. Please limit your supposed contradictions to two at a time. It only takes a second to clear them up but it takes a lot of typeing and is usually too long for one post.

Why would you even attempt to?

I recognize that each of these gospels were written for specific audiences at different times over the course of 70 plus years after the supposed death of Yeshua. I can accept the glaring contradictions in these anonymous works. For you to take an apologetic stance on them IMO makes you appear desperate to make the square peg fit a round hole. It's not necessary to try and explain away the contradictions. At the end of the day they will still be there. I have shown without any doubt that the scriptures have been tampered with and that many of the NT stories concerning Yeshua don't match up. All this to say that one should really be careful in their attempts to critique the validity of some another's 'holy book'...


O great what a stupid thing to say its like me saying that people can get burned by practising witchcraft or are heretics if they follow Christianity your just trying to be rude here.
I was mainly kidding, but there is truth to what I said. This was kind of a test by me to see if you were reasonable enough to admit the obvious even though it was not in your favor. I have had a problem debateing muslims because they have been willing to say or do anything to make their point. I was trying to see if you are the same. So far you atleast are better than most. For example if you said that the "cast the first stone story" in the bible is unreliable, and I said you were wrong then you would know that I will not admit anything I didn't like, so a conversation would be wasted. As it is I admit that story is unreliably authentic. Just a month or so ago a man who was told he was a muslim as a child, grew up and chose Christ. He was sentenced to death in Iran. I do not know if he was killed or not. A lady school teacher in Sudan had her kids name a teddy bear for the class. They named him Muhammad. She was arrested and there were thousands of Muslims in the street screaming for her to be stoned to death. All the fatwa's against cartoonists and writers, the tens of thousands cheering in the streets in the middle east after 911 are more evidence of Islam's intolerance. If you won't admit these well known things then that leads me to believe you are irrational. I admit the Crusades, witch hunts, etc...... I am rational. That was the point.

You have (Defeated) all of my attacks.. since when did i attack.. If you want to see a real attack just ask me for it and i will put more effort and time to actually have a debate but sure go ahead ill wait since you will be the first in 1434years to disprove the preservation its even a well known fact accepted by the majority of the historians who have done study into it.
Attack was bad word choice. I should have said critique.

How do you come up with this nonsense except of biased sources, read my post again and you know what I meant.
The only thing I can figure you might have meant is 200yrs between Christ and the Gospels. Since that is absolutely wrong I have no idea what you meant, and I did re-read your post. Do you automatically yell biased when ever you see something you don't like? My comments were a personal extremely short summary of the hundreds of hours I have spent reading, or listening to textual scholars.

Ok and tell me how the apostles John, Mark, Matthew and Luke have ever could written down the gospels and be eye-witnesses on the same time when the Gospels were written down 60 years and later after Jesus(p).
I need to know what it is you are claiming they witnessed. The Crucifiction, or the ressurection, or the post ressurection appearences. I need that for something else. For this question there is a difference in the oldest copy that we have and the date that the original was written. It could have been and almost surely was much earlier. As I said the writeings of the early church fathers had 95% of the new testament in them and they are much closer to 10-20 yrs after Christs death. If they contain the apostles writeings that early then it's obvious the apostles had written them by then. However our earliest documents in connonical form (not in the writeings of the early church fathers) is 60 yrs or so later. However even those dates are hotly debated.

So you deny that the writers are the Apostles John, Mark, Matthew or Luke or are you saying Mark, Matthew, Luke and John were but other people wrote the gospels? please some clarification.
My comment had nothing to do with who wrote the Gospels. I said that some of the apostles witnessed the crucifixion, and some the appearances. Basically some did some didn't. It was in response to your claim that none did.

I was addressing the two witnesses that you liked to quote and use as a argument so according to the two witness testimony that car in your story is not reliable.
My car story was not as important as Jesus and not made by God (just me)with the idea of establishing legal authority. God made sure that the most crucial points of the Gospels were witnessed by more than one person, sometimes many. That however has nothing to so with anything. My car story was addressing your contradiction claim, it had nothing whatsoever to do with what constitutes legal testimony.

Ok you meant to say that's why i think the quran is wrong on the subject. Can you clarify what you mean by the 95% accurate on what?
I have no idea why you wrote this it sounds exactly like what I wrote.

It has multiple consistent witness testimony but also disagreements i know you don't like the be sceptical about it but try it for a minute. Your argument can be countered by this example:
No, it has things that require patient research that insted you conclude are dissagreements because that fits what you want to be true.

Person A who lived 3000 years ago says the earth is flat, Person B who lived 2000 years ago says earth is round and lets say there is no evidence for both
. Since I never denied a Crucifixion but the death of Jesus(p) i don't see you having a real argument here but maybe i am to tired its late...
This might clear things up. An object cannot possibly be described accurately as a three deminsional circle and a two dimensional plane at the same time. This would be a contradiction. However a wall where you and I are on different sides can be blue to you and red to me and both are correct. This is the test. If something can't possibly be both things that are claimed then it is contradictory. You will see this in a minute in your "contradictions" below.

That there was no-one there according to that verse and other verses contradict that?
I am still a little unclear what you are getting at. The bible records that the desciples ran away, later it records some came back, Peter is mentioned several times in particular. There is no issue that I can see.

Instead of calling them contradictions i rather ask behind it because there can be logical answers or explanations to them
Every claimed contradiction I have ever researched has been easily cleared up except for a few in the old testament that include certain numbers.

According to Mark (15:23) Jesus(p) didn't drank and was only offered wine with myrrh.
The first time Jesus was offered a drink was early in the crucifixion (the commentarys say immediately before or after they were placed on the cross was the custom) it was a custom to give them old wine (vinegar) mixed with frankencence and myrrh as a numbing agent of sorts that would slightly lessen the pain. Jesus refused this because he was willing to take all the bitterness that was put on him. Myrrh is a substance and also an adjective used to mean all sorts of bitterness. This was the first offered drink.

According to Luke(23:36) and John 19:29-30 it says he did drink Vinegar
According to Matthew (27:34) Jesus(p) drank Wine mixed with Gall
This second offering was for the purpose of thirst (Jesus said "I thirst" in John) and it consisted of the old wine (vinegar) that the Roman soldiers drank and they had around all the time. In this case it did not have a numbing effect and so Jesus drank it. Wine that gets old turns into vinegar and isn't alcoholic , and it doesn't go bad as fast as water. That is why the Romans drank it all the time. Gall is another term for bitterness. Gall is a secretion from an animals liver and isn't used in any drink I am aware of but I am not sure. If you understand they are writing about two distinct times Jesus was offered a drink, and that old wine was referred to as vinegar then there is no contradiction at all.


I will be what I will be
That's not true. Many Christian writings are dated to the First Century:

Early Christian Writings: New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, Church Fathers

What F0uad implied was right, there are no historical documents other than the NT itself that were written during the time of Jesus about his life. The website you gave is many listing books of the NT, and isnt a list of ACTUAL manuscripts found and their dates, but rather is all hypothetical.

The earliest manuscript found from the NT was a small piece of John that dates to around 125 CE. I think there were a few famous historians(Josephus, Tactus, a few others) that mentioned Jesus, but several decades after Jesus's life.


Neither one of the thieves believed in Jesus. Matthew(27:44)
Neither one of the thieves believed in Jesus. (15:32)
In Luke’s story, only one thief does not believe, but ONE DOES! (23:39-41)
And John doesn't mention it.
I do not claim which answer is correct for this one. This one seems to be the most likely of the ones I mention. They all seem plausable but which one is the correct one I do not know.This apparent contradiction asks did both thieves crucified with Jesus mock him or just one. Mark 15:23 says both did. Luke 23:43 says one mocked and one defended Jesus. It isn’t too difficult to see what it going on here. The obvious conclusion is that both thieves mocked Jesus initially. However after Jesus had said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing,” one of the robbers seems to have had a change of heart and repented on the cross, while the other continued in his mocking.
There is a lesson here which shouldn’t be overlooked; that the Lord allows us at any time to repent, no matter what crime or sin we have committed. These two thieves are symptomatic of all of us. Some of us when faced with the reality of Christ continue to reject him and mock him, while others accept our sinfulness and ask for forgiveness. The good news is that like the thief on the cross, we can be exonerated from that sin at any time, even while ‘looking at death in the face’.
A Criminal Converted
The link is for another very long study into this idea.

Another surprising to me and reasonable idea is that there is much evidence to suggest that there were 4 people in addition to Christ that were crucified. Early church tradition taught this, even though modern church tradition says two theives. The scriptures use two different titles of the 4 people criminals, and theives. Some scholars have said that they are refering to two groups of two men each. http://site.pauliticallycorrect.com/uploads/How_Many_Criminals_Were_Crucified_With_Jesus.pdf
The Four Crucified With Christ
I have not done enough research to know it's worth, but I see no issues with this explanation as of yet.

“Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” That is, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Matthew (27:46) Mark is almost the same but when when we read John: “It is finished” or Luke: “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.”
This one is simply an oversensitivity to the "final" words comcept. I am an amateur historian and I can tell you without doubt that when a writer says final words he doesn't mean the actual last words ever spoken. Usually he means the last words that are relevant to the reader. Since all the Gospels are written for a different audience and purpose their last words were all correct just not the absolute last words Jesus ever said. This is very very common in historical literature.
This “contradiction” is all in the objector’s head. The gospels do not claim that the last words they chose to record Jesus speaking on the cross were necessarily His absolute last utterances before He died physically. As always the individual gospels are selective, accurately recording the specific details they chose to include. (One wonders if the objector assumes that the last words the evening new might show a speech maker speaking during a thirty second report on television to be necessarily the last words of his speech! Such a thing is not necessarily intended or implied, on the network news or in the gospel accounts). The words of Matthew 27:46 are
obviously uttered soon after the sins of the world were actually placed on Christ (see#87). John 19:30 “It is finished” is a declaration of victory made after Jesus had succeeded in completing the atonement. (Note: “It is finished” is one Greek word, the verb, “telestai”. It was a legal term used for the successful fulfillment/payment of a legal penalty). After uttering this victory cry,
the Lord lowered his head and committed His spirit to the Father, Luke 23:46)
The bolded words are mine. While this is perfectly reasonable and satafactory to me, I do not think a hypersensative bible critic would be.

i don´t see how telescoping can be used on this or are you saying that Jesus(p) said allot of things and John and Luke just wrote different things down what they found important?
Like I said they ephasized different things throughout all the Gospels. To me this is exactly what they should have done. It provides additional information and prevents the "copying" copout to be used.

When reading Mark we see Mary prepared the spices after the Sabbath was over. (16:1) while both in John and Luke they stated it was before and in Matthew it isn't mentioned i think..
I did not find what you claimed those verses to state. Here is a site that actually only deals with this topic. I think you confused when the brought them and when the bought or prepared them. Anyway there is more than enough info here:

Matthew (28:16) and Mark’s (16:7) post-resurrection story has the apostles immediately depart Jerusalem, and go to the Galilee, which is about an 80-90 mile journey. Luke’s narrative, on the other hand, insists that the apostles were never told to go to the Galilee and never did depart Jerusalem! Because the anonymous person who wrote the Book of Luke authored the Book of Acts as well, his story was written in a manner that would keep the disciples gathered in Jerusalem after the crucifixion in order to form the new Jerusalem church (Luke 24:5-7, 49; Acts 1:4).
This is an old and well known issue. This is taking forever to reply to so I will only give the links where these "contradictions" are explained in detail. Apologetics Press - To Galilee or Jerusalem?
You can't just dismiss a reasonable explanation because it comes from a Christian source by the way. You must prove it wrong or unlikely at least or let it be.

After seeing the angels, whom does Mary meet first, Jesus or the disciples?
Matthew says Jesus(p), Mark says Jesus(p) Luke says DISCIPLES and John says Jesus(p)
A3:The critic cites Luke 24:4 as seen below that does not mention the disciples. Luke 24:9 indicates that when "they" got back from the tomb, "they" reported to the disciples. The other passages cited below indicate a meeting before Mary Magdalene left the immediate vicinity of the empty tomb. Luke�s silence between the time of the angelic dialog and the report to the disciples is not a denial of Mary�s meeting with Jesus in the vicinity of the tomb. This silence would be quite reasonable if the supposition is correct that Luke or his eyewitness was the unnamed companion of Cheopas on the Emmas road.
Apparent Contradictions in accounts concerning Jesus Christ
This seems pretty straight forward. There is something that I noticed a long time ago which is absolutely true but may or may not apply here. Ravi Zacharias (IMO the greatest philosopher in history) said that intent detremines content. He meant that if you want a reason to doubt the bible you will find it. You will chose an interpretation or explatation or (in this case) not check into something thuroughly that enables you to have what you want. A reason to doubt. There is nothing fantastic or unreasonable about answers to your contradictions and you are more than smart enough to quickly find the answers to them if you wanted to. Why haven't you?

Luke asserts (24:34) that when the two followers who met Jesus on the road to Emmaus returned to Jerusalem and told the eleven about their encounter, the disciples declared “It is true!,” whereas Mark insists that when the two reported their encounter, the disciples did not believe! —Mark 16:13
But do Mark 16:13 and Luke 24:34 give conflicting accounts of whether general belief or outright scepticism prevailed? Only a very naïve reader could see these as being in conflict. Firstly, we may note that Luke, who implies belief, says only a few verses later that they "still did not believe it because of joy" when Jesus himself was standing there! (24:41) So if your argument is telescoping again i would say there is a huge gap here..
Resurrection Harmony
This is a great site and has diagrams of the gospel harmony. If you will search for Mark 16:13 on the page you will find the rest of what is said.

F0uad please shorten your posts a bit. I am haveing to split them in two and cut back on what I say and they are still maxed out.


So you sincerely belief that we have to trust some church fathers giving us the real deal? or at-least 95% of it? You know the Church Fathers are considered Catholics? I mean since you are a protestant.. it seems a bit weird..
The Church at that time was not the same type of Church that later became so messed up that the protestants broke away. Even if it was, we are discussing the biblical texts not Catholic dogma so their Catholicism and my protestantism is not an issue. While their writings contain 95% of the new testament text, not all of the 95% was contained in the writings that were prior to the dates given for the Gospels. I made have given an inaccurate impression unintentionaly. I never said they were to be relied on alone. They just give another line of corroberation that adds to the reliability of the Gospels. Some random examples are. Clement of Rome (c.96), Ignatius (c.35-100), Polycarp, (c.69-150) There are I think 10 writings that range from 33 AD - 100 AD etc......
There are many lines of reasoning that lead to far earlier dates for the Gospels than the ones you seem to suggest. One is the fact that none of them mention the destruction of the temple in jerusalem in 70AD. That would have been an event so significant that it couldn't have been left out of a gospel made after this time.
When were the gospels written and by whom?|What are the dates and authors of the gospels? | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

Another line of reasoning is the opinion of most textual scholars that even the earliest fragments we have of the Gospels are copies so the actual dates the originals were pinned would have been somewhat earlier. There is quite a lot of reasons to believe that the gospels were written quite a bit earlier but without hard facts it can only be said to be likely but not know.
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Well-Known Member
Hey Robin,

Some of those verses are explained with detail and logic but i am really sceptical about some explanations you mentioned, anyway i will be waiting on your case against the Quran since we both agreed that we would bring forth a couple of arguments. I don't want this Thread to become a Attack on the bible but rather a discussion between the two where both can have a equal chance to ask and answer and understand both positions better.

Ps: i will try to limit the text


Hey Robin,

Some of those verses are explained with detail and logic but i am really sceptical about some explanations you mentioned, anyway i will be waiting on your case against the Quran since we both agreed that we would bring forth a couple of arguments. I don't want this Thread to become a Attack on the bible but rather a discussion between the two where both can have a equal chance to ask and answer and understand both positions better.

Ps: i will try to limit the text
Well one of those explanations I admitted wouldn't convince me if I was a critic (however it is satasfactory to someone who has confidence in the bible already) but the rest I thought were atleast reasonable. Ok, before we get into the quran. I would like you to agree where we are as of now. You I am sure still believe that the bible is corrupted but you have not produced an example that proved this. If you had given a few of the ones I know of then I would have admitted that atleast those were corrupted verses but they are few, and as it is you didn't so we have no choice but to say that the bible has proven to be a reliable account of the last days of Christ. You may not believe this but it hasn't been established that it isn't true. The reason I make this point is not to say "I told you so" at all but we have to start from common ground at least within the context of this discussion for my comments on the quran to have relevance. If you can agree that while you may believe it's corrupt that at least it hasn't been shown to be corrupt concerning the last days of Christ in our discussion then I will begin my counter points.

I appreciate what I take as reasonable conduct and conclusions by you on the discussions so far. It is quite rare. I know you will be far more adept at defending the quran than critiqueing the bible and I will have my work cut out for me.

If you have any last reasons that need to be cleared up in order for us to establish for this discussion that the Gospel accounts are at least unable to be shown to be unreliable, then let me know. It is necessary for what I will be discussing that this be understood. You don't have to believe it yourself, and you may have a thousand points in other places in the bible that make it unreliable. But just for this discussion and just concerning the last days of Christ we have to start with this understanding or you must keep questioningthe bible until we can start with that idea atleast. I will promise that if you can give likely explanations that for the issues I introduce with the quran I will be reasonable if I can't prove them wrong and admit it. Deal?


Veteran Member
Both Quran and the Bibe teach the same spiritual truths....Only, the social and religious laws are different, as these 2 Books had come for 2 different ages.

For example Jesus and Muhammad said the same thing about their own station:

“In truth, they who plighted fealty unto thee [O Muhammad], really plighted that fealty unto God.” Qur’án 48:10

"I and my Father are one" Jesus, (John 10:30)


Well-Known Member
Ok, before we get into the quran. I would like you to agree where we are as of now. You I am sure still believe that the bible is corrupted but you have not produced an example that proved this. If you had given a few of the ones I know of then I would have admitted that atleast those were corrupted verses but they are few, and as it is you didn't so we have no choice but to say that the bible has proven to be a reliable account of the last days of Christ. You may not believe this but it hasn't been established that it isn't true. The reason I make this point is not to say "I told you so" at all but we have to start from common ground at least within the context of this discussion for my comments on the quran to have relevance. If you can agree that while you may believe it's corrupt that at least it hasn't been shown to be corrupt concerning the last days of Christ in our discussion then I will begin my counter points.
Ok i will start by explaining why i think its not preserved right or is not reliable in my understanding with making a comparison between the two scriptures.

Since i use a much more criteria on religious text then you what ever it may be before calling it Authentic or even anything reliable, i will lower the scepticism a little bit and also only focus only the Gospels without the Old-Testament.

The New Testament was originally composed in the Greek language so therefore making it a translation of the Armaric Words Jesus(p) spoke and therefore using different kind of meanings and interpretations to begin with.

The New testament was written in about 60 Years after Jesus(P) till 200 Years with the earliest fragments off-course coming from 60/90Years and most scholars and historians agreeing that it was Mark.
So we can see that it had a long time span with no authority, no canonizing, no strong oral tradition, and not a single apostle who confirmed it, authorized anyone or confirming any text. Like i said the only evidence is the scripture itself there is no record in the 1st century.. NOTHING

Since the Roman Church Fathers and the Council of Nicea made the Trinity official and later incorporated text into it such as the trinity-verse(what is now removed) we can clearly see that the Bible has been changed even by the earlier authorities. What about the Gentile/Jewish scribes they could have easily influenced the text and they did if you ever read Berhman's book.

Now compare this with the Quran that was being compiled in the time of Mohammed(saws) and was finished 15years after him by hes own companions he in-trusted then 5 years later it was canonized and accepted by all the companions who lived with Mohammed(saws).

If you have any last reasons that need to be cleared up in order for us to establish for this discussion that the Gospel accounts are at least unable to be shown to be unreliable, then let me know. It is necessary for what I will be discussing that this be understood. You don't have to believe it yourself, and you may have a thousand points in other places in the bible that make it unreliable. But just for this discussion and just concerning the last days of Christ we have to start with this understanding or you must keep questioningthe bible until we can start with that idea atleast. I will promise that if you can give likely explanations that for the issues I introduce with the quran I will be reasonable if I can't prove them wrong and admit it. Deal?
It depends on what we use the internal or external i personaly use the external such as the preservation. Lets say the New-Testament is reliable where i see no reason for since it talks about the events 200 to 60 years after it, with internal text problems.
Bet lets say its Reliable then there are still 100,000's of ways to interpret the text on wherein the Quran has a tasfir (Context) from the Prophet(saws) and hes companions included Historical Context.

Now lets say your a Theist(Not christian or following any religion) what would you find a better and more trustworthy preservation? (try to be honest)

Ps: Lets use this as our private discussion as there is no other place.
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