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Who is fit to be called as Satguru or Sadhguru? - Soul Prajna
There are many energy centres in the body called Chakras and a parallel can be drawn between the space between chakras and the trinities namely Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
The Vedas say that absolute knowledge is ‘Brahman’. ‘Brahman’ is different from Brahma. Brahman is our inner wisdom. There is a great difference between knowledge and wisdom. A single drop as well as the entire ocean is considered to be water but they are totally different.
The span between Sahasrara and Vishuddhi chakra is considered to be the area of Brahma. The guru in the form of Brahman is our inner wisdom, and that wisdom can be realized between Vishuddhi and Sahasrara i.e. in the Ajna Chakra. Ajna Chakra is the seat of Brahma – the personification of knowledge.
Vishuddhi to Manipura is the realm of Vishnu, Vishnu personifies love and devotion. Love and devotion emerge from the heart and the heart chakra is called ‘Anahata’.
Manipura to Muladhara is the realm of Shiva.
“Satyam Shivam Sundaram”, this means Shiva is the embodiment of truth and beauty. What is truth? Truth is ’that’, which doesn’t change with time – past, present or future. My surroundings and I were not like at the present a hundred years ago, and what they will be ten years hence, no one knows. Is there nothing called ‘Truth’? Creation is truth, because creation, was, is and will be there. Living and non-living things are mere manifestations of creation.
Living beings procreate through Swadisthana Chakra. Shiva’s symbol is the symbol of creation. Without truth and creation there can be no self-realization.