If the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact was in affect the EV's would have been 489 to 49 and looked like this:
I haven't bothered to check the numbers, but that's irrelevant. The point is that Trump (would have) won the national popular vote and thus gets to be elected. That's the whole point. The Compact (if it gets created) will adjust the EC votes to give the Presidency to who wins the popular vote total. If you consider that under this system states agree to give all their votes to the winner, it's not surprising that you see these large discrepancy in numbers. If Harris had won the popular vote you would see the same totals in reverse.
By the way, the Compact kicks in when enough states have passed laws (conditionally) to implement it with a total of 270+ EC votes between them. It doesn't have to be all states. Just enough to win.
I dislike the compact independently of such a result.
It's highly vulnerable to corruption, ie, a state
welching on the agreement.
Counting individual votes to count the popular
vote is the least vulnerable.
But to get to that we have to change the constitution, which is very much more difficult. The proposed system involves laws passed by the participating states and if a state welched on the deal they could be challenged in the courts.
I wonder if it is constitutional. They are enacting laws to subvert the constitution. I think there is an argument there. They should be working to change the constitution instead.
That would have to be tested. The Constitution does give the states the right to run elections (somewhat) any way they want. And states already force the electors to vote the way they are told. And two states already allocate electors on a "split" basis, which incidentally would be another way to go about it if all the states did it. My point being that the Constitution gives the states wide powers in this area. It would certainly be challenged though.