It seems by your method of debate that you would pick a subject that I have little knowledge of and ask me prove the opposite of it, how do you hope to prove anything by that?
I'm just pointing out the fact that your research on the subject of the veracity of the claim of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is far from comprehensive. It lacks in many areas. All you do is collect the work that others have purported to have proven and you seal your testimony to it, pawning it off as truth. If you would consider the evidence that you provide with half the bigoted zeal with which you attack me you would find it flawed, biased and completely contrary to everything that Christ asks of us in relation to our dealings with each other. I do not attack you; you attack me. I defend; you are on the offensive. I do not tell you that you are going to hell; you tell me I'm going to hell. I have yet to tell you your faith is lacking; you have ceased to mock and deride my faith. You've even told me I worship Satan. Show me where I have made a remark even slightly similar to such a scathing rebuke. I have not even asked of what faith you are; you have belittled and made fun of the belief that saved my life and changed me forever. Christ weeps when people do those things and presume to do it in His name. I have yet to paste anything or even look anything up in my entire debate with you, but all you present are the weak arguments of others, and you whine and moan when I tell you it is wrong. Quit being a baby and stand up for what YOU believe and not what these bigots breastfeed you about my church.
How many people did joseph smith heal?
Thousands. He even brought a man back from the dead. It's all very well documented, and I could provide documentation if you asked for it, but you would not believe it. You're conclusions were made long before the church entered your life and there's not a thing any man on this earth can do to open your eyes. Only you can stop the hatred. Have I once told you that your beliefs were not enough to get you into heaven? No, I have not, because I believe that we will all be judged according to how we live up to the light and knowledge we receive in this life. There will be Buddhists, Catholcis, Taoists and Jehovah's Witnesses that are much better off than me in the next life because of their righteousness. I don't know what kind of person you are, but you seem to think your internet connection provides you with omniscience in judging my thoughts, intentions and worthiness. I hope you see how much of a hypocrite that makes you look like. When you can respond like a Christian I'll continue with me proofs of the Book of Mormon. We haven't even gotten to the good ones yet.