No it is not a germane response to my post. My post was about the repetition of failed claims and flawed information and how others are reasonably likely to see those things. I made statements about the Bible, God or the information available in the creation story of Genesis.Yes, it is, because -- the Bible says God created the heavens and the earth. Evolutionists likely say either there is no God, or that a Creator is not needed. Furthermore, that leads me to a question -- if a person says he believes in God and evolution, how does God fit in to his belief?
Scientists that study evolution and those laypeople that understand and accept it say that there is no evidence for God or about God in the process.
We don't know the specifics of what God did or the specifics of how He did it.
Either you accept that or you have to imagine a God that would make false information available and purposely leave out evidence of His agency to fool people. I reject that as not fitting God as I understand Him.