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Leftist Newspaper Rants: We Love Abortion!



Sarcasm has lllllllleft the building ( and so has some peoples ability to recognize it.).:areyoucra


Well-Known Member
I think this is just outrageous. How we can put up with someone printing that kind of bigoted filth against Christians and not getting arrested is beyond me.

Theocracy anyone?

Thank God you ain`t running things J4.


Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
EEWRED said:
Sarcasm is one thing, but this is a little much.
Perhaps, but I'm more than willing to let johnnys4life's petty distortion stand as an exemplar of the honesty and integrity of the Christian Right.


Well-Known Member
Being a firm believer of women's right in deciding on the future of any tumours in/on their bodies, physiological or not (go read definitions of "tumour"!) I should have entered the debate earlier on, but I'll mainly just leave it to you USAmericans. Designations like "the Christian Right " are meaningless to me. Christians should be maximally non-judgemental to others, and believing in a God who even demands abortions in some cases, they should not interfere with abortion issues. Those decisions are not taken lightly, and regardless of faith, they will normally impose massive feelings of guilt. We should rather try to help those unfortunate parents, not condemn them.


To Save A Lamb
Oh, trust me, I believe people have the right to say anything they want, but if you really believe in your cause, and you want others to see things your way, tact is important. This kind of sarcasm carries with it an, "I don't care what you think or how you believe" attitude that doesn't do anyone any good.
Let's investigate the use of tact in this thread.

I always like to note what genuinely nice, warm people these anti-Christian "pro-choice" people are. You know you have to really love women to claim you slept with ones you never even met.
too bad their mothers didn't loved abortion as much as they do. Then we wouldn't have to listen to them complain that the death of children should be made legal.
I wish they'd finally get a clue that they are filled with hate and lies and wisen up and SERVE GOD instead of themselves.
Personal attacks, wishing people dead (which is very pro-life indeed), and making sweeping generalizations isn't really tactful. It's also rather pointless to make those logical fallacies and have nothing else to base your debate on because your argument then has the strength almost equal to that of a wet paper bag.

It's going to break.

Secondly, just because someone does not think the same way you do doesn't mean they are wrong or evil or stupid or ignorant. After spending this weekend with people from all over the globe, teenagers from France, Japan, Brazil, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Venezuela, from all over the United States, and so on, I can honestly tell you even though we were all different colours and religions and had different childhoods, morals, dreams, and hopes- none of us were right or better than the other for what we were or thought. We all got along because instead of pointing out our obvious differences and fighting over them and trying to be holier than thou, we celebrated them.

I think this is just outrageous. How we can put up with someone printing that kind of bigoted filth against Christians and not getting arrested is beyond me.
Bigoted filth is printed against everyone everyday. Christians, Muslims, Jews, Atheists, Homosexuals, Heterosexuals, Liberals, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Blacks, Whites, Arabs, Asians, Males, Females, Mothers, Childless, Childfree, Seniours, Children, Students, I could go on and on, but do I really have to?

You might not like it, but everyone is allowed to have their opinion. In the next post you even go on to insult these people, you're continuing this cycle of hate and cruelty to others.

Let it go! What do you get from latching on to every little thing and blowing it way out of proportion? What does it matter what other people say?

And it kills me how people work themselves up into a screaming frothing mob outside of abortion clinics "for the children." What about the children who are already alive? The children in Africa who are alone and sick, orphaned by AIDs? The children in Asia who are sold into the sex industry to get a meager income for their hungry families? The children in South America who can't afford vaccinations but getting those precious shots is a matter of life and death? What about the children suffering even in this country, the United States, especially where I live, the poor rural Appalachian mountains?

Before bringing more life into this world, let's make sure what's already here is taken care of.


The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
It is obvious that Mr. Humphrey is writing his article in an attempt to demonstrate his opposition to LDI's position on abortion. LDI's use of corporate boycotts in an attempt to strong-arm their political views into a position of power is their chosen method.

The use of boycott's is not new, nor is there anything wrong with it - Humphrey is making a point in this letter of showing open contempt for both the "Pro-life" position taken by LDI, and their use of the boycott.

Humphrey has chosen to use sarcasm (in this case, biting sarcasm) to make his point. Mr. Scott has, in turn, intentionally taken the sarcasm out of context, in an effort to make his position look better.

Sadly, a member here at RF has embraced this intentional deceit on the part of Mr. Scott, and started this thread with an equally misleading title - all in an effort to score points in a debate that should be addressed on positions of merit.

As for arresting those that do not agree with one's position on any political item, it speaks volumes about that person's mindset and intolerance of dissenting opinion.

I can only hope to remain on such a person's "Ignore" list.



Brother Napalm of God's Love
What is it about the word "Sarcasm" that some Christians do not understand?

Or is it as simple as we only see what we WANT to see?


The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
kiwimac said:
What is it about the word "Sarcasm" that some Christians do not understand?

Or is it as simple as we only see what we WANT to see?

Good question, Kiwimac. I don't think that they miss the sarcasm, rather, it's an opportunity to take the statement out of context, intentionally misunderstand the point, and then claim "I'm being persecuted for my beliefs - someone help me!!".

Thank goodness it is a small percentage that consider this to be an effective way to posit a stance on any given issue.



Well-Known Member
I saw a kid today wearing a shirt ABORTION IS MURDER. and on the back "Abortion kills, you will not murder my generation off. You cannot kill my brothers and sisters. You will not mock my God." or something along those lines. I thought of this thread.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
jimbob said:
too bad their mothers didn't loved abortion as much as they do. Then we wouldn't have to listen to them complain that the death of children should be made legal.
I would'nt wish that on anyone; perhaps they ought to witness some abortions in a hospital, to see what they feel like afterwards!:mad:


Well-Known Member
Oy vey (an old Irish/Scotts expression :D )....I knew I was ignoring this thread for a reason.

Setting aside the right or wrong of abortion, I wish people would quit with the inflammatory language and deliberately misunderstanding (re: the sarcastic comment) someone in order to get their own point across.

I think TVOR said it best though...frubals to you.


User of Aspercreme
"In a recent press release by the ACLU, it is revealed that the organization has decided to start a boycott list. Number one on the list is the National Rifle Association for supporting the manufacturing and sale of firearms that have been used in the death of thousands of innocent children in the past decade. In a statement made today a spokesperson for the ACLU says, "the NRA has repeatedly ignored the deaths of thousands of children in order to continue there stance for a right that has no bearing in our society today. It is incredible that the NRA continues to ignore the carnage in our country, so that they can continue to reap the benefits of corporate sponsorship."

In a recent letter to the ACLU, the NRA had this to say:

"Dear ACLU,

We are so pleased that you have decided to include us on your boycott list. The fact that we are number one is a great honor. We hope that we will continue to keep this spot on your list, by making sure that gun laws are kept out of Washington. We hope that gun safty will continue to not be an issue, so that we can get as many kids to accidentally kill themselves as possible. Just last week I was telling my coworker George about the shooting death of a family of five by a semiautomatic pistol. It took him 20 shots, but he got them all. If it had been me, I would have done it is 10 or less. But I love to save ammo. Ha Ha! We are really hoping to get another random sniping story soon. We need it to increase our sales. Nothing like a couple of people dropping like fly in a parking lot, before you hear the gunfire, to increase the sale of rifles. We can only hope to continue the death count as we encourage gun toting Americans to take out a gun and spray somebody! Hey, maybe that can be our new motto. "NRA. Take out a gun and spray somebody!" I think it is kind of catchy. Well keep up hte great work and we will do the same. MAybe we will see you at the next gunshow. I can show you how to take a headshot at 300 yards. Never know when you may need that kind of gun knowledge. Take care.

NRA Spokesperson"

:sarcastic Does this offend anyone? Can you see how it might?:sarcastic

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology

I can see how someone would be offended. I would also say that anyone that supports the ACLU that then took such a letter and used it as a propaganda tool by posting it on the internet, as if it were a serious statement about the NRA's position would be disengenuous at best, if not ludicrous.



User of Aspercreme
Good Point. Have to spread some karma before giving it to you again. Somebody send some love to TVOR for me please.


johnnys4life said:
I think this is just outrageous. How we can put up with someone printing that kind of bigoted filth against Christians and not getting arrested is beyond me.
I'm wondering why you're against the First Amendment.


Thanks to LDI, I am now, even though I live in Michigan, going to sign up for a two year subscription to the Portland Mercury. Thanks, LDI, for directing me to such a wonderful publication!