That's a very good question. A person stealing your oranges would reduce the amount of money you get from selling them and consequently you and/or your dependants might go hungry as a result. Which could in turn lead to them needing to steal to eat.
If you're open to suggestions on where this thread should go, may I suggest that it might be more at home in the Philosophy section as your questions about morality & law and which affects which seem like they belong there more than in the section for debating religions? I was going to ask you privately but apparently I can't.
I think @Fool is asking us if it would be more moral of him to let someone steal from him and impact his own needs (and those of any dependants he might have) or more moral to report the man for theft and as a result ensure he stays hungry (assuming he doesn't get 'three hots and a cot'). So the sort of answer you've given doesn't seem entirely helpful or pertinent.
sorry for the misspelling of "still" vs "steal".
yes, you're welcome to move the thread but it was an inference to the golden rule in general.
if I have more than enough to feed myself today and the following weeks, and another does not, then my family and I don't have a need. a need is immediate. like air, there is a limited amount of time, in which, the self is at risk.