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Legitimate reasons not to believe in God


Veteran Member
When God shows up and speaks to all humans in an ongoing conversation instead of hiding in mythologies you will have something..
We have something, but you don't want it. :)

..Brahman and Allah create divinities in the stories is my point.
Allah / YHWH does not "create divinities" ..
the Hebrew shema, and Arabic Kalima state "there is none other than God".
All the rest is creation, which is not to be worshiped.

The Israelites believed in the Mesopotamian 7 heaven model. So does the Quran. Talk about fiction, wow!
  1. He it is Who created for you all that is in the earth, and He directed Himself to the heaven, so He made them complete seven heavens, and He knows all things. (Surah 2, The Cow)
  2. The seven heavens declare His glory and the earth (too), and those who are in them; and there is not a single thing but glorifies Him with His praise, but you do not understand their glorification; surely He is Forbearing, Forgiving. (Surah 17, The Children of Israel)
  3. So He ordained them seven heavens in two periods, and revealed in every heaven its affair; and We adorned the lower heaven with brilliant stars and (made it) to guard; that is the decree of the Mighty, the Knowing. (Sura 41, Ha Mim)
It's your religion, you figure it out what it's supposed to be. I know it's a story that is not real..
You don't know anything of the sort. You just don't believe it.

An eternal punishment is a childish concept..
Is it?
..then we are all childish .. what about life imprisonment?

Historians are not wealthy. ?
Relatively speaking, they are.
They write books, and seek income from them.

Where does God say to give up critical thinking and disregard evidence?
God expects us to use the intelligence that we possess.
One does not have to be stupid, or ignore evidence to believe in God.

No, you claim the scripture in the OT may be corrupted because it doesn't match the quran but claim the Quran cannot be corrupted in the same way..
It can, but I do not believe it has.

But it is possible to show a story was probably copied from an earlier story.
Disbeliever: probably copied.
Believer: based on truth.


Veteran Member
7) not all influence on Judaism was polytheism HOWEVER, Judaism WAS POLYTHEISM until the 2nd Temple Period..
Is it that that the evidence shows that Judaism was polytheistic, or that Jews had BECOME polytheistic due to ignorance and misbelief??

IT SAYS SO IN THE BIBLE??????? After the return from Exile they decided to focus solely on Yahweh worship instead of Yahweh and his consort Ashera.
It's IN SCRIPTURE??????????????????????????
Well, I believe that the Bible is based on truth, unlike you, and also have reason to believe that Arabs and Hebrews reverted to polytheism in times gone by.

The Persian monotheism also influenced them, Cyrus was the Persian emissary to the Jewish people and was very kind, see for yourself - Mary Boyce PhD:

1st Persian influence on Judaism..
Cause and effect .. what comes first, the chicken or the egg?
I see that you cannot prove that belief didn't wax and wane, in and out of monotheism and polytheism.
I have already explained to you that people had no formal education, and were easily misled into following polytheist gods.


Veteran Member
No it's just a coincidence and God just happened to give the Arabs the exact science that they just got from Greek text..
You seem to have a fixation on science..
You do not even mention what has been "copied" from the Greeks.
Who cares?
You say copy .. I say not copy .. it is not a book of science, but you attempt to try and explain something in the Qur;an that might not have been known in that era .. by "all from the Greeks" :D

Because religions use apologetics and lie to people..
Lies are not confined to believers. :rolleyes:

Another pointless answer. Provide evidence of a soul..
Pointless rhetoric .. in the depth of your mind, if you must.

Anyone is free to waste their given life thinking about a fictional afterlife.
..you might see it as a waste .. but neither you or I know with certainty what happens after death..
I assume you are not dead already. ;)

You haven't presented a coherant argument yet..
..if you say so..

You think humans don't know this?
I was responding to "Why would negative thought be a human weakness?"


Veteran Member
All historians consider the gospels as fictional narratives based on Greek and Persian myth..
All historians are disbelievers, you mean? :rolleyes:

..I will here disregard fundamentalists and apologists as having no honest part in this debate..
Us v Them eh? :rolleyes:

Uh, no I didn't say read a evolutionary biologist or a novelist to understand the evidence for Moses being a literary creation? Why would you say that?
..because the intention is the same..
..the authors want to sell their books, in order to "educate" the public how stupid believers can be. :)

I said read the field? What is so hard about that? Thomson is a specialist in Moses mythology?
Bully for him..
I wish him good fortune if he ever finds out he is mistaken.

The Historicity of the Patriarchal Narratives: The Quest for the Historical Abraham
You really are "sold" on all this nonsense, aren't you?
You really believe that it is possible to know by historical means whether Moses/Abraham actually existed?
How arrogant ! Historians know past events better than God? .. that's what you are claiming in effect .. complete and utter nonsense.
..and proving that the Bible is not accurate has no bearing on this at all. You have to prove that a particular person did not exist thousands of years ago. Impossible!

There is material to prove it's syncretic mythmaking. There is no evidence for a theistic God at all..
Oh, then it can't be true .. God would not "hide" .. or maybe God is only hiding from YOU and your historian gods :)

No it's religious fiction.
That is not its classification .. that is your assertion.

Jesus is a Greek demigod and the OT is Mesopotamian..
..again, that is purely your assertion.
Jesus attended a Jewish Temple and claimed to be the Jewish Messiah.
The OT is comprised of ancient texts, with their roots in Hebrew monotheism.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
legitimate: If you say that something such as a feeling or claim is legitimate, you think that it is reasonable and justified.
Legitimate definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

In my opinion, two legitimate reasons not to believe in God are as follows:

1. There is no proof that God exists
2. There is too much suffering in the world for God to exist

I believe there are also legitimate reasons to believe in God as either position can be argued and justified with reason.

I think a key distinction needs to be made. The word God exists there's no denying the existence of the word God. Does the word God have any meaning outside of people's imaginations is really what you are saying when you say, "There is no proof that God exists." I've been in a lot churches. And I've notice the stuff people believe is just superstitious non-sense. The thing is, for people who believe, they repeat certain phrases and sentences so much that over 20 or 30 years those words become "real" to the people who have a habit of saying it so much. It's really irritating because from my perspective it's cow poo poo superstition. But from their perspective, the words themselves are sacred with meaning because they were repeated so much.


Veteran Member
Not polytheism, they convinced the Jewish people to change to monotheism
The Iranian Impact on Judaism

excerpted from N. F. Gier, Theology Bluebook, Chapter 12

Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, University of Idaho

Not wealthy, eh?
Richard Dawkins is a University Professor too.
..another wealthy one.


Well-Known Member
I've been in a lot churches. And I've notice the stuff people believe is just superstitious non-sense.
Many people 'notice' the opposite.
The thing is, for people who believe, they repeat certain phrases and sentences so much that over 20 or 30 years those words become "real" to the people who have a habit of saying it so much. It's really irritating because from my perspective it's cow poo poo superstition. But from their perspective, the words themselves are sacred with meaning because they were repeated so much.
Two different perspectives. I was once with the cow poo poo perspective; now I'm with the second perspective.

However, the words are sacred because I am now Christian, not because they have been 'repeated so much'.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Stanton Friedmans books on the Roswell alien crash are also fiction. Many believe them to be true.
It appears they are not fiction regardless of whether they are correct. Alchemical recipes about making gold out of aluminum are wrong, not fiction. Substituting baking soda for flour is wrong, not fiction. There is no point in disagreeing with fiction, but you disagree with theology. Your disagreement shows it isn't fiction.

You are just making up a version of God.
Either that or I have discovered God, but I have no proof. Your distrust of me is understandable, but it doesn't prove God to be made up.

It holds no more truth value by taking religions away. You are just saying, "oh the religions are wrong but the monotheism thing and the one God, that is true". It's just a claim. But it's based on Greek and Persian additions to Christianity.
I am not saying that. I am saying God cannot be disproved, not that God is real or unreal. I'm saying that the philosophical definition of God is such that it is outside the realm of proofs. Perhaps so much has been cut off of the definition of God that it has become so, which is one possibility.

Religions are always going to adopt things like this. We see the Brahman in Hindi lands developing separately from God in the West and separately from the Tao in the East and separately from the geometric worshipers of ancient Greece. They adopt something which is philosophical and then add things to it such as political constraints, because they want to be relevant eternally and superficially. The nobility and the statesmen also do it and then try to attach to it, to something seen as eternal. "I am Mau Xaidong and want to establish an eternal China" etc. We will be seeing more mathematics in religion, someday; because the Calculus is eternal. Quantum mechanics has already spawned religious movements even though it is still being developed and may change. There will be a politician and a priest who spouts verbiage about Math and Physics, and if you are alive you will remember me and try to dig out this post. I told you so. :cool:

I cannot argue against deism. Justin is doing apologetics in a very similar way that they are still done.
...and I accept no responsibility for the way that 'Apologetics' are done and completely despise them.

Yes, in 5 BCE they got resurrection from the Persians.
Like a disease but it was separate from their original concept of an eternal nation, which they got from long before that. It is evident from the symbols used in their buildings going way, way back. They used symbols for renewal long ago. The lampstand is a representation of a budding almond rod, which is a representation of renewal far more ancient than 5BCE and can be found in their buildings from long before that. The pomegranites described in their descriptions of a tent of meeting are another evidence of this, and I know (historically) that these are from before 5BCE.

Well the canon was a savior deity and all the Greek theology. Paul wrote the Epistles in 50 CE and the gospel narratives had not yet been established. He knew of no earthly Jesus, a ministry, his family, miracles or any of that. He only has visions of an already resurrected Jesus. Mark for example too the story of th elast supper which was Jesus telling Paul a story about future Christians....."you tell them, I am the body and blood....." and Mark makes it into a supper with people and actual bread.
This is a Jewish version of a Greek deity.
Let me bring in a Harvard Ph.D.

“Christianity is not a Jewish religion, it’s a Hellenistic religion.”

“Jesus is of Jewish ethnicity but is telling the story of a Hellenistic deity”
I grasp what you are saying but think that you are missing the point. Jews do not accept other deities, just like atheists don't accept deities. Pagan Romans on the other hand might. I also don't see how everyone keeps saying that Paul exists in 50 if the temple falls only in 70. There wouldn't be any real need for a Jesus unless the temple was destroyed. I think the dating seems off. 70 is an actual date isn't it? We know the temple falls in 70CE, or so I am led to understand. If Paul is around in 50 preaching about Jesus then something seems off.

Ah, but scholars work with models not with absolutes. They are willing to work with dates that are wrong in order to organize and categorize events and in order not to offend people who can cut off their funding. The dates can be fixed later, but for purposes of our conversation perhaps you have based too many conclusions upon dates that seem not all been coordinated, yet. How is there an apostle Paul before the temple falls?

Carl A. P. Ruck (born December 8, 1935, Bridgeport, Connecticut), is a professor in the Classical Studies department at Boston University. He received his B.A. at Yale University, his M.A. at the University of Michigan, and a Ph.D. at Harvard University.
Yale and Harvard began life as seminaries, institutions to send out missionaries. I don't think they can claim absolute independence, particularly considering the dates that I'm hearing. Maybe they have some purse strings still attached to old narratives. So Paul the apostle is preaching about Jesus and then twenty years later the temple is conquered by Titus? That sounds like dogma.

Carl A. P. Ruck (born December 8, 1935, Bridgeport, Connecticut), is a professor in the Classical Studies department at Boston University. He received his B.A. at Yale University, his M.A. at the University of Michigan, and a Ph.D. at Harvard University.
...and he is ten times smarter than I am, no doubt. I have complete respect for his labor, his good will, his ability to read complex and intricate documents at speed. I don't have to disrespect him to know that he is institutionally bound to only slow change. All of the scholars had to work together, which meant at least a head nod to the previous bunch and so on, back, back in time to Yale and Harvard the missionary institutions. Its a divinity school, after all. While many fundamentalists today say pooh pooh to Harvard and Yale, they are still divinity schools. They tow the line, have prayers, say 'Amen' etc. What about these dates of 50 and 70?


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
The myths of the Bible are all illogical. And it's worse than than that. Yahwah (the Creator) didn't hire Satan, God created Satan. Why? The Bible even states that God created evil. Why?

I understand believers want to defend God the best they can. but the Bible doesn't help them do that.

Why would Adam decide to do that, willfully? Is that a smart thing to do?

It raises the question why God would create the Devil. If you want a perfect world, why create trouble?
“God created Satan”?
You must not have read my entire post.
It would behoove you to read a post in its entirety, before you respond to it.


Veteran Member
“God created Satan”?
You must not have read my entire post.
It would behoove you to read a post in its entirety, before you respond to it.
Does it matter? God and Satan aren't known to be real beings, so arguing over who created what is irrelevant, because there aren't facts to be considered and assessed. Christians interpret the Old Testament in various ways, often in ways that contradict. What is generally accepted is that God created all things. The list of things would have to include Satan. The Bible even admits that God created evil, and as we know the lore says that Satan is evil.


Veteran Member
Exactly, muhammad_isa! Why would He create zombies rather than humans?
Only believers are saying "robots" or "zombies" in regards to the kind of beings God could have created so they would be obedient, but this is a gross mischaractization. You believers seem to equate free will with stupid, poor judgment, careless, rebels, disobedient, etc. As has been noted all God had to do was create being more like Buddhist monks, with a high degree of mental disciline, and not poorly raised teenagers. I'm sure you casn understand that Buddhist monks are not robots, yes? I'll bet you obey the laws where you live, yes? If so, are you a zombie? A robot? Or are you just a mature human who has learned that obeying rules will avoid punishment?

My point is that we can obey the rules easily, it doesn't require us bein g zombies or robots.

I suggest the robots are theists who have adopted a rigid set of irrational concepts and find themselves trapped between criticism by rational thinkers, and their own emotional attachment to the ideas that can't be defended. I could argue it is theists rebelling against reason and logic, and doing so out of reaction and not via reason. To my mind the Fall is the adoption and acceptance of ideas that do not conform to reason, facts, and reality: religion.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Does it matter? God and Satan aren't known to be real beings….
Yes, it matters to me when someone ignores my answers, and keeps mentioning statements I’ve already answered & debunked.

so arguing….

So, you don’t want a discussion; you want to argue.
Got it. Goodbye, my cousin.

The Bible even admits that God created evil…

No, the Bible doesn’t use the past tense….it says “creates”….

if you’d care to read the context — which you probably won’t — you’d find it was in connection with Babylon, that Jehovah God was going to create evil for them.
He did that, by using Cyrus the Great to defeat them.

i won’t respond to you much anymore.
I hope you heed my previous advice.
Proverbs 18:13

Best wishes.


Veteran Member
No, the Bible doesn’t use the past tense….it says “creates”….
So an ongoing process of creating evil? I would have given your God the benefit of the doubt and it learned to actually be the loving God depicted in the New Testament. But you are saying Jesus is wrong, and that the God of the Old Testament is alive and well.

if you’d care to read the context — which you probably won’t — you’d find it was in connection with Babylon, that Jehovah God was going to create evil for them.
He did that, by using Cyrus the Great to defeat them.
So you are debating an interpretation of what the stories meant?


Veteran Member
..you are saying Jesus is wrong, and that the God of the Old Testament is alive and well..
Jesus is not wrong .. human beings often are, though.
Paul/Saul is not a prophet or Messiah .. I do believe that he was successful in bringing many goy to "the faith", but the message got corrupted by political interference.


Well-Known Member
Is that so?
..so according to you then, a text that is 1,000,000 years old is as reliable as a text that is 10,000 years old, which is as reliable as a text 1500 years old.
So much for your skills in reasoning.
..and you will claim they are all copy-cats, and deny that they are based on truth, and Divinely inspired through God's messengers.

There is no text that is 1 million years old. The OT was canonized around 500 BCE. The Torah is transmitted word of mouth very accurate, it's still done today byu a large group of Jewish people who's wives support the family and the men just memorize.

There is no evidence that God exists and no evidence people get messages from any God. They claim yto but yet have the same science, ethics, morals, theology and so on that is already popular in the time. Zero proof.

Mary, Mary quite contrary. ;)
..and you will claim they are all copy-cats, and deny that they are based on truth, and Divinely inspired through God's messengers.

No all rational minded critical thinkers realize there is no evidence to support claims of messages from a God. Tell this God to contact me, I'll ask it questions. You know deep down that will never happen. Why don't you contact the God. Nope, you know it will never happen. Fiction.

I didn't say that no monotheism existed. You know I don't believe that.
..and you will claim they are all copy-cats, and deny that they are based on truth, and Divinely inspired through God's messengers.

I don't have to deny anything. Supernatural wu-wu claims are not supported by logic. Anyone is free to believe nonsense, and they do.

You cannot prove where it originally came from, and whether the myth is true or false.
People make "informed conclusions" which rely on incomplete data, as far as I'm concerned.
..and you will claim they are all copy-cats, and deny that they are based on truth, and Divinely inspired through God's messengers.

No I will say there is no evidence for God. No evidence for a theistic deity, no evidence it speaks to people and th emessages are things that humans already knew and prior cultures already had in their myths. Total wash.
But it can be demonstrated that the stories are extremely similar to cultures who were nearby and they were in contact with/.
Also science can confirm a world flood never happened.

y have come from" ?
Of course that is frowned upon! .. one can say it's from the devil and so on.
Interpretation and study of text is OK.
..and you will claim they are all copy-cats, and deny that they are based on truth, and Divinely inspired through God's messengers.

You are not even correct. It's not "copy-cats"? It's religious syncretism, it's different. You are even wrong when you are wrong.

"Nor was it only the Christians who absorbed Haggadic legends. The Qurʾān, the sacred book of Islam, likewise incorporates a good deal of such material in its treatment of biblical characters such as Joseph, Moses, David, and Solomon.

Haggadic material was also absorbed by Arabic writers during this period. Not only does the Qurʾān incorporate such material, but the Egyptian recension of The Thousand and One Nights seems to have drawn extensively on Jewish sources. Its tales of The Sultan and His Three Sons, The Angel of Death, Alexander and the Pious Man, and the legend of Baliqiyah most likely come from a Jewish source."

Right, they can interpret it as long as they assume it's a god message. But they cannot look to sources it came from and suggest it's man made. When you cannot even challenge supernatural wu then your society is stuck in the stone age. But that is how they prevent people from realizing it's ancient mythology and completely not true.

It's the evidence that shows it's not messages from God. I don't have to deny anything. There is nothing to deny. A bunch of OT theology mixed with Arab mysticism and Greek science? Nothing new, same morals and an even angrier God. Man made. The evidence speaks for itself.

The Bible is not the Qur'an. The Bible consists of many anonymous texts, chosen by humans to form a canon.

..and you will claim they are all copy-cats, and deny that they are based on truth, and Divinely inspired through God's messengers.

The Quran is one text, made by one man using the Bible, Arab theology and mysticism, Greek science, morals that already existed and nothing new or proof of divinity.

The evide
Enuma Elish - The Babylonian Epic of Creation - Full Text

The Enuma Elish would later be the inspiration for the Hebrew scribes who created the text now known as the biblical Book of Genesis. Prior to the 19th century CE, the Bible was considered the oldest book in the world and its narratives were thought to be completely original. In the mid-19th century CE, however, European museums, as well as academic and religious institutions, sponsored excavations in Mesopotamia to find physical evidence for historical corroboration of the stories in the Bible. These excavations found quite the opposite, however, in that, once cuneiform was translated, it was understood that a number of biblical narratives were Mesopotamian in origin.

Famous stories such as the Fall of Man and the Great Flood were originally conceived and written down in Sumer, translated and modified later in Babylon, and reworked by the Assyrians before they were used by the Hebrew scribes for the versions which appear in the Bible.

Both Genesis and Enuma Elsih are religious texts which detail and celebrate cultural origins: Genesis describes the origin and founding of the Jewish people under the guidance of the Lord; Enuma Elish recounts the origin and founding of Babylon under the leadership of the god Marduk. Contained in each work is a story of how the cosmos and man were created. Each work begins by describing the watery chaos and primeval darkness that once filled the universe. Then light is created to replace the darkness. Afterward, the heavens are made and in them heavenly bodies are placed. Finally, man is created.

demonstrate the OYT is syncretic mythology.


Well-Known Member
Err .. no!

You showed that the Quran got the idea of Jesus not dying on the cross from gnosticism .. and I stated that the Qur'an doesn't say anything about Jesus being replaced with another man.

..and you will claim they are all copy-cats, and deny that they are based on truth, and Divinely inspired through God's messengers.

No it doesn't say that , it says Yahweh lifted Jesus up. Which is wrong because Yahweh is a myth as is the gospel Jesus.

They are definitely syncretic mythologies. We have all the theology in older religions and no evidence exists to demonstrate and of the claims are true. You have failed to produce anything whatsoever.

..because you keep throwing red-herrings into the conversation about minor revelations that are only accepted by a minority.

..and you will claim they are all copy-cats, and deny that they are based on truth, and Divinely inspired through God's messengers.

Doesn't matter how many people accept a revelation, it's not real. Provide some evidence?

Looks like you finally flipped a lid? Sorry, losing a debate isn't easy.

And yes, evidence demonstrates they are syncretic fiction.

..cherry picking..

Almighty God says in the Qur'an "..those who have attained to faith [in this divine writ], as well as those who follow the Jewish faith, and the Sabians, and the Christians -all who believe in God and the Last Day and do righteous deeds - no fear need they have, and neither shall they grieve."

..and you will claim they are all copy-cats, and deny that they are based on truth, and Divinely inspired through God's messengers.

It's shown to be syncretic. But much is just made up nonsense as well.

Who is cherry picking? (you)

Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low.

Fight against those who have been given the scripture but don't believe in Allah. [1]

Huniliate them by forcing them to pay the tribute. [2]

30 And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah, and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah. That is their saying with their mouths. They imitate the saying of those who disbelieved of old. Allah (Himself) fighteth against them. How perverse are they!

To you, yes .. to billions of others, no.

..and you will claim they are all copy-cats, and deny that they are based on truth, and Divinely inspired through God's messengers.

Right, to billions of others they are completely made up (Christians.) To billions of others they are completely made up (Hindu) to a billion others they are wu-wu nonsense (secular).

There is no evidence any of them are based on a Gods truth. Nothing.

d you will claim they are all copy-cats, and deny that they are based on truth, and Divinely inspired through God's messengers.

I don't have to, scholars will do it, critical thinkers will see it, evidence will demonstrate it.

Now put forth your evidence, make a case. It's been 1 week of you making claims about wu-wu and you haven't made a single real argument. Repeating words over and over as if it's a breakdown still isn't evidence of anything else besides emotional frustration.


Well-Known Member
We have something, but you don't want it. :)

Yes, so does Mormonism. They haveclaims and revelations and are waiting for you.
So does Hinduism, they have claims and a book and are waiting.
So does Christianity, they have a book and claims and want members.
So does Islam, they have a book and claims. Those others don't interest or convince you. Yet you think your book should be different, Same claims, Same "nothing new" theology, still thinks the OT is real and not metaphorical fiction.

No, you don't have anything.
Also the concept of a God who gives humans free will to choose to sin or not is also a copy from th ePersian God:
In Zoroastrianism the supreme God, Ahura Mazda, gives all humans free-will so that they may choose between good and evil. As we have seen, the religion of Zoroaster may have been the first to discover ethical individualism. The first Hebrew prophet to speak unequivocally in terms of individual moral responsibility was Ezekiel, a prophet of the Babylonian exile. Up until that time Hebrew ethics had been guided by the idea of the corporate personality – that, e.g., the sins of the fathers are visited upon the sons (Ex. 20:1-2)."

Allah / YHWH does not "create divinities" ..
the Hebrew shema, and Arabic Kalima state "there is none other than God".
All the rest is creation, which is not to be worshiped.

"A Muslim recognizes that Angels are but a creation of God. I"

Angels are a creation by God in Islam. You not worshipping them is just personal theology a human put in your book. Means nothing. Fiction is fiction.

You don't know anything of the sort. You just don't believe it.

Yeah the 7 levels of heaven are real. HA HA HA HA HA HA. Great, so is Big Foot, Roswell aliens, fairies, Spider Man and Leprachauns. Again, evidence.

Is it?
..then we are all childish .. what about life imprisonment?

Life imprisonment fits the crime of murder. Eternal punishment doesn't. It also doesn't fit non-belief. But a God didn't say that. Men who thought like Byzantine Kings wrote it.
When they still believed devils were running around and the cause of disease.

Relatively speaking, they are.
They write books, and seek income from them.

No they get a salary. They get to work in a field they are passionite about. There evidence is there for all to see.

God expects us to use the intelligence that we possess.
One does not have to be stupid, or ignore evidence to believe in God.

Yes you do. You do exactly that . You create fake evidence from a myth and ignore evidence of syncretism, ignore evidence that "revelations:" don't say anything a human didn't already know at that time, gave a basic theology anyone didn't already know, a philosophy anyone didn't already know and used Greek science and apologists then said "it must be from God because this could not have been known" Except it could, Arab scholars were studying Greek science. so it could be known, they lied. Hmmmmmm, when you have to lie there is a reason.

can, but I do not believe it has.

And as usual what is your evidence please?, Speculation, imagination, claims? This is why we are done. You have no debate here.

Disbeliever: probably copied.
Believer: based on truth.

Uh no that isn't what happens. All scholars know Noah was copied from Gilamesh. They would be stupid to not recognize that.
So it's :
disbeliever: looks to be syncretic
believer: denial denial.......cll my apologist quick.....!
Noah's flood[edit]

Andrew George submits that the Genesis flood narrative matches that in Gilgamesh so closely that "few doubt" that it derives from a Mesopotamian account.[67] What is particularly noticeable is the way the Genesis flood story follows the Gilgamesh flood tale "point by point and in the same order", even when the story permits other alternatives.[68] In a 2001 Torah commentary released on behalf of the Conservative Movement of Judaism, rabbinic scholar Robert Wexler stated: "The most likely assumption we can make is that both Genesis and Gilgamesh drew their material from a common tradition about the flood that existed in Mesopotamia. These stories then diverged in the retelling."[69] Ziusudra, Utnapishtim and Noah are the respective heroes of the Sumerian, Akkadian and biblical flood legends of the ancient Near East.

The Enuma Elish would later be the inspiration for the Hebrew scribes who created the text now known as the biblical Book of Genesis. Prior to the 19th century CE, the Bible was considered the oldest book in the world and its narratives were thought to be completely original. In the mid-19th century CE, however, European museums, as well as academic and religious institutions, sponsored excavations in Mesopotamia to find physical evidence for historical corroboration of the stories in the Bible. These excavations found quite the opposite, however, in that, once cuneiform was translated, it was understood that a number of biblical narratives were Mesopotamian in origin.

Religion, Identity and the Origins of Ancient Israel

K.L. Sparks, Baptist Pastor, Professor Eastern U.

As a rule, modern scholars do not believe that the Bible's account of early Israel's history provides a wholly accurate portrait of Israel's origins. One reason for this is that the earliest part of Israel's history in Genesis is now regarded as something other than a work of modern history. Its primary author was at best an ancient historian (if a historian at all), who lived long after the events he narrated, and who drew freely from sources that were not historical (legends and theological stories); he was more concerned with theology than with the modern quest to learn 'what actually happened' (Van Seters 1992; Sparks 2002, pp. 37-71; Maidman 2003).

You go live in your make-believe world. There is nothing here to learn. I've learned you think claims are evidence and a religion you accepted 40 years ago but never questioned or looked into with a non-bias rational skeptical mind. Whatever works. I'm interested in truth.
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