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Let us take a vote.


Ammon is awesome
Draka said:
According to the bible those things are "sins" (while I don't even believe in such things myself) and are acts against "god". Therefore commiting those acts are acts against "god' punishable by "god". So at what age does He miraculously decide to hold people accountable? 10? 15? 20? At what age should we "know better"? And along those lines...what age can one really say they "believe in god"? For one would have to have belief in order to know about "sin" right? Therefore, if we go along your lines of being "born" into religion or belief in "god", then we all are responsible for "sin" from birth. And since the main Christian tenet is that we are all born into sin anyway this should go quite well for you right?

That's kinda funny, yet sad.
First you didn't answer my question. Do you think that that child would be held accountable? Yes or no. The age of accountability is 8 years old. Someone's belief or nonbelief in God varies w/ the person. I had a belief in God ever since I can remember. Me believing that there is a God doesn't mean that I can be held accountable when I'm 6. When people say "I was born into a religion", it doesn't mean you popped out being a full member of a curtain denomination. It means, that when you were born, you were exposed to that religion first and foremost. And, not all Christians believe that kids are born w/ an "original sin". Personally I think it's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.


Wonder Woman
mormonman said:
First you didn't answer my question. Do you think that that child would be held accountable?

What part of my answer of "while I don't believe in such a things myself" in reference to sins did you not understand? I can't answer your question because I don't believe in "sins" of the bible. Therefore I guess you could say that I would say no one is held accountable. But I have my own beliefs of right and wrong and how things are handled. I was asking your opinion because "sins" are a thought in your belief structure.

mormonman said:
When people say "I was born into a religion", it doesn't mean you popped out being a full member of a curtain denomination. It means, that when you were born, you were exposed to that religion first and foremost.

It doesn't mean that, while "exposed" however that you understand it, comprehend it, and believe it. It just means that you are instructed a certain way. I maintain that you don't truly understand or can claim a religion until you are much older and can fully understand what it is you are claiming to believe.


Active Member
Popeyesays said:
I was born into a true religion - Christianity. later I became a Baha`i which is also the religion of God. I was never a Muslim, though that too, is the religion of God, nor Zoroastrian - the religion of God, nor a Buddhist also the religion of God, nor a Jew, though that is the religion of God. I am not nor have I ever been a Hindu, which is the religion of God.


Ushta Scott

My point is that god has no religion religion is a man made construct, Actually what we do have is theologies. God is one and and he does not need worship , adoration or even belief we do. Worship, Adoration, and Belief are just the natural human reaction to the discovery the gnosis , if you will, of God existence and the utter beauty and awesomeness of His/Her nature:dan:

Ushta te


Active Member
mormonman)Words can't explain the pure joy that you have when you're listening to speakers in church meetings said:
Ushta Mormonman

What you describe I have experienced many times, as well, in Temple, at meetings elsewhere etc. Moreover my Christian friends say the same and they belong to different denominations. In conclusion what you are experiencing is the presence of God. But God is present everywhere, its just that when people get together to worship and praise the Creator they then feel the Presence Heck I can even smell God's presence.

This, however, does not make your church or religion the only true one:bow:

Ushta Te


Active Member
Aqualung said:
He has revealed the one true church many times. IT has been on this earth before.

He's not punishing them. They can be saved. Everybody will have the opportunity to accept the gospel.

Ushta aqualung

That is a matter of belief. I look at religious history and I do not see the same religion or church . True there are some similarities just as there are many disagreements. based on what, to me, is convincing evidence I believe mine is better but I can't say that the others are not true. And when you claim to be, or have, the true religion you are , whether you want to or not, saying all others are false:eek:

Ushta Te


Active Member
illyena said:
There is only one way to the fullness of the glory that God has to bestow up on us as his children, and the LDS faith is the only religion on the face of te earth that teaches that path in its entirety, it is a resurection of the church of JesusChrist that existed in Ancient times and became the lost parent of the catholic church after the apostacy, it is the fulfilled law of the Jews. Reguardless to say I am LDS.

I dont believe that this fact belittles other religions in any way, you may not be onthe path to the fullness of the glory of god but that does not mean you are going to hell, and in many ways it almost means that you have a "get out of Jail free" card, those who dont know the truth cant be judged by it, if you dont know that a certain sin is wrong how can you be held accountable for your actions, this is the way that God views things (but much more eloquently) everyone who has ever lived on the earth will have the opportunity to recieve the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. and once they have a full knowledge they will be able to make the decisions to follow the path or not, then their judgemnt will be based on their knowledge and actions in life.

Those who are LDS have a hard road to haul ahead of them, if we step out of line we cant say "I didnt know", we are held accountable to understand the truth and live it, without repentance we would be completely lost, (repentance available to everyone BTW) . If we sin and are fully aware of our sin and our ability to NOT perform that sin then we have basically just cut our own head off. Even though thousands of people around the world may be performing the same sin every day. There may be repentance from something like that but it wouldnt be easy to get it.

The bottom line for religion in my eyes is that if it brings one closer to God, (there is only one for us here on earth) and teaches him/her to love their fellow man than their religion is a good thing and adds to the goodness inthe world, all the LDS faith can do is add more to that which you already have.

Ushta Illyena

Sorry but it is not fact.:tsk: A fact is something that can be proven empirically. Andit is insulting, because as I told aqualung claiming youare the true church/religion says that all others are not true:D

Ushta Te


Active Member
illyena said:
There is only one way to the fullness of the glory that God has to bestow up on us as his children, and the LDS faith is the only religion on the face of te earth that teaches that path in its entirety, it is a resurection of the church of JesusChrist that existed in Ancient times and became the lost parent of the catholic church after the apostacy, it is the fulfilled law of the Jews. Reguardless to say I am LDS.

I dont believe that this fact belittles other religions in any way, you may not be onthe path to the fullness of the glory of god but that does not mean you are going to hell, and in many ways it almost means that you have a "get out of Jail free" card, those who dont know the truth cant be judged by it, if you dont know that a certain sin is wrong how can you be held accountable for your actions, this is the way that God views things (but much more eloquently) everyone who has ever lived on the earth will have the opportunity to recieve the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. and once they have a full knowledge they will be able to make the decisions to follow the path or not, then their judgemnt will be based on their knowledge and actions in life.

Those who are LDS have a hard road to haul ahead of them, if we step out of line we cant say "I didnt know", we are held accountable to understand the truth and live it, without repentance we would be completely lost, (repentance available to everyone BTW) . If we sin and are fully aware of our sin and our ability to NOT perform that sin then we have basically just cut our own head off. Even though thousands of people around the world may be performing the same sin every day. There may be repentance from something like that but it wouldnt be easy to get it.

The bottom line for religion in my eyes is that if it brings one closer to God, (there is only one for us here on earth) and teaches him/her to love their fellow man than their religion is a good thing and adds to the goodness inthe world, all the LDS faith can do is add more to that which you already have.

Ushta Illyena

Sorry but it is not fact.:tsk: A fact is something that can be proven empirically. And it is insulting because, as I told aqualung, claiming you are the true church/religion says that all others are not true:D

Ushta Te


Well-Known Member
ashai said:
Ushta Scott

My point is that god has no religion religion is a man made construct, Actually what we do have is theologies. God is one and and he does not need worship , adoration or even belief we do. Worship, Adoration, and Belief are just the natural human reaction to the discovery the gnosis , if you will, of God existence and the utter beauty and awesomeness of His/Her nature:dan:

Ushta te

Ushta - back at you!,
Its a pleasure to have you on this forum. You are probably the only follower of Zarathustra present and it enriches us all to have you with us.

As to what you said above :clap !!!
It is also the subject of this, my favorite quote from the Bab (born in Shiraz, in the region of Fars):
"WORSHIP thou God in such wise that if thy worship lead thee to the fire, no alteration in thine adoration would be produced, and so likewise if thy recompense should be paradise. Thus and thus alone should be the worship which befitteth the one True God. Shouldst thou worship Him because of fear, this would be unseemly in the sanctified Court of His presence, and could not be regarded as an act by thee dedicated to the Oneness of His Being. Or if thy gaze should be on paradise, and thou shouldst worship Him while cherishing such a hope, thou wouldst make God's creation a partner with Him, notwithstanding the fact that paradise is desired by men.
Fire and paradise both bow down and prostrate themselves before God. That which is worthy of His Essence is to worship Him for His sake, without fear of fire, or hope of paradise.
Although when true worship is offered, the worshipper is delivered from the fire, and entereth the paradise of God's good-pleasure, yet such should not be the motive of his act. However, God's favour and grace ever flow in accordance with the exigencies of His inscrutable wisdom."
(The Bab, Selections from the Writings of the Bab, p. 77)



Ammon is awesome
ashai said:
Ushta Mormonman

What you describe I have experienced many times, as well, in Temple, at meetings elsewhere etc. Moreover my Christian friends say the same and they belong to different denominations. In conclusion what you are experiencing is the presence of God. But God is present everywhere, its just that when people get together to worship and praise the Creator they then feel the Presence Heck I can even smell God's presence.

This, however, does not make your church or religion the only true one:bow:

Ushta Te
Well our religion is true, the only true religion.

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
mormonman said:
Well our religion is true, the only true religion.
Again, many religions claim this, why is your claim valid? What makes your experiences more valid than anothers? Surely you can see the fault in your logic.


Well-Known Member
I can't think of a bigger waste of a life than following a religion that you don't believe to be true. Everyone either believes that their religion is true or they are searching for a religion that they do believe is true. I love the hypocrisy of people who put down someone or critisize them for believing that their beliefs are true but then believe that their own beliefs are true.

I guess people who lack confidence in their beliefs might argue that they are all true. Sure, it's possible for every religion to have some truth, but it is impossible for them all to be completely true. Either one is completely right and the rest are wrong or they are all wrong because no two religions teach the same thing.

If you don't have the confidence that you've found a religion that teaches truth, find a new religion or start your own.

Just my two cents.

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
jonny said:
I can't think of a bigger waste of a life than following a religion that you don't believe to be true. Everyone either believes that their religion is true or they are searching for a religion that they do believe is true.
I agree that it is useless to follow a religion one doesn't believe is true. But only if truth is a pre-requisite in one's spiritual journey. Since this isn't always the case, your logic falls short there.

I love the hypocrisy of people who put down someone or critisize them for believing that their beliefs are true but then believe that their own beliefs are true.
I can see your point. But since I don't require "truth" as a pre-requsite to my spirituality, there is no hypocrisy in my statements.

I guess people who lack confidence in their beliefs might argue that they are all true. Sure, it's possible for every religion to have some truth, but it is impossible for them all to be completely true. Either one is completely right and the rest are wrong or they are all wrong because no two religions teach the same thing.
And since all religions are the product of man, they must all be wrong. Since no man-made concept can be perfect enough to be completely true. Sure, some may argue that religion is man-made. But I disagree.


Ammon is awesome
Master Vigil said:
And since all religions are the product of man, they must all be wrong. Since no man-made concept can be perfect enough to be completely true. Sure, some may argue that religion is man-made. But I disagree.
All religions aren't man made. All of the false ones are, but the LDS Chuch has God and Christ at the helm.


Well-Known Member
mormonman said:
All religions aren't man made. All of the false ones are, but the LDS Chuch has God and Christ at the helm.

That sounds like a fifteen year old'a argument, and is the logical equivalent of whistling in the dark. If you haven't faced doubt and questioning in your own beliefs, its just a matter of time, and such arguments are very brittle.
I was about 16 when I rejected LDS after attending their classes for a year.



Wonder Woman
mormonman said:
Well our religion is true, the only true religion.

Hmmm...you know what this equates to for me? ...:ignore: No thought out, logical response,...just "I'm right and you're wrong, nana nana nana."


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
mormonman said:
All religions aren't man made. All of the false ones are, but the LDS Chuch has God and Christ at the helm.

nice to know you are so sure......do you have proof (by any chance)?


I smell something....
mormonman said:
Well our religion is true, the only true religion.
No it's not. Ya know, you would think that as often as other Christians pick on LDS, they would be a little more tolerant of other religions. It's to bad.

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
mormonman said:
All religions aren't man made. All of the false ones are, but the LDS Chuch has God and Christ at the helm.
Another claim made by all of the other christian sects. Claims are fine, but putting them forth as fact is preposterous without evidence.