Yes, James Cadbury started the Cadbury chocolate company. There also exists Barclays bank started by Quakers in London.
This is from Wikipedia about James Naylor:
Beginning in 1656, Fox expressed concerns to Nayler that both Nayler's ministry and that of his associate
Martha Simmonds were becoming over-enthusiastic and erratic. Fox's concerns apparently centred specifically on Nayler allowing a group of his followers to see in Nayler himself in some sense a great prophet or even a messiah figure.
[2] On 21 and 22 September 1656,
[3][4] Fox visited Nayler twice in prison at Exeter and admonished him. Over the visits, Nayler continued to reject Fox's words. Prominent Quaker author
Rufus M. Jones provides a description of the strained encounter:
James Nayler - Wikipedia