So NY Governor Cuomo is the latest to undergo accusations of sexual harassment, which may well end his political career -- maybe not this term, but it might scotch any run for another one. (Of course, there are other issues that could scotch that, too, like long-term-care homes and COVID-19.)
But you know, I find it hard to know what should or should not be considered sexual harassment. Some examples:
Human relationships are really complex. Unless you've got a Yenta, or a Pater Familias, or whomever, arranging who you are going to meet, marry and live with, you're left with trying to find ways to hook up on your own. That can be hard -- you have to find ways to express your interest, even your sexual interest, without stepping over the line that makes that expression of interest "harassment."
- I'm at a party, and there's this gorgeous chick who accepts to dance with me, and at the end I reach out to her waist, and pull her a little closer to me...but that's all
- I'm at a party, and there's a girl sitting on the couch beside me, and I lean over and kiss her on the cheek
- I'm in the office, and there's just me and my secretary -- and I ask her if she'd like to go for a drink later
- I'm a gay guy, and I tell somebody I've met in a bar that I think he's gorgeous, and I'd like to .... um, you know, to his what's-it
- I'm a Congressman in a public bathroom, and I signal under the wall of my cubical to the guy in the next one that I'd be interested in, um, gosh, why is this so hard to say within forum rules?
Think of your own examples -- then discuss.
It strikes me that you find it hard to get a good take on sexual harassment from a male point of view. Would possibly see your challenge here as one of figuring out the right perspective in which to examine the evidence? If not, what do you deeply feel about the core and essential importance of getting a take on Ford trucks from a salesperson on the Toyota car lot? In terms of reliability, I mean.
If I were trying to figure out a sexual harassment case, I would of course take into account the testimony of the man involved. But I would weigh both it and the woman's testimony in accordance with a fair-minded and disciplined effort to determine somehow the woman's authority as an expert on the matter. Then I would apply my understanding of her authority to whatever method of reasoning I was using in some cautious and conservative way to error on the side of the accused, if any error is made at all.
I think I would have been skilled enough to have done that by sometime the 1980s. But even back in the 70s, I had an idea of the value of authority in the concept that scientists and mechanics both know more about anything they've gotten their hands on.
Getting your hands on something to learn something about it at the very least teaches you the important of perspective in determining authoring.
I wonder why so many people have their lives ruined in a nation that has so many resources as America -- and the person who ruined their lives goes free. This in an age of DNA testing. What are we thinking of ourselves when we so often detour from thinking about that.
The internet is making me sick.