The problem are the individuals that refuse to support the LGBT community.
Actually, I don't see it that way. The "support" of others is really consequential to me, as a gay man; and has become so "popular" that I sometimes feel gays are lifted on the shoulders of others and paraded around rooms. I mean, really; some actress "comes out" on national television and gets a standing ovation; yet we lament about the lack of support for LGBT? LoL.
What is consequential to me is "lack of oppression"; in other words, "live and let live". Carry on with your religion; just leave me alone.
I wonder why gays would want to be religious anyway; especially those religions, like Christianity, that speak out against homosexuality. It is ultimately self-defeating to insist on trying to be a part of a group that is not going to accept you. In my case, for reasons including but not limited to homosexuality, my very family is a "group" that will not accept me. So I stopped worrying about it, stopped changing it, accepted it and went on about my life. And maybe, in that statement, you have your answer.