It's similar to what I do... I might focus more on the dark out of preference but I recognize both the light and darkness in Shiva/Satan.
Ultimately, Right Hand Path will come down to following orthodox values and injunctions in regards to worship, ritual and actions, and Left Hand Path will be eschewing conventional practice and has a kind of more proactive type of approach that's generally transgressive in some way. So long as you don't try to do any magic or rituals that you aren't emotionally prepared everything should be fine. The pros of the LHP is it can be more suited for some types of people who want liberation from Samsara and it can be somewhat "quick and dirty" if you avoid any of the common pitfalls. The cons are, well the pitfalls. And sometimes people think you are weird but for someone who's heart is in the LHP that shouldn't really matter much.
In a more technical and traditional definition, the Left Hand Path is known as "vamachara" or "vamamarga". The latter is less ambiguous (being most literally "Left Way") whereas vamachara kind of has a double meaning of "woman" or "pleasant". Right Hand Path is "daksinachara" and refers to Tantric sects. LHP is actually a bit' of a subjective term since it's contextual to lineage, taste and culture. The reason I say that western LHP, Satanism, ect, doesn't have a proper mirror RHP sect is because there really isn't anything historical to pair it with other than perhaps western occultism but generally the most things it draws from it wouldn't consider RHP by Satanists and Setians ect
I honestly think a lot of western styled LHP (Satanism, Setian ect) who seek some kind of identification with divinity don't realize they basically are practicing a similar manifestation of the same essential truth, since the core of Hinduism is to realize one's divinity as well, particularly in Tantra it's normal to wish to become identified with deities as individuated. I'm not aware of any monistic LHP sects in Hinduism and my own religion of Trika (Kashmir Shaivism) is a fairly notable exception in that it's nondual and not dualistic. It claims to supersede Siddhanna Shaivism which is RHP and dualistic Tantra, although Trika itself can be RHP or LHP but it's roots are predominantly in the Kapalikas who were LHP as well as having some influence from Tibetan Buddhism.
Anyways sorry to ramble, it's just a subject I love!