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Liberal Christianity - how far can you push it?


Hostis humani generis
-- Mod Post --

Okay people, let's try to keep it civil. Please try to refrain from fighting and name calling.

-- End of Mod Post --

not nom

Well-Known Member
Pretty much most religious Jews (and I exclude Reform) believe that the Death penalty will providentially apply to such offenders.

well then. and how would we talk about muslim countries who do that, or the other examples you cited? respectfully, or rather put off?

are you kidding me?

There's nothing really to respond to other than saying that you're welcome to your opinion. Please feel free to quote which parts you think are actual arguments, the part about our god being a nazi?

no, instead I'll give you one example and if you really care, just read it again.

when you said I get goosebumps when because "some people can't face the truth", I responded no, that's because I can't stand to be around potential killers. this includes the belief of a murderous god by the way. that's not an argument, but certainly not more of an opinion that "some people just can't stand the truth". was THAT supposed to be an argument?

so if you give me your opinion, and I respond with my opinion, you complain that's just my opinion and act so high and mighty and victimized? what a joke.

Are you truly trying to figure it out or are you trying to figure out a concept that seems palatible to you?

both. after all, it's not just who and what god is, but who people are and what they believe. it's all one big puzzle ^^ and so much smells just of having control over creation, not really any omnipotence. it seems so doublethink. seems like a god who is invisible and done with writing for a good reason, namely being made up and/or not standing up to scrutiny.

and before you complain about me saying that -- you asked.

That's called an opinion, not an argument. I don't even love all those who claim to "love" my god, because they don't actually do what it says to show love to him. He IS the strong man in the sky, and the way we view him is in the Text, is there a problem?

okay, so he is not a member of the national socialist party of germany from the 20st century.

I'll give you that. other than that, you kinda don't seem to see the woods for all the trees, when you raise your brows about such an assessment. the fascistic hierarchy of it is not under debate and not an opinion at all. hilarious try of course.

I agree with what the text says, and you're trying to paint me as Sociopathic and bootlickering for agreeing with the logic of the belief. It's a matter of opinion, and you just simply can't stand my opinion.

I'm not trying to paint you in any way, that's how it seems to me. that is my opinion, and you can't stand it. see how that works?

the logic of the belief is that might is right, you basically just confirmed that. I'm sure there is a more neutral term than bootlicker, but I don't know it sorry. I'll use a thesaurus next time.

You are seriously going out of your way to be insulting.

no, not at all. I actually bit my tonge in a lot of my replies. and while you're so busy seeing yourself as a victim, it's just pointless. any criticism is just me trying to tell you your belief is bad, "going out of my way" "to be insulting". that's a joke.

I agree with what the text says, maybe that's why I was born Jewish.

*bites tongue*

The idea that someone might just agree with these principles must be terribly offensive to you.

what principles though? might is right. that's just one principle.

I like what meister eckhart said. if god wasn't righteous, the righteous wouldn't give a **** about god. now, unfortunately I'm not righteous, but I still believe that god isn't a narrowminded jerk, and if he is, there is no way I coud fake love, so why bother, right?

I'm glad you admit you're being rude, hopefully you will learn the difference between an argument and an opinion.

lol. and hopefully you'll realize it's perfectly fine to respond to your opinions with opinions.

Also maybe you'll learn that agreeing with the logic of a belief is not "licking boots".

you're right, that's actually riding it or something. I mean, licking a boot implies fear etc. not "this is totally awesome, let's do this"

not nom

Well-Known Member
if evangelical christians called to execute homosexuals (or advocated that in uganda), or when asked would say "yeah sure, actually it's happening all the time, by falling flowerpots and whatnot" --- are you telling me they wouldn't get flamed? WTFLOL! I find that offensive, I think calling someone a bootlicker is rather mild compared to being okay with their execution just because I think it won't hit myself. and that's what it boils down to, self-righteousness coupled with the willingness to say amen to murder.

I'd say, unless you've taken liberal [anything] far enough until the above is completely out of sight, you haven't taken it far enough. just my opinion of course. so what.


Spiritual Friend
Premium Member
It's crazy you two... ripping posts apart line by line.... :D

Trying to follow that style of conversation is enraging me and I'm not even IN this conversation!


So I can't even imagine what it's like trying to find meaning, stay cool and relate your point back in a constructive way.

Good luck Friends and try to keep it constructive.... don't get post burnout.

not nom

Well-Known Member
It's crazy you two... ripping posts apart line by line.... :D

Trying to follow that style of conversation is enraging me and I'm not even IN this conversation!


So I can't even imagine what it's like trying to find meaning, stay cool and relate your point back in a constructive way.

Good luck Friends and try to keep it constructive.... don't get post burnout.

point taken.. but it's hard to stop, once it started. I don't mean squabbling (that too), I mean quoting a post that contains replies to individual quotes and replying to all those individual points... it would stop the cycle, but also makes the quoted post read like total gibberish, so the cycle continues. I prolly started it tough, so yeah ^^


Well-Known Member
I know there are forms of modern day Christianity that have quite relaxed rules but how far can you go before finding yourself shut out of all churches.

How about sleeping with prostitutes?
taking drugs, gambling and heavy drinking?
not believing God to be personal?
only listening to the parts of the Bible that appeal to you?

any churches allow this?
There is only one church and just because someone is in a church does not mean they are in "the church."


Spiritual Friend
Premium Member
point taken.. but it's hard to stop, once it started. I don't mean squabbling (that too), I mean quoting a post that contains replies to individual quotes and replying to all those individual points... it would stop the cycle, but also makes the quoted post read like total gibberish, so the cycle continues. I prolly started it tough, so yeah ^^

Thanks for the reply. It's not a 'mod-note', so just consider it a friend hand on the shoulder and a smile grounding you both a little hopefully.

Remember the heart of why you are here and why you are talking.

As a community of diverse cultural and religious backgrounds, our aim is to provide a civil environment, informative, respectful and welcoming where people of diverse beliefs can discuss, compare and debate religion while engaging in fellowship with one another.

not nom

Well-Known Member
not that I want to "keep fighting" heh, but I can't help but notice:

thesaurus.com said:
Main Entry: follower

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: person who believes or has great interest

Synonyms: addict, adherent, admirer, advocate, apostle, attendant, backer, believer, bootlicker, buff, client, cohort, companion, convert, copycat, devotee, disciple, fan, fancier, freak*, habitué, hanger-on, helper, imitator, lackey, member, minion, parasite, participant, partisan, patron, promoter, proselyte, protégé, pupil, representative, satellite, sectary, servant, sidekick, stooge, supporter, sycophant, toady, vassal, votary, worshiper, zealot

Antonyms: leader

and believe me, my calling god a nazi thing stems from the time of me, feverishly in love (with my understanding of god I guess?), reading the bible and listening to what christians said. so that's rather personal. if the führer is by definition right, my anti-nazi instincts kick in. so what? half of europe had to be devastated for that. don't hate me for drawing parallels and noticing similarities.

if god isn't that way, he might appreciate that. if he is, what do YOU care? you have the eternal crusher of all opposition on your side or something, you'll cope with "namecalling" in this very short timespan you're on earth, secure in the knowledge that all executions in the meantime are provided for by providential means. you said you don't care about the opinions of people who disagree. what's this then, why are you constantly accusing my of trying to "paint" anything -- and if you don't care what others think, why do only people know about it who agree with it? or is it random chance that only people who agree with it know about it? funny. it's as if you only tell people who you know will agree. I guess that's all fate as well.

and again, I'd say that to a LOT of people, professing a LOT of beliefs. as you said, it's hardly unique. but damn it, why not say it? why not call it out? but don't forget that initially I simply said I wished "people were less callous and bootlickerish" or something like that. yes, I'd call you callous considering your statements I guess, but I didn't mean to call you bootlicker. I know it's not a good word regardless, now I know plenty better ones. but I also know that in some convoluted sense, it actually applies, and you'll just have to deal with that. it's a small price to pay for eternal life and all that, no?
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Spiritual Friend
Premium Member
Constructive is the main goal.... dispute, rebuttal, conversation... whatever you call it.

Keep it kind so if you have to eat your words they'll be sweet :)


I know there are forms of modern day Christianity that have quite relaxed rules but how far can you go before finding yourself shut out of all churches.

How about sleeping with prostitutes?
taking drugs, gambling and heavy drinking?
not believing God to be personal?
only listening to the parts of the Bible that appeal to you?

any churches allow this?
Bishop Spong may demonstrate how far one can go.


Veteran Member
I personally call this intelligence, to question your beliefs, to not question your beliefs is ignorance, and stupidity.