Nobody has an automatic ticket to Heaven. Not even those who dedicate their lives to serve. If someone dedicated their life to serving then they did it out of love for Him. If someone dedicates their life for any other reason, they did it for the wrong reason imo. Ultimately God has the final say for that, not us.
Your absolutely right about that.
You have Christians, for some reason or another, seem to think they have that automatic ticket. But what they don't realize, they have to pass thru the tribultion first.
But if you listen to them, They think that they are going to be Raptured out before the Tribulation.
But this is not what Christ Jesus gives in the book of Revelation.
Christ Jesus can not return, until the 7th trump is sounded, Which brings the end to the Tribulation and the return of Christ Jesus.
So by the time the Rapture is to happen, the Tribulation has ended. So what good is the Rapture going to be, seeing the 7th trump has to sound first, That brings the end to the Tribulation and the return of Christ Jesus.
But then those christians, have no idea as to where they are standing as far as the book of Revelation goes.
In the book of Revelation, there are 7 seals,
7 Trump's, and 7 Vials.
So where do you suppose people think your standing in those 7 Seals, 7 Trump's and
7 Vials ? In the book of Revelation?
For those of the Rapture Theory, you better be getting with it, all because in the next seals all hell going to break lose here on earth.
Which are the 5th and 6th seals, which all chaos is going to break out on earth.
But then Christ Jesus doesn't return until the 7th trump is sounded, which brings the end to the Tribulation.