I think non-liberal Christians are great people with a very positive heritage that they share with liberal Christians. We're all liberal to some degree and to someone. I don't agree with a lot of liberal Christians. What some call liberal is to me too shapeless. I am absolutely against abandonment of Bible study. I am against it for all concerned, but I'm also not happy with the level of Bible engagement I'm seeing in churches in general. Sunday schools are letting us down too often. I think this lack of understanding almost guarantees a very divisive church. Hopefully this past century of divisive and judgmental confusion is temporary, and all of the churches will get together and dedicate themselves to real change including a real dedication to studying what has been mostly ignored as boring: Torah. I'm not at all saying we need to become messianics, but we can't continue to thrive in ignorance like we have been. Anybody who is going to talk about the Bible ought to have a solid basis in this most basic of texts, and that has not been the case. The New Testament letters have been handed out like popcorn to people who just don't have the background to deal with the matter. Often they start by reading John and then wind up hating Jews and arguing with other Christians about the trinity...then trying to understand Revelation without having the necessary background they feel chagrinned and ignorant and retreat from study.