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"Liberals are anti-American"


Student Nurse

"Liberals are evil."
"Liberals hate America."

These phrases are getting used way too often these days.
I sat through all 47 minuets of this video. He seems to be making the point that the only thing liberals value is indiscriminantness of thought. I don't think he defined that very well but I got the impression that he meant the ability to judge right from wrong, good from evil, moral from immoral, and also stand up for it. The only thing that is evil is to discriminate, or in other words, to formulate strong morals concerning good and evil. He seems to think that liberals can't even discriminate against terrorists and dictators like Yassir Arafat or Sadam Hussein.

On the one hand, I don't blame him. How is he to know if liberals have any kind of moral conviction when all they seem to stand for is letting the rest of the world be as evil as they want?

From what I've seen, liberals have plenty of morals but just keep it to themselves. There seem to be alot of misunderstandings. I think both sides have good intentions and that neither side hates America.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I thought the US was set-up as a great liberal experiment based on the then radical concept of government of, by and for the people.
The common people settling America were familiar with the Plutocratic repression of the Old World and sought a society free from government; a liberal government organized to prormote the common good.


Veteran Member
The media has been inventing fake "news" that is designed to titillate rather than inform. And as a result, it has been promoting and reinforcing the extremes. Those shows that cater to conservatives, promote and reinforce conservatism, and so conservatism becomes more and more extreme. And those shows that cater to liberalism promote and reinforce liberalism, and so the liberals that watch them become more and more extreme, as well. Now, it has reached the point where the two groups have entirely different views of reality, as depicted for them by these phony "news" shows. Politicians have exacerbated this effect as the republican party used this schism among the american people to their political advantage, and did all they could to increase the divide. And big business took advantage of the schism to distract the general population while they bribed the politicians to write unfair legislation allowing them to form legal monopolies and then gouge american consumers.

So the truth is that it has been to everyone's advantage to promote animosity, distrust, and even hatred among the american people, toward each other. And the result is that the american people have been supporting and promoting the very folks who are out to destroy them for personal profit.

Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
I actually felt somewhat sympathetic to Evan Sayet whilst watching that. It must be quite... Exhausting at times to earnestly believe that there exists so many people, family members included, and institutions whose sole, unwavering aim is to destroy your entire lifestyle and belief system. I do ponderously wonder if such views aren't a result of some earlier painful experiences. Even for rabid political commentary, they do seem a tad more violent then is the norm... *shrugs*

In any case, I hope he's grounded within himself, and within others. :)

As for the video, I think we should make it required viewing for every member here. Not only does it quite succinctly show the inherent deliberating and destructive nature of partisan identification, conflict and division within a society or community, but he neatly uses just about every logical error and fallacy that can possibly exist. :p

Dr. Nosophoros

Active Member
... Why are they picking on us, it's a conspiracy!

Get off the "Pity pot" and do something instead of being a "victim"- you chose that box they presented to you yourself, live in it or throw it away. Do whatever you need to but please don't ***** about it, you chose this for yourself.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
The media has been inventing fake "news" that is designed to titillate rather than inform. And as a result, it has been promoting and reinforcing the extremes. Those shows that cater to conservatives, promote and reinforce conservatism, and so conservatism becomes more and more extreme. And those shows that cater to liberalism promote and reinforce liberalism, and so the liberals that watch them become more and more extreme, as well. Now, it has reached the point where the two groups have entirely different views of reality, as depicted for them by these phony "news" shows. Politicians have exacerbated this effect as the republican party used this schism among the american people to their political advantage, and did all they could to increase the divide. And big business took advantage of the schism to distract the general population while they bribed the politicians to write unfair legislation allowing them to form legal monopolies and then gouge american consumers.

So the truth is that it has been to everyone's advantage to promote animosity, distrust, and even hatred among the american people, toward each other. And the result is that the american people have been supporting and promoting the very folks who are out to destroy them for personal profit.

Too right; sadly, I agree with your every word.


Well-Known Member
I've never heard of this man until now.

The fact is, neither have most Americans. And most Americans could care less. Unfortunately, they could care less about too many aspects of our civil society.

The United States is not being fractured along political lines. It is wallowing in its own apathy and stupidity.


Reason, and reason again
... Why are they picking on us, it's a conspiracy!

Get off the "Pity pot" and do something instead of being a "victim"- you chose that box they presented to you yourself, live in it or throw it away. Do whatever you need to but please don't ***** about it, you chose this for yourself.

I am in the process of doing something. ;)


Did I hear him right? All ideologies/philosophies have failed (no war, no poverty, etc.) and so therefore they oppose anything attempting to be right?
What are those wonderful words you use Sey? Oh yeah.......WORDS FAIL ME!! :areyoucra


I should get a price for knowing that the Liberal mind (capital L) has always been a deep seated psychological state.


Reason, and reason again
Oh you know, all liberals are evil; all conservatives are idiots; all libertarians are narcissists. It's how the world operates. :p

(I'm planning to post a thread where some obnoxious claim is made about conservatives. Heads up, guys!)


Well-Known Member
Liberalism and American values are interchangeable terms. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar and probably immoral. If we'd listened to the conservatives two-hundred years ago, we'd be speaking with a British accent right now. If we'd listened to them two-thousand years ago, old Jesus would have been disregarded altogether, and the abusive acts of the Roman Empire would have remained the norm. If the people of Iran continue to listen to the conservatives in their country, women will continue to live in oppression, gay men will continue to be publicly hanged, and people will continue being arrested and persecuted for simply demanding what was promised to them. Personally, I've never met a conservative I'd trust to wipe my nose, and I generally hold them to have a shortage of morals.


Liberalism and American values are interchangeable terms. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar and probably immoral. If we'd listened to the conservatives two-hundred years ago, we'd be speaking with a British accent right now. If we'd listened to them two-thousand years ago, old Jesus would have been disregarded altogether, and the abusive acts of the Roman Empire would have remained the norm. If the people of Iran continue to listen to the conservatives in their country, women will continue to live in oppression, gay men will continue to be publicly hanged, and people will continue being arrested and persecuted for simply demanding what was promised to them. Personally, I've never met a conservative I'd trust to wipe my nose, and I generally hold them to have a shortage of morals.

Man, this guy on the video is good. He had you all blueprinted out. Did you listen to it?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Did I hear him right? All ideologies/philosophies have failed (no war, no poverty, etc.) and so therefore they oppose anything attempting to be right?
What are those wonderful words you use Sey? Oh yeah.......WORDS FAIL ME!! :areyoucra

Huh? :confused:


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The "words fail me" was the only part of the post I got. It's the first paragraph that has me scratching my head. I don't understand your point. :sorry1:


Well-Known Member
Listened to the video (I eventually got tired of looking at the dude). Jeepers, I don't know what all the fuss was about. It sounded to me like a bunch of posturing and ad hominem; all chutzpah, no substance; in other words, schlock. Listen to it yourselves, folks. "Bruhaha, ahem, Liberals, with a cap-i-tal 'L', are the opposite of everything that is good, and they hate reason. They're all indoctrinated and brainwashed, and they have control over everything." I can't believe this schmuck. There he is on broadcast television complaining that the liberals have such control over things that the conservaves are afraid to stick their necks out, yet he acknowledges that the abuse liberals are subjected to in this country have prompted some of them to start calling themselves something else. Oy vey, what a schmendrick.

"Indoctrinated," he says. I grew up around racism. Not racial tensions, mind you; my father and grandmother both had to do business with "colored people" on occassion, so they just chatted behind their backs. Remember, boys and girls, backbiters will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. I was taken to a Methodist church by my parents and occassionally sent to a Baptist Sunday School by my grandmother. Admittedly, most of what I was exposed to in the churches had more than anything else to do with the destructive power of mammon and the uselessness of material riches, but it's not like I grew up with a bunch of left-wing stoners. Sometimes I wonder about that pastor, though; he seemed a little red-eyed once and a while, and that smile was kinda creepy. Anyway, the only leftist brainwashing I got when I was a kid was from Madeline L'Engle and that chick who wrote Little House on the Prairie. By the time I got to Tuck Everlasting, which is the next book I read that the teachers weren't putting me in timeout for having out during lessons, I think I was relatively intellectually independent.

Oh, I can just imagine a "fair and balanced" classroom. "Never forget the struggles of the Black Americans, but some people think that racism is no longer an issue." "I may be requiring you to share, but please keep in mind that some people think that welfare is exploitative." "Bobby, you really shouldn't beat up Jimmy, but I'm glad you're learning to stand up for yourself." "Richard, you should really leave enforcing the rules up to the teachers, but some people favor unilateral action." "Fair and balanced" is the right-wing's answer to PC. Same swill, different politics, just as retarded.

Hey, Seyorni. I haven't the foggiest idea what Vedanta is. I think that being patriotic and liberal at the same time causes conservatives to blow some kind of gasket or something. Keep doing it.