Government issues licenses (of this type).
The power to issue is the power to deny.
Yah but I didn't say it can be denied, sorry for not explaining completely.
I am saying the licenses is given after one takes a class and passes the tests.
Which is about things related to responsibility.
I just assume the test isn't something one can fail, and if they do, they shouldn't be having sex.
Sort of like the written part of the drivers license, its mostly common sense stuff if one knows anything about street signs etc, if not, they shouldn't be driving yet.
I see nothing wrong with forced awareness with sex.
Again it will be common sense stuff that for some reason is not being done if 1.2million babies are aborted a year.
We think of higher education as a right. But if you're male who
didn't register for the draft, then you cannot go to a state school.
A contract is strictly between the parties (boinker & boinkee).
Government would only become involved in the event of a dispute,
& then only because one of the parties invoked it.
We will likely see more sexual regulation.
The license is a contract between the couple as well as confirmation of responsibility, like the license to drive a car is.
Odd, I have been suggesting sexual regulations ever since I joined the web a few years back, knew it would come, but thought it would be over the facts of STD's being so common that 80% of the population has one, for say.
I see all kinds of issues with the contract thing.
If you wish to create a thread, I would love to discuss that and my views.
Its your baby, up to you.
BTW, I really appreciate our ability to discuss things, and it seems you do not allow one dispute to smear completely different discussions.
As i do not either.