it seems the presumption after that is that they have discovered how life evolved from atoms and that life is chemically based. But that would be a presumption, it would be based on naturalistic methodology and would be paining the bullseye around the arrow.
Painting the bullseye around the arrow is also called the Texas Sharpshooter fallacy, and refers to overemphasizing the importance of evidence that seems to support a belief while downplaying or ignoring the rest. An example is creationists comparing Genesis to science and picking out the parts that look alike, like life coming from the sea, in order to make it appear that the myth anticipated the science, while ignoring all of the places they contradict one another (not to mention where the two creation myths in Genesis contradict one another).
What you're describing sound like what the ID people did. They presumed that their god existed and then set out to find it in the form of irreducible (and specified) complexity, and not surprisingly, kept seeing it where it didn't exist. This is observer bias, and great pains are taken to eliminate it from science. Peer review does that, as do double-blinded therapeutic trials.
science that will say "Look we know how life evolved naturally without the need for a God" or will that be skeptics and atheists putting words in the mouth of science for their own ends?
That's you putting the words in mouths. What you described is not the position of science. More correct is that scientists investigating abiogenesis (and those underwriting their research) believe that life may have arisen spontaneously and without intelligent oversight, and that at this point in time, there is no evidence that needs an intelligent designer to account for, so adding one to the narrative adds useless complexity, useless meaning adding no predictive or explanatory power. This is a defensible position, whereas the way you wrote is not. That would be a faith-based opinion.
Some things aren't scientific questions and science cannot say yay or nay, but you are happy to say nay.
A proposition is considered scientific if it is falsifiable, that is, if it is a wrong, there can be physical evidence of that somewhere. These are really the only ideas about reality that can be used to anticipate outcomes, and thus the only ones worth thinking about. This idea has been called Popper's Razor. Claims about entities that are said to be undetectable can be put in the same category as all other unsupported claims (Hitchen's Razor) or insufficiently supported claims (Dawkin's Razor). The can all be disregarded without refutation or counterargument.
You cannot really say that witness evidence is not evidence.
It is evidence that somebody has made a specific claim, not that the claim is accurate. Furthermore, we have evidence that such testimony is unreliable whether due to error or fraud. For example, cross-racial suspect identification is less accurate than when looking at members of one's own race. And the Innocence Project and other examples of prisoners being exonerated by new physical evidence that contradicted eyewitness testimony speaks to that as well.
Elsewhere, you wrote," So the resurrection has more than one witness in independent accounts verifying it and at the same time verifying each other." Eyewitness testimony by itself is weak evidence for the claims made. It becomes stronger as more and more people give the same account independently but requires supporting physical evidence to corroborate. This is why Christians cite that there were many independent reports of miracles as evidence that they occurred. Interobserver subjectivity improves the likelihood that they are all correct when there is consensus. But in the case of the Bible, we only have the claim that there were multiple independent, reliable observers, not their independent eyewitness testimony. It's hearsay.
the definition of causality as only happening in time is something that is made up
Causality refers to the observed fact that some events lead to other events. You move a cueball with a cue stick, which in turn moves an object ball. It always occurs in that order. There is always a before and after state, and the after state is determined by what came before. This pattern is repeated continuously - I lift my cup and it always rises, and always in that order. I sip then swallow some of the contents of the cup, always in that order. Causality refers to that pattern. It makes no sense to say that something outside of time causes something inside it, because causality (like existence itself) requires the passage of time between cause and effect. It also makes no sense to call simultaneous occurrences cause and effect. It becomes an arbitrary assignment which was which, and something never observed. A neutron becomes a proton, electron and anti-neutrino. The neutron existed before the other three, and can be called their source via beta decay. If the three byproducts all appear simultaneously, we cannot call any the cause of the others.
The conclusion for you being that the first cause is the BB and no other cause is needed. That idea certainly is not scientific, just a speculation which you are happy to call a fact. I may be naive to think that things that come into existence need a cause, or that they did not just appear from absolute nothing, or that they are not of a different nature to something that always was, or is
When considering the history of the universe, there are a limited number of logical possibilities, and all either require that something has always existed infinitely back through the past, or something came into existence uncaused. Maybe the universe is all that there is and it has always existed, having already passed through an infinite number of instants to reach this one. Maybe the universe is all that there is and it came into being from nothing uncaused.
Or maybe the universe has a cause like an unconscious multiverse or a sentient deity, in which case the same is true for either of them - they have always existed or came into being uncaused (or were themselves the effect of a prior cause for which that is true). You can see that if this is a complete list of logical possibilities, and one of them is the case, it's something extremely counterintuitive. The point of all of this is that it's a mistake to look at just one of these in isolation and reject it for being counterintuitive: "I just can't see how it's possible." Your comment above is not a criticism of the idea that the universe came into existence uncaused if all of the alternatives are equally difficult to accept, like an eternal, uncaused god. How does that make more sense than an uncaused universe of finite age?
This last thing, the first cause, of course has special pleading, but only because it is special.
Special pleading is a claim that an unjustified double standard is being employed. Calling something special for being first is not justification for exempting it from reason.
It is rational to believe in a BB at the start of this universe, but it is a belief held on faith.
That comment contradicts itself. No belief held by faith can be called correct, and belief in incorrect or "not even wrong" ideas is not rational.
I also can see that naturalistic methodology can be a trap when we get to the things that God actually said in the Bible that He did, if God did them through ways other than nature, and naturalistic methodology demands only a naturalistic answer.
Empiricism and critical analysis are not a trap, but a razor as described above. Claims about reality that aren't amenable to empirical study can safely be ignored, and should be ignored unless and until they become that. Dark matter was proposed to account for findings inexplicable without it. Before these discoveries, had somebody proposed its existence as something undetectable like gods and souls, the idea could be safely relegated to the useless bin and ignored. Gods and souls can be promoted to the ontological status of dark matter IF we detect something requiring their existence to explain. Until then, the claims are unfalsifiable, and this irrelevant to an understanding of nature.
Bodies aren't automatically alive when all the chemicals are assembled correctly.
But there is no evidence to the contrary, and as I've just delineated, until we find some entity or process in a living organism not explained by chemistry, the idea that there might be more to it is less than unhelpful and not worth further consideration.
People saying "I don't believe those claims" is not refutation.
True, but no refutation is needed for an unsupported claim. Now we're back to Hitchens' Razor.
it is just a matter of opinion verses opinion.
Isn't all disagreement? But not all opinions are equal. Sound conclusions are not equal to faith-based opinions.
God acting causes time/space. Being can exist without the space time continuum.
Acting requires the prior existence of time, as does anything that has a before and after state. This is also correct for thinking and existing. All imply the passage from before to after via now. If one wants to say that something exists outside of space and time and makes no detectible impact on nature, then apart from the idea of existence outside of time being self-contradictory, it is also the description of the nonexistent. This is true of leprechauns and vampires, and why we live life as if they don't exist. It's also why I live life as if no gods exist.