Google Scholar
First link. Page 164.
The only other work that comes up with a google scholar search is the book you already linked to.
And no, this isn't just because he works for the Chinese government. Many people do that and their papers are readily available with a simple search. Also, nothing appears on, which is a standard place to put pre-prints.
This guy is a hack.
As for tired light in general, here is a paper that looks at various cosmological models and fits the supernova II data to them to see how well they fit. Tired light comes out with a probability of 0:
A more general overview of alternative cosmological models can be found here:
In regard to tired light, they specifically say
But there are two problems:144 1) for a particle to lose energy in an interaction also
implies a momentum transfer that smears out the coherence of the radiation from the
source, and so all images of distant objects would look blurred if intergalactic space
produced scattering, something that is incompatible with present-day observations;
2) the scattering effect and consequent loss of energy would be frequency dependent, which
is again incompatible with what we observe in galaxies.