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List of Jesus's mistakes, please.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, assuming that a religious man named Yehoshua (Yeshua, Jesus) even existed in biblical times, then it's most likely that his followers embellished the stories about him, and more embellishment and folklore were later added to these stories to make him appear to be more than he actually was. It's possible that he was simply a well-liked religious teacher whose loyal followers spread false stories about him to make him appear godlike. I also think that it's likely that a few stories about him were copied and adapted from Greek mythology and other pagan religions as well, which predate both Christianity and the Bible. I think the stories about Jesus were greatly impacted by paganism, and as I explained in other posts (such as this one), paganism also greatly influenced Christianity.

In my personal opinion, these other stories of Christlike figures demonstrate that some of the stories of Jesus were influenced a lot by paganism and that Christianity isn't unique in its beliefs, despite the claims by Christians that the Bible is divinely inspired by God and that Christianity is the only true religion in the world. Personally, I don't believe that Christianity is the only true religion in the world.

Look around, please. There are three elements: people, nature, love.
The hatred and war belongs to satan -- he is the god of falsehood.

Three elements. These elements have sources. Nature - God the Father, People - Man named Jesus Christ. Love - Holy Spirit. Three elements we see around --- and there are Three Persons in Heaven.
Jesus is perfect, what a Mighty God we serve!

““Who committed no sin, Nor was deceit found in His mouth”; who, when He was reviled, did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously; who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed. For you were like sheep going astray, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.”
‭‭I Peter‬ ‭2‬:‭22‬-‭25‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


Veteran Member
Alien826 strolls over.

Jesus, I've often wondered why you cursed that fig tree. The poor thing hadn't done anything wrong and it wasn't even the season for figs. Seems a bit petty to me. Oh, and an abuse of power.

As I said to Daniel over here, the Bible tells the truth about me and who I am. That fig tree was symbolic of the Jewish nation, it was covered in rich green leaves but had no fruit on it. What I did to that fig tree is symbolic of what I would do to the Jewish nation which had no fruit of righteousness when I came from heaven to judge that nation. They had plenty of show of being righteous but no real fruit.
Don't worry about the poor fig tree as if it suffered in some way however.

And, while I'm here something else. What do you think about all the horrible things that people have done in your name. Do you ever feel like going down there and doing some smiting? And how about settling all these disagreements. Are you really part of god or not? A simple yes or no would be helpful.

At the appropriate time there will be plenty of smiting for the evil and injustice in the world.
As has been said, the Bible tells the truth about me. I am the Christ the Son of the Living God and I was not created, but created all things.
Look at the big picture and don't let the disagreements blind you to that.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Look around, please. There are three elements: people, nature, love.
The hatred and war belongs to satan -- he is the god of falsehood.

Three elements. These elements have sources. Nature - God the Father, People - Man named Jesus Christ. Love - Holy Spirit. Three elements we see around --- and there are Three Persons in Heaven.

That is your belief, not mine. I shared my opinions and you've shared yours.


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
I would tend to try to explain to him about delusions of grandeur, and why I believe this means He was most probably not any more the Son of God than you or I.

Abdul'baha explains how a Messenger is the representation of God to humanity, thus how Jesus is more than a man.

Part 3: On the Powers and Conditions of the Manifestations of God

One needs to read #37, 38, 39 & 40

This is a quote from # 38

The Three Stations of the Divine Manifestations

KNOW THAT, WHILE the Manifestations of God possess infinite virtues and perfections, They occupy only three stations: The first is the material station; the second is the human station, which is that of the rational soul; and the third is that of divine manifestation and heavenly splendour.

2As for the material station, it has an origin in time, for it is composed of the elements, and every composition must ultimately be decomposed. It is indeed impossible for composition not to be followed by disintegration.

3The second station is that of the rational soul, which is the human reality. This also has a beginning, and the Manifestations of God share it in common with all humanity.

4The third station is that of divine manifestation and heavenly splendour, which is the Word of God, the everlasting Grace, and the Holy Spirit. This station has neither beginning nor end; for firstness and lastness pertain to the contingent world and not to the world of God. For God the beginning and the end are one and the same. Similarly, the reckoning of days, weeks, months, and years—of yesterday and today—is made with respect to the earth; but in the sun such things are unknown: There is neither yesterday, nor today, nor tomorrow, neither months nor years—all are equal. Likewise, the Word of God is sanctified above all these conditions and exalted beyond every law, constraint, or limitation that may exist in the contingent world...."

Jesus is the representation of the Word of God to humanity, flawless.

Regards Tony


No religious beliefs
As I said to Daniel over here, the Bible tells the truth about me and who I am. That fig tree was symbolic of the Jewish nation, it was covered in rich green leaves but had no fruit on it. What I did to that fig tree is symbolic of what I would do to the Jewish nation which had no fruit of righteousness when I came from heaven to judge that nation. They had plenty of show of being righteous but no real fruit.
Don't worry about the poor fig tree as if it suffered in some way however.

But didn't you usually say something that made it clear that what you said was a parable? I don't see anything like that in the text. It does say you were hungry and the suggestion was that you weren't in a very good mood. That's OK, we all have bad days.

At the appropriate time there will be plenty of smiting for the evil and injustice in the world.
As has been said, the Bible tells the truth about me. I am the Christ the Son of the Living God and I was not created, but created all things.
Look at the big picture and don't let the disagreements blind you to that.

That's fine for me, I have you here to ask. It's all the confused people on Earth that you need to help. Oh and that Brian can be annoying. If you have a smite that you aren't using ... can I maybe borrow it? ;) What's that, no not that Brian, I know that's just a movie. I mean the one on RF.


Veteran Member
But didn't you usually say something that made it clear that what you said was a parable? I don't see anything like that in the text. It does say you were hungry and the suggestion was that you weren't in a very good mood. That's OK, we all have bad days.

Some times I told the disciples what I meant by me teachings and actions and some times I did not.'
This time the disciples noticed that the tree withered fast and I made it into a teaching session about faith and prayer. Any other meaning they could work out for themselves.

That's fine for me, I have you here to ask. It's all the confused people on Earth that you need to help. Oh and that Brian can be annoying. If you have a smite that you aren't using ... can I maybe borrow it? ;) What's that, no not that Brian, I know that's just a movie. I mean the one on RF.

That Brian already asked me for a few curses for various people he knows. I told him that if I started handing out curses the world would end up in a cold war and with nobody willing to do the right thing because they would be scared of the reaction from their enemy who also had curses that they could use.
He said that is the way things are now and that he needed something that would put him on top forever so he could control the world.
I could see that no good would come from it so I refused and cursed him to spend more time on RF.

Secret Chief

They're not relevant. We're talking about the Biblical depiction of Jesus.
If it is not relevant perhaps you should not have said it. But given that you did say it, I find it relevant, as it demonstrates a certain attitude that I object to.
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No religious beliefs
That Brian already asked me for a few curses for various people he knows. I told him that if I started handing out curses the world would end up in a cold war and with nobody willing to do the right thing because they would be scared of the reaction from their enemy who also had curses that they could use.
He said that is the way things are now and that he needed something that would put him on top forever so he could control the world.
I could see that no good would come from it so I refused and cursed him to spend more time on RF.

Oh Jesus, you are so merciful. Please remove the curse so Brian doesn't have to be on RF any more. I'm sure he is repentant.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Reminds me of....


Well-Known Member
The gospel of John says he has:
“I and the Father are one”, "If you've seen me, you've seen the Father."

That is not "I am God".

Bible tells Jesus is the image of God. If you have seen the image of the God, have you not seen God also?

in whom we have our redemption, the forgiveness of our sins; who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation...
Colossians 1:14-16

I think everyone should also know that disciples of Jesus are also one with God and Jesus.

I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep them through your name which you have given me, that they may be one, even as we are.
John 17:11

that they may all be one; even as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that you sent me.
John 17:21


Veteran Member
Oh Jesus, you are so merciful. Please remove the curse so Brian doesn't have to be on RF any more. I'm sure he is repentant.

It's not a matter of repentance since it is not wrong to be on RF, but he has things to learn which he can learn from RF and about being on RF and it is a curse because he sometimes wants to go from RF and I will not let him go.
But because you interceded for Brian little Alien thingy I will lift the curse and if you see him any more on RF it is his own doing and I will not force him any more.


No religious beliefs
It's not a matter of repentance since it is not wrong to be on RF, but he has things to learn which he can learn from RF and about being on RF and it is a curse because he sometimes wants to go from RF and I will not let him go.
But because you interceded for Brian little Alien thingy I will lift the curse and if you see him any more on RF it is his own doing and I will not force him any more.

That's really merciful, Jesus. Thank you! Now I think I'll stop pestering you <voice from the back of the line, "finally!"> and take a stroll around heaven and see what's here. If you need me to do anything, let me know!

@Brian2, I've got some great news for you! (And thanks for a fun exchange! :))