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List of the steps taken by Palestinians toward Peace

Deut 13:1

Well-Known Member
Start listing, cause I can't think of any. Steps taken by Palestinians to achieve peace...

1) Yasser Arafat contracting HIV and dying.


Deut 13:1 said:
Start listing, cause I can't think of any. Steps taken by Palestinians to achieve peace...

1) Yasser Arafat contracting HIV and dying.
Voting Hamas in to government was certainly a step toward the brink


To Save A Lamb
1) Yasser Arafat contracting HIV and dying.

Why don't we just stick to facts. :rolleyes:

What's the point of this thread? Is it anything more than an attempt to stir up more bad blood and hateful feelings?

What are YOU doing for peace?


Well-Known Member
Deut 13:1 said:
Start listing, cause I can't think of any. Steps taken by Palestinians to achieve peace...

1) Yasser Arafat contracting HIV and dying.

I actually think this is a good idea, but lets get the thread started on the right foot and remove #1. After all, everyone dies so that's not necessariy a "step taken by Palestinians," it was a step taken by nature, which affects us all.


jamaesi said:
Why don't we just stick to facts. :rolleyes:

What's the point of this thread? Is it anything more than an attempt to stir up more bad blood and hateful feelings?

What are YOU doing for peace?
at first glance it may not seem politically correct but its all gone wrong over there and maybe its a relevant question, i have watched on tv Israeli army removing jewish settlers ,the IDF leaving Gaza this is what the palestinians wanted this was the roadmap to peace, what went wrong


Active Member
israel is what went wrong. here is a link of quotes to prove it.
words from the high ranking political zionists themselves. words such as,

"we must use terror,assassination,intimidation,land confiscation, and the cutting off of all social services to rid the galilee of all of its arab population." -david ben gurion


almifkhar said:
israel is what went wrong. here is a link of quotes to prove it.
words from the high ranking political zionists themselves. words such as,

"we must use terror,assassination,intimidation,land confiscation, and the cutting off of all social services to rid the galilee of all of its arab population." -david ben gurion

nice try but david Ben Gurian has been dead since 1973


Active Member
hello there kai whats up?

the point is that the things that these people said are still the mind set of today. if leaders continue to think this way, then how will peace ever happen? if you bothered to read the quote page, than you would notice that even butcher sharon had some things to say, and he was the last pm of israel was he not? and see looky there, the mindset is still the same.


almifkhar said:
hello there kai whats up?

the point is that the things that these people said are still the mind set of today. if leaders continue to think this way, then how will peace ever happen? if you bothered to read the quote page, than you would notice that even butcher sharon had some things to say, and he was the last pm of israel was he not? and see looky there, the mindset is still the same.
as salaam alaykum almifkhar i know the point you are trying to make but---- whats gone wrong this time it seemed like it was all on track and them bam nothing short of war.

Deut 13:1

Well-Known Member
almifkhar said:
israel is what went wrong. here is a link of quotes to prove it.
words from the high ranking political zionists themselves. words such as,

"we must use terror,assassination,intimidation,land confiscation, and the cutting off of all social services to rid the galilee of all of its arab population." -david ben gurion
Got anything from the last 30 years? I can dig up much better quotations from the other side.


Active Member
i truly believe that israel is the aggresser here especially with the lebanon thing because not three months ago, they shot down a teen boy who was tending his flocks of sheep on lebaneese land. you see, there are always patterns with the esclations.

what does lebanon have to gain by attacking israel? nothing! what does israel have to gain by attacking lebanon? land that they have wanted to get their claws in for a long time now, and this is no secret.
what does palestine have to gain by attacking israel? their right to live on the land that their grandfathers lived on. what does israel have to gain by attacking palestine? land that they have wanted to get their claws in for a long time now.
and in their view, with out arabs on the land. heck they just blew up water plants! what does this do? starves people out and it is inhumaine and cruel. just go back to the quotes and they say what they are up to from their own mouths. they are not interested in peace they are only interested in land grabbing. this whole episode is simply business as usual. the saddest thing with this whole drama is that everyday folks like us here on rf are getting shafted and killed. jews being viewed as the badguys which is not right and arabs being viewed as terrorists which again is not right.

by the way, blowing up airports, water plants, power plants, and universities are considered war crimes and i still would like to know why the world is not up in arms about this! especially considering how israel has been hunting down guys with efficenty for years now. they have their little spys all over the middle east and always seem to be able to find who they are looking for any other time, but now all of a sudden they cant find the guys they want to kill or jail? i smell a rat.


Active Member
hey deut
i would be interested in your response to truths thread. the mid east quiz. i am sure you checked it out, if you didn't i think you should for everything he wrote is easy to verify.

Deut 13:1

Well-Known Member
almifkhar said:
hey deut
i would be interested in your response to truths thread. the mid east quiz. i am sure you checked it out, if you didn't i think you should for everything he wrote is easy to verify.
I didn't read his posts last year, but if you insist, I'll check it out later.


Active Member
thank you deut i always knew you were a reasonable person. his little quiz does indeed tie into this thread especially where the issue of peace is concerned.


Well-Known Member
jamaesi said:
What's the point of this thread? Is it anything more than an attempt to stir up more bad blood and hateful feelings?

Just like the thread started by T_T.


Well-Known Member
jamaesi said:
I will agree, but at least T_T's thread contained some semblance of factual information.

Actually the whole issue is better with him dead :cover:


A fool
1) 1919: Faisal-Weizmann Agreement
2) 1949: Armistice Agreements with Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon
3) 1974: PLO declares support for a binational solution
4) 1978: The Camp David Accords
5) 1979: The Israel-Egypt peace treaty
6) 1991: The Madrid Conference
7) 1993: The Oslo Accords
8) 1994: Jordan-Israel peace treaty
9) 1998: Wye River Memorandum
10) 2000: Camp David Summit
11) 2001: Taba Peace Summit
12) 2002: Beirut Summit
13) 2002: The Arab Peace Initiative
14) 2003: The "Geneva Accord"
15) 2003: The People's Voice
16) 2005: Sharm el-Sheikh Summit