Well-Known Member
God is name of PERSON, not name of a bird or table or stone.I won't mistake him for a badger
What does the word ``God'' mean? The Person whom we call God. Hence, His
name is God. A king is a title; a man is a title (or a class), and a dog is a title.
But the dog Gav is the name. God is a name, not a title because there are no
more gods (according to Holy Bible). God is translated as All-Merciful.
Jesus is translated as Savior. A Russian Saint, woman Ljubov, translates into
English as Love. Do you worry that any name limits Him, but He must be unlimited?
No problem: add an infinite number of names. And the name God is the most
recognizable in English-speaking society. In Germany, He is best known as Gott.
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