well... *hehehe* Christianaty is the smart choice.
Heres my argument towards that.
Buddhists belive in reincarnation, so if your wrong by them, you get to try again.
Jews belive the same a christians, save the waiting on the Massiah. Your still living by their rules, just in case.
Muslims belive in a purity of self that many christians belive also. Dont kill, lust, steel, etc. That purity is all that is required.
Hindus belive the same as Buddhists. You get another shot.
Mormons belive in the layers of heaven, and as a christian, you get to the second, with a chance in the afterlife at ataining the first.
Catholics belive that good deeds grant salvation. Christians just belive in doing good deeds.
Atheists belive in nothing, so there is nothing lost.
Christians say one chance, one shot. If their right, and your wrong, you go to hell. If the other religions are right, and christians are wrong, your still covered.
Hows that for logic?