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Lord: Justice

I'm not claiming to be smarter than anyone, I'm not in that little 'smart league' where people are 'smarter' and 'dumber'; I'm human. Being smart/dumb only matters in your little 'word world'. Any how, it's dangerous to your and my physical and mental health.

There's a slight problem with this proof of God. If God is infinite, God could create an entire universe that compassionately treats every type of individual (infinite people, infinite universes) without losing anything. Which means, if you're about to abuse me, you are teleported to a place where the act you are about to commit cannot possibly abuse the being you're attacking either physically or mentally, it could be an aspect of God with the patience and intelligence and strength to handle the behavior. Considering this could happen, justice becomes a game, and arbitrary at that, meaningless. God could give you 1000 desirable mates in a universe where it creates no possible envy. God could take you to a place where you can try living without a metabolic system if you seek that, not by kiling you here and taking you to an after life, but during your life. God could create a universe where it is pointless to make the argument your making because there already is peace

The descendents of the killers are not the killers.
The descendants of the killers will not necessarily kill.

It goes to your not understanding why part in the risks part, "iFor reasons that are not known" people will misuse your new insight. If there are demons then God is demonzable. It's the problem of evil, which is very old. If there is world peace to be had, then God is a drama queen. Look at the toolkit. So, God is there but you don't understand it. Hmmm...


Admiral Obvious
I'm not claiming to be smarter than anyone, I'm not in that little 'smart league' where people are 'smarter' and 'dumber'; I'm human. Being smart/dumb only matters in your little 'word world'. Any how, it's dangerous to your and my physical and mental health.


My apologies.
I misunderstood where your self proclaimed superiority lies.

Perhaps you would like to explain exactly in what area you're so much superior to us mere mortals?
I don't take part in:

The Knowledge League (Smart/Dumb League)
The Social League (Popular/Not Popular League)
The Money League (Rich/Poor)

Only physically. Mentally I'm already rich, popular and smart -- I was born that way, it's one of the benefits that comes with believing in (the real) God. So whilst people strive for fame, money and knowledge (in their word world) -- I continue to strive for meaning, reason and prosperity (in the real world) for humanity.


Admiral Obvious
It is rather annoying how you never give a straight answer.
Though it is not surprising.

Most people who think themselves better than everyone else do it.


Superabacus Mystic
The universe is made of symmetrical opposites. In fact the universe is made from cubic opposites: Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Front, Back, Past and Future. If your minds cannot see this obvious correlation between living beings, then you're the ones who are dumb, not I (for the record, the cubic law is not just 'physical', it also is apparent in aspects such as the human ageing cycle, the day and night cycle, the black hole to galaxy reproduction, etc).
Elaborate on those, please, since it's not at all apparent to me. Aging isn't really a cycle at all, and certainly doesn't have an "opposite."

In education they teach people a unitary lie, that the mind is the source of everything, when really it's the heart that this the source of all thought, emotion, will and intention -- yet you won't believe this so what's the point in telling you?
My uncle's had part of his heart replaced, with pretty much no effect.

NEWSFLASH you're retarded (no offence intended, it's a true statement, your heart makes you think, but you think you think with your brain).
We do not think with our hearts.

Also, a Big Bang cannot occur without an element of ignition or collision, things do not simply just 'Bang' without the effect to cause it -- believing so is more stupid than believing in the man sky-wizard God, smart people don't believe in this God because they know it's lies (for it doesn't relate to anything real and is too far fetched), but when someone claims that "Bangs occur randomly" and shows you a piece of paper with unitary lies (numbers and words) on it, you believe it straight away! How dumb are you? Try and clap your hands, with 1 hand without using the fingers -- prove to yourself that bangs can't occur without ignition; you're stupid end of discussion.
What, those same numbers and words that allow us to build the very machinery you are using? :cool:

If sound is a wave, could there be seas of sound? (or silence maybe)
Are we Red Blooded animals or are we Warm Blooded animals?
Did we evolve or did we just have lots of sex and survive? (serious questions)
Yes, it's called the atmosphere?
Baby, Child, Father, Grandfather (and the female route), these are 'major' points. Minor points are: Developing infant, Toddler, Teenager, Middle Aged.

As long as there is a heart factor it doesn't matter what it's made from.

Yes, you do think with your heart. Try and stop thinking right now and prove it to yourself. You cannot. It's impossible for you to stop thinking in words (which are concepts) proving you have a conceptual virus.

These unitary lies are good for engineering alone, not mental and empirical science.

No it's not called the atmosphere.
Which ones hold more significance (warm blooded/red blooded, survival and love/evolution)?


Well-Known Member
Baby, Child, Father, Grandfather (and the female route), these are 'major' points. Minor points are: Developing infant, Toddler, Teenager, Middle Aged.

As long as there is a heart factor it doesn't matter what it's made from.

Yes, you do think with your heart. Try and stop thinking right now and prove it to yourself. You cannot. It's impossible for you to stop thinking in words (which are concepts) proving you have a conceptual virus.

These unitary lies are good for engineering alone, not mental and empirical science.

No it's not called the atmosphere.
Which ones hold more significance (warm blooded/red blooded, survival and love/evolution)?

I think you might need some to take some anatomy classes. The brain is the organ that does the thinking, the heart pumps blood.

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
Trust me! I have done a lot of research on these subjects and have evidence to support my claims; however, for my and your well-beings I finally decided that it would be best not to hack your brains with mind-blowing information and to remove this discussion entirely.

:rolleyes: Uh-huh. "I have evidence but I'm not going to show you." Yeah, that's not a cop out. :facepalm:

near.lucemferre said:
The universe is made of symmetrical opposites. In fact the universe is made from cubic opposites: Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Front, Back, Past and Future. If your minds cannot see this obvious correlation between living beings, then you're the ones who are dumb, not I (for the record, the cubic law is not just 'physical', it also is apparent in aspects such as the human ageing cycle, the day and night cycle, the black hole to galaxy reproduction, etc).

These ideas remind me of the writings of Gene Ray and his "time cube." The metaphysical connections you draw are tenuous and contrived; I'd ask for a shred of evidence but I suppose you won't provide that either (how convenient for you).

I snipped the rest of the post.

Time Cube

(This is Gene Ray's website, of which the OP's argumentation reminds me)
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You both are trolling, obviously Atheists disguised as Religious folk here only to suppress freedom of imagination and correct belief.

You think '1', like the brain reacts perfectly without the opposing heart element, and that the two are not binary (although they can be replaced). If the heart doesn't work, neither does the brain.

Brain + Thought = Mind
Heart + Will = Body

Brain + Heart = Spirit
Mind + Body = Soul
Soul = Reason
Spirit = Meaning
Spirit + Soul = Prosperity

Now, what you know is incorrect. As said before quite clearly, you live in a universe of opposites. The Sun revolves around the Earth as the Earth revolves around the Sun. In this fashion:


(Far Left)
(Middle Left)

What you have been taught to believe is:


Now that's the physics. The only way to represent your 'mind', 'how you interpret empirically the universe' is like this:

(Far Right)
(Middle Right)

The second one represents how your mind is forced into a singularity by suppressing your Mental, Physical and Empirical -- into '1' (Physical) mode, by disproving your Mental/Empirical Input with Physical evidence (as if 'Physical' is superior, when it's not).

No heart beat, no thought, as said before. This shows that neither the HEART nor BRAIN have superiority, and exist as a 0-value pair, neither is '1'. What that means is like POSITIVE and NEGATIVE, neither are more significant, they exist at opposites ends. POSITIVE ---0--- NEGATIVE; the number '1' doesn't come into the equation, neither is an entity, for neither can exist without the other. It's like the north pole and south pole, if the north pole didn't exist, neither would the south -- It's impossible.

Simplicity is the best complexity.
"Believe nothing" - Buddha.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge, Knowledge is limited, Imagination encircles the world" - Einstein.

There are so many quotes that hint this notion but you're literally too dumb (or evil) to understand. Your mind is being suppressed into a singularity. Either repent or don't contribute to the suppression of others. I know it's important for you to 'shine brighter' as on a forum you're waving around your 'Status' and 'Knowledge', claiming that things are incorrect because you 'know more' and have 'the status' to make that claim, but this is serious stuff, I don't care about you, I care about us (us, being not 'you', us, being humanity).

I don't come to forums in hope of helping people for no reason, I do it because I'm good willed, I don't want you to have a suppressed mind, yet, it seems as if you're so deluded that you don't care, then why reply?
Nice ad hominum. Now if you wouldn't mind I would like you to leave my thread and stop contributing, as all you're going to do is group me with other people, call me 'crazy' because -you don't agree- and make stupid statements to deter others from reading or believing the content.

It was nice teaching you, and I hope you have a good day.
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Superabacus Mystic
I'm tempted to ask if Meow has been educated stupid, but I'm not sure I want to hear the answer.
The Sun revolves around the Earth as the Earth revolves around the Sun.
That's not quite right. They both move around a single point that's inside the Sun.

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
Nice ad hominum. Now if you wouldn't mind I would like you to leave my thread and stop contributing, as all you're going to do is group me with other people, call me 'crazy' because -you don't agree- and make stupid statements to deter others from reading or believing the content.

It was nice teaching you, and I hope you have a good day, but I do not like you, and you are an Evil person. Enjoy hell.

I'll respect your request to stop the ad hominems, offer an apology (I'm sorry), and edit the blatantly insulting parts out of my posts. However, I'll continue to post if something worthy of responding crops up as this is a public forum.

Fair deal?
I'm fine with that, however, you're going to have to come to terms with the fact that none of what I'm saying can be proven physically, only through application of both mental and physical (empirical) observation. That automatically rules out the concept of the number '1' as a commanding number, for to use both mental and physical observation evenly (neither holding more significance, as a 0 value pair), neither can be superior. This means that the discussion will not include the following:

-Academic Complex Theories.
-'Oneist' Mathematical Proofs.
-'Oneist' View Points (Such as Earth as an entity)
-Anything 'Oneist'.
(Where 'Oneist' refers to the number '1' or things that rely on it: individuality, currency, resource (rather than relative), and so on).

The reason being is that I am observing existence empirically, whilst you are observing it physically if you use 'Oneism', which is a totally different method, meaning that the evidence or 'proofs' I provide don't make sense to you, all though yours make sense to me, I just know they're not true; for empirical observation is superior, it combines both mental and physical observation, as said before.
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