An enormous part of the reason that I don't believe Christians know anything important about God is that they often expect me to believe things that are demonstrably untrue. Such as Lot was a righteous man, when all the evidence other than claims like this show he was not.Peter calls Lot a "righteous man" so God must have thought enough of him to sent his angels to rescue him and his family from that awful environment.....
Lot couldn't get along with his family. He went to greener pastures, but chose Sodom to settle in. He invited some good looking strangers home. He tried to whore out his daughters. He ignored the advice of "angels" and went to a cave instead of Zoar. Then he got some alcohol somehow and drank enough of it to get his daughters pregnant.
But the Bible still describes him as righteous.
I cannot help but think that the Bible authors did not know what righteous means. So I put little stock in their morality.
I don't want to be a Biblically righteous man like Lot.